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+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | |
Contents |
- [1 Description |
Element (HEAR)](HEAR_Description#Description_Element_.28HEAR. |
29) |
- [1.1 Provider |
Description](HEAR_Description#Provider_Description) |
- [1.2 Qualification |
Description](HEAR_Description#Qualification_Description) |
- [1.3 Course |
Description](HEAR_Description#Course_Description) |
- [1.4 Presentation |
Description](HEAR_Description#Presentation_Description) |
- [1.5 Assessment |
Description](HEAR_Description#Assessment_Description) |
- [1.6 Additional Information |
Description](HEAR_Description#Additional_Information_Desc |
ription) |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
[edit] Description Element (HEAR)
[edit] Provider Description
Use the following term:
- providerStatus: Describes the legal status of the provider, for example as either a 'recognised body' or a 'listed body'.
[edit] Qualification Description
Use the following terms:
regulations: (mandatory) This description SHOULD include reference to the regulations concerning degree-awarding powers in the UK. The recommended text is: "The power to award degrees is regulated by law in the UK."
dualAward: (optional) If the qualification is a dual award, for example between two UK institutions or between a UK and European institution, give details here.
professionalStatus: (optional) Details of any rights to practise or other professional standing accorded to holders of the award. The institution MAY use a generic statement from a professional body or one of its own devising (see HEAR Guidance Document).
furtherStudy: (optional) Indicate if, within the country of origin, the qualification normally provides access (not admission) to further academic and/or professional study, especially leading to any specific qualifications, or levels of study. Include the grades or standards normally necessary to allow progression within the EHEA.
For example:
Access to postgraduate study: Bologna FQ-EHEA 3rd cycle PhD or MD.
Access to postgraduate study: Bologna FQ-EHEA 2nd cycle degree or diploma.
- terminalAward: (optional) Specify if the qualification is a terminal (end) award or part of a hierarchy of awards.
[edit] Course Description
Use the following terms:
aim: Describe the aim(s) of the programme.
learningOutcome: Describe the overall learning outcome(s) of the programme.
specialFeature: Any particular features that help define the programme that are not covered elsewhere.
[edit] Presentation Description
Use the following terms:
accessRequirements: (mandatory) Details of the nature and length of qualifications or periods of study required before starting the programme. Producers MAY implement this content using 'boilerplate' text and a hyperlink to specific documents held elsewhere; in this case, implementers SHOULD have regard to the persistence of the hyperlinks and the associated content, for example: "Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available in the University's on-line Prospectus at:" See Guidance Document, section 3.3.
assessmentStrategy: Description of the type of assessment used in a module or course component, or in an assessment activity. Use of an encoding system with human-readable terms is preferred. [this may be redundant, because it is not structured enough for HEAR purposes, Alan Paull]
minimumStandards: (mandatory) Details of the regulations covering the minimum standards required to secure the qualification; therefore applies to the Programme only. See Guidance Document, section 4.2.
[edit] Assessment Description
- gradingScheme: Information about the grading scheme used for the assessment of a presentation.
[edit] Additional Information Description
prizes: Information about university, professional and departmental prizes awarded to the learner.
additionalAwards: Information about academic (credit-based) and non-academic awards made to the learner.
recognisedActivities: Information about other recognised non-credit-bearing activities undertaken by the learner.
informationSources: Further information sources and references where more details on the qualification could be sought.
Alan Paull Do we need another description element here to cover any other eventualities?
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