Sex for over 30 & HLCommunity are fun subs to read. David Buss's interview on Sex, Dating, Relationships, and Sex Differences was fascinating.
- Don't have PIV sex immediately as it can be painful and unpleasant. Foreplay is important. Be gentle. Can give her an orgasm without any PIV involved easily.
- Going off birth control often increases sex drive. But increases chances of conception dramatically.
- There is no such thing as vaginal orgasm, only clitoral.
- Female birth control often has negative side effects on the body. Ideally research into male contraception that's not just condoms/vasectomy. IUD seems like the best least problematic contraceptive method.
- Take foreplay slower. It can happen early on and at any part of the day through compliments or light touches. The key to having a nice sexual experience is when everyone is fully relaxed, nothing is rushed and everything feels natural and not forced. Communicate everything.
- Women's desire usually drives from a story being played out.
- Skyn have the best condoms
- Always satisfy your partner first before finishing yourself.
- Dipsea - Sexy audio stories that set the mood and spark your imagination.
- OMG Yes - Ways women actually find pleasure. (Reddit)
- Why Sex? Biologists Find New Explanations (HN)
- OnlyFans, Influencers, And The Politics Of Selling Nudes During A Pandemic (2020) (HN)
- HN: Young U.S. men having a lot less sex in the 21st century, study shows (2020)
- Miley Cyrus - Call Her Daddy Interview (2020)
- The ungentle joy of spider sex (2020) (HN)
- Sexual Health Wiki
- Sex Over 30 Wiki
- Porn Really Screwed My Perception of Sex (2021)
- Extraordinary Passion - The Art and Science of Modern Tantric Sex. (Welcome Post)
- Better Sex 101
- The Dirty Normal - Better sex. Powered by science.
- Coral - Better sex through a mix of science, stories and exercises.
- Why Are Fewer Young Adults Having Casual Sex? (2021) (HN) (Reddit)
- Sex as a means for validation vs. Sex as way towards intimacy (2021)
- Women's loss of desire and the pleasure gap (2021)
- Women who found it difficult to orgasm during sex but “worked it out”, what’s your trick? (2021)
- New partner. How to get the most pleasure from his shape/size of penis?
- A Beginner's Guide to Good, Great, and Amazing Sex
- Fascinating G-Spot Orgasm Thread
- My Tips on Giving Oral to Women (31M)
- Favorite Sex Positions (2021)
- Best lube for sensitive genitals (2021)
- Healthy amount of sex per week in a relationship
- Sex Positions List
- Sexual compatibility, what is it?
- Planned Parenthood - Provides reproductive health care in the United States and globally.
- OUI - Birth Control Designed for You.
- How-to ride on top
- What are some common misconceptions about lesbian sex?
- Additions to house that improve sex life (2021)
- Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic Book
- Guide to Getting It On Book
- Women's Anatomy Of Arousal Book
- Good resources on learning the pleasures of sex (2021)
- Mirena appreciation post (2021)
- What makes sex with a guy go from good to mind blowing? (2021)
- On Incels, Dead Bedrooms and the Hard Problems of Loneliness (2021) (HN)
- Movies with lots of sexual energy? (2021)
- The macho sperm myth - Idea that millions of sperm are on an Olympian race to reach the egg is yet another male fantasy of human reproduction.
- First time sex tips? (2021)
- Taking sex differences in personality seriously (2019) (HN)
- What are some ways to experiment sexually when you are in a committed relationship? (2021)
- Things I can do to make sex go from great to mind-blowing? (2021)
- Swingers Reddit Wiki
- STIs explained (2021)
- Modern Fertility - The fertility hormone test you can take at home.
- Whats your signature move your ex probably still fantasizes about? (2021)
- Alan Watts - On Sexuality
- Что нужно знать о сексе с женщинами
- HEX Condoms (Reddit)
- What are things that woman find sexy that men rarely do?
- Is G-spot actually just an internal part of clitoris?
- Exploring Queerness By Switching Up My Vibrators (2021)
- Future of Sex - Latest news on how tech is expanding sexuality. (Twitter)
- Scarleteen - Sex Education For The Real World.
- How do girls cum?
- Tips on fingering (2021)
- Movies with lots of sex but they are actually good (2021)
- The Mating Strategies of Earthlings (2021)
- Arousing TV series/how-tos? (No porn)
- Список интимных товаров
- Overly analytical guide to escorting (2021) (HN)
- What advice have you gotten that has changed your sex life? (2021)
- Hamilton Morris: The Relationship Between Sex and Psychedelics
- What is the biggest reason people are having so little sex?
- Ringing The Devil’s Doorbell: A Light-Hearted, Practical Guide (2021)
- Prostitute interview - Exotic (2021)
- ТРЕД про внутриматочную спираль, экстренную контрацепцию, мини-пили, НоваРинг и Implanon NXT (Reddit)
- Power imbalances and sex (2016) (HN)
- What sexual bucket list item lived up to expectations?
- One thing you learned about relationships/sex you wish you knew sooner
- What are your best "Sexual Mechanics" tricks?
- Stronger orgasm resources
- Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski (2015)
- What is your trick of giving the best head to your gf?
- Anatomy Structure and Function of the Male Genitals
- What are some sexual things you would recommend people try?
- HLCommunity Reddit
- The Internal Clitoris (Reddit)
- Sex positive resources for adult male
- Choosy Eggs May Pick Sperm for Their Genes, Defying Mendel’s Law
- MojoUpgrade - Quiz is designed to help you - as a couple - communicate better about your intimate fantasies.
- Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex? (HN)
- What is the appeal in being choked during sex?
- 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do
- Sex Work: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (2022)
- Contraceptive pill for males is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy (2022) (HN)
- Vaginal Orgasms
- One thing that changed your sex life forever?
- Mr Lucky POV - Austen Summers Podcast (2021)
- David Buss: Sex, Dating, Relationships, and Sex Differences (2022)
- The Evolution Of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating by David Buss
- How your phone documents your abortion experience
- Andrew Huberman explains sex to Lex Fridman
- Giving girls orgasm with just PIV
- Men of Reddit, what’s something most guys like during sex but don’t want to admit?
- Various condoms thread
- The Fascinating Fertilization Process
- Men with vasectomy! How did it effect your sex life? (2022)
- Sex is going out of fashion? (HN)
- Tips to eat her out
- Is sex with a condom really that bad?
- Why are sex workers forced to wear a financial scarlet letter? (2022) (HN)