A* Algorithm: Cost of moving straight is 1 Cost of moving diagonally is 1.4
Top left represent G-cost: distance from starting node
top right representH-Cost: distance from end node
middle represent F-Cost = G cost + h cost
Calcuate neighbor costs
only update nieghbor if f cost is lower
set neighbor-> prev to current node
Choice one w/ Lowest F-cost
mark that as close
calculate cost of niegbhor
If There are more than 1 with loweset F cost:
check closeset h cost
OpenList //for storing nodes to be evaluated
ClosedList //the set of nodes already evaluated
add Start to OpenList
while len(OpenList) > 0:
current = node in OpenList w/ lowest f_cost
remove current from OpenList
add Current to ClosedList
if current is Target node :
return and backtrack the path
foreach neighbor of current node
if neighbour is not traversable or in Closed
continue to next
if new path to neighbour is shorter or not in OpenList
set f_cost of neighbour
set parent of neghbhour to current
if neighbour no in OpenList
add to OpenList