changesets is neat tool. Graphite looks useful.
- Pijul - Version control system based on patches. Its fundamental promise is that two patches producible in parallel always commute. (HN) (Article) (Lobsters) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Pijul: Towards 1.0 (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Commutation and scalability (2020)
- Mercurial's Journey to and Reflections on Python 3 (2020) (Lobsters)
- changesets - Way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos.
- Ask HN: Do you ever truly use your revision history? (2020)
- Data Version Control - Git for Data & Models.
- EdenSCM - Cross-platform, highly scalable source control management system. (HN)
- Fossil - Simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management system. (HN) (HN)
- Darcs, friendly version control (Lobsters)
- Sentimental Versioning (HN)
- Anu - Sound distributed version control system. (HN)
- Project Nessie - Git-Like Experience for your Data Lake. (Code)
- Replicate - Version control for machine learning. (Code) (HN)
- Dunamai - Dynamic versioning library and CLI.
- copernic - Versioned structured data, with change-request mechanic, at scale.
- Mercurial: The Definitive Guide
- Gource - Software version control visualization tool. (Code)
- Let's Build a Version Control System (2021)
- VCS Nirvana (2021) (Lobsters)
- Trunk Based Development (Code)
- Multiverse - Decentralized version control system for peer-to-peer software development. (Web)
- SnowFS - Fast, scalable version control file storage for graphic files. (Code) (HN) (GitHub)
- PubGrub version solving algorithm implemented in Rust
- Jujutsu - Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful. (HN)
- Sturdy - Online-first version control focused on collaboration. (HN) (Code)
- Version Control for Structure Editing (2021)
- BlackBox - Store secrets in a VCS repo.
- Stacked changes: how FB and Google engineers stay unblocked and ship faster (2021) (HN)
- Graphite - Fast, simple code review. (App) (CLI)
- elfshaker - Low-footprint, high-performance version control system fine-tuned for binaries. (HN)
- The Guide to Data Versioning (2021)
- Got - Version control, with a model similar to Git's, extending ideas from WebFS.
- Awesome trunk based development
- Bump - Generic version tracking and update tool.
- Generating A Changelog - Changelog generator focused on ease of use and flexibility.
- Ask HN: Do you pull and run code as part of code review? (2022)
- Contractual SemVer - Uses the idea of Software contracts to let authors rigorously define "backwards compatability" for their libraries. (Lobsters)
- Conventional Commits Parser
- Version Locking for Notebook Imports / Observable
- Setaceous Versioning (SetVer) - Versioning scheme designed to revolutionize the world of software development.
- Stacked PRs: Code changes as narrative (Lobsters)