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PureScript |
- PureScript by Example (Code)
- Purescript Concur - Brand new client side Web UI framework that explores an entirely new paradigm.
- vidtracker - Small, "full-stack" Purescript "video tracker" for me to track what shows I've watched locally.
- vt - Vidtracker but with a Rust backend. PureScript frontend.
- Asynchronous PureScript (2019)
- Halogen - Declarative, type-safe UI library for PureScript.
- Real World Halogen - Exemplary real world application built with PureScript + Halogen. (Web)
- spago - PureScript package manager and build tool powered by Dhall and package-sets.
- spaghetto - Next iteration of Spago.
- Spago2Nix - Generate a derivation of Spago dependencies, and use them to install them into the directory structure used by Spago.
- PUX - Build type-safe web apps with PureScript.
- Functional Programming for the Web: PureScript Foreign Import and DOM Events (2020)
- purescript-selda - Type-safe, high-level SQL library for PureScript.
- purerl - PureScript Erlang backend.
- Presto} - Code as simple and precise as Mathematical Expressions. Presto is written in PureScript harnessing the powers of Functional Programming & Category Theory.
- How a Haskell programmer wrote a tris in Purescript (2020)
- PureScript Cookbook
- Learn PureScript with this "clone and play" repository
- Writing a Simple REST Web Service in PureScript (2017)
- List of Companies That Use Purescript
- Experiments with comonads for modelling React UIs
- Easy PureScript Nix - Easy PureScript (and other tools) with Nix.
- Try PureScript - Online PureScript code editor for quickly experimenting with PureScript code snippets and ideas. (Code)
- PureScript Language Forum
- Pursuit - Hosts API documentation for PureScript packages. (Code)
- Introducing Halogen Hooks (2020)
- Practical Profunctor Lenses & Optics In PureScript (2019)
- How to Write PureScript React Components to Replace JavaScript (2019)
- PureScript and Haskell (2021) (HN)
- Halogen Template - Template project for getting started with Halogen.
- Purescript esbuild plugin
- Flame - PureScript front-end framework inspired by the Elm architecture. (HN)
- purs-nix - Manage your PureScript projects with Nix.
- PureScript Docs
- PureNix - Nix backend for PureScript. Transpile PureScript code to Nix. (Reddit)
- Dovetail - General-purpose PureScript interpreter written in Haskell.
- HTTPure - Web framework written in PureScript.
- HTTPurple - Colorful fork of the amazing HTTPure http server framework.
- dovetail - PureScript interpreter with a Haskell FFI.
- Purescript for Elm devs
- purescript2nix - Tool for easily building PureScript projects with Nix.
- Formless - Painless forms for Halogen.
- PureScript language server
- Setup PureScript Action - Set up a specific PureScript toolchain in your GitHub Actions workflow.
- Pulp - Build tool for PureScript.
- purescript-unlift - MonadBase, MonadUnliftEffect, MonadUnliftAff, and MonadUnlift.
- purescript-convertable-options - PureScript semantics for highly-overloaded API interfaces.
- PureScript Deku - PureScript web micro-framework for apps that need to be fast.
- PureScript Aff Promise - Simple library for interop between Aff and JavaScript promises.
- PureScript Spec Discovery
- ResourceT - Monad transformer for automated cleanup of resources at the end of execution.
- PureShell - Compile PureScript to shell scripts.
- PureScript Deno - Deno bindings for PureScript.
- purescript-ssrs - Stack-safe recursion schemes on dissectible data structures.
- PsKt - Kotlin-backend for PureScript.
- PureScript-Elmish - PureScript implementation of The Elm Architecture.
- PureScript-tsd-gen - TypeScript Declaration File (.d.ts) generator for PureScript.
- PureScript Registry - Stores PureScript packages (and metadata about them).