From e215643dde6de94fa45bdb757dab03d3b685daad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charles Zhu <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 18:49:57 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] #32 address PR comments.

 traffic_prophet/                     |   2 +-
 traffic_prophet/countmatch/     | 102 +++++++-
 traffic_prophet/countmatch/    |  56 ++++-
 traffic_prophet/countmatch/       |   7 +-
 traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/  |   2 +-
 traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/ |   4 +-
 .../countmatch/tests/      | 230 ++++++++++--------
 .../countmatch/tests/     |  50 +++-
 .../countmatch/tests/        |   6 +-
 .../countmatch/tests/           |   2 +-
 10 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

diff --git a/traffic_prophet/ b/traffic_prophet/
index 4d84798..0362d70 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # For countmatch
 cm = {
-    'verbose': True,
+    'verbose': False,
     'min_count': 96,
     'min_counts_in_day': 24,
     'min_permanent_months': 12,
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
index 5eef61d..c4fdd37 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class DVRegistrar(type):
     def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
-        # Register GrowthFactorBase subclass if `_dv_type` not already taken.
+        # Register DerivedVal subclass if `_dv_type` not already taken.
         if name not in ('DerivedValsBase', 'DerivedVals'):
             if not hasattr(cls, "_dv_type"):
                 raise ValueError("must define a `_dv_type`.")
@@ -57,6 +57,19 @@ class DerivedValsBase(metaclass=DVRegistrar):
     def preprocess_daily_counts(dc):
+        """Preprocess daily counts by adding month and day of week.
+        Parameters
+        ---------------
+        dc : pandas.DataFrame
+            Daily counts.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dca : pandas.DataFrame
+            Copy of `dc` with 'Month' and 'Day of Week' columns.
+        """
         # Ensure dc remains unchanged by the method.
         dca = dc.copy()
         dca['Month'] = dca['Date'].dt.month
@@ -64,6 +77,20 @@ def preprocess_daily_counts(dc):
         return dca
     def get_madt(self, dca):
+        """Get mean average daily traffic (MADT) from processed daily counts.
+        Parameters
+        ---------------
+        dca : pandas.DataFrame
+            Daily counts, with 'Month' and 'Day of Week' columns from
+            `preprocess_daily_counts`.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        madt : pandas.DataFrame
+            MADT table, with 'Days Available' and 'Days in Month' columns.
+        """
         dc_m = dca.groupby(['Year', 'Month'])
         madt = pd.DataFrame({
             'MADT': dc_m['Daily Count'].mean(),
@@ -73,9 +100,10 @@ def get_madt(self, dca):
                 names=['Year', 'Month'])
-        # Loop to record number of days in month.
+        # Loop to record the number of days in each month. February requires
+        # recalculating in case of leap years.
         days_in_month = []
-        for year in dca.index.levels[0]:
+        for year in madt.index.levels[0]:
             cdays = self._months_of_year.copy()
             cdays[1] = pd.to_datetime('{0:d}-02-01'.format(year)).daysinmonth
             days_in_month += cdays
@@ -85,7 +113,22 @@ def get_madt(self, dca):
     def get_aadt_py_from_madt(madt, perm_years):
-        # Weighted average for AADT.
+        """Annual average daily traffic (AADT) from an MADT weighted average.
+        Parameters
+        ---------------
+        madt : pandas.DataFrame
+            MADT, with 'Days in Month' column as from `get_madt`.
+        perm_years : list
+            List of permanent count years for location; obtained from
+             PermCount.perm_years.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        aadt : pandas.DataFrame
+            AADT table.
+        """
         madt_py = madt.loc[perm_years, :]
         monthly_total_traffic = madt_py['MADT'] * madt_py['Days in Month']
         return pd.DataFrame(
@@ -93,9 +136,33 @@ def get_aadt_py_from_madt(madt, perm_years):
                       madt_py.groupby('Year')['Days in Month'].sum())})
-    def get_ratios_py(dca, madt, aadt, perm_years):
-        dca_py = dca.loc[perm_years].copy()
-        dc_dom = dca_py.groupby(['Year', 'Month', 'Day of Week'])
+    def get_ratios_py(dca, madt, aadt_py, perm_years):
+        """Ratios between MADT and AADT and day-of-month average daily traffic.
+        Parameters
+        ---------------
+        dca : pandas.DataFrame
+            Daily counts, with 'Month' and 'Day of Week' columns from
+            `preprocess_daily_counts`.
+        madt : pandas.DataFrame
+            MADT, with 'Days in Month' column as from `get_madt`.
+        aadt_py : pandas.DataFrame
+            AADT for permanent years, as from `get_aadt_py_from_madt`.
+        perm_years : list
+            List of permanent count years for location; obtained from
+            PermCount.perm_years.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dom_ijd : pandas.DataFrame
+            Ratio between MADT and day-of-month ADT.
+        d_ijd : pandas.DataFrame
+            Ratio between AADT and day-of-month ADT.
+        n_avail_days : pandas.DataFrame
+            Number of days used to calculate day-of-month ADT.
+        """
+        dc_dom = dca.loc[perm_years].groupby(['Year', 'Month', 'Day of Week'])
         # Multi-index levels retain all values from dca even after using loc,
         # so can only use `perm_years`.
         ymd_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
@@ -112,8 +179,9 @@ def get_ratios_py(dca, madt, aadt, perm_years):
         # broadcasting trick.)
         dom_ijd = (madt['MADT'].loc[perm_years, :].values[:, np.newaxis] /
-        # Determine day-to-year conversion factor D_ijd.
-        d_ijd = (aadt['AADT'].values[:, np.newaxis] /
+        # Determine day-to-year conversion factor D_ijd.  (Uses broadcasting
+        # and pivoting pandas columns.)
+        d_ijd = (aadt_py['AADT'].values[:, np.newaxis] /
         return dom_ijd, d_ijd, n_avail_days
@@ -130,6 +198,16 @@ def __init__(self, impute_ratios=False):
         self._impute_ratios = impute_ratios
     def get_derived_vals(self, ptc):
+        """Get derived values, including ADTs and ratios between them.
+        Depending on settings, will also impute missing values.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        ptc : permcount.PermCount
+            Permanent count instance.
+        """
         dca = self.preprocess_daily_counts(
         madt = self.get_madt(dca)
         aadt = self.get_aadt_py_from_madt(madt, ptc.perm_years)
@@ -139,3 +217,9 @@ def get_derived_vals(self, ptc):
         ptc.adts = {'MADT': madt, 'AADT': aadt}
         ptc.ratios = {'DoM_ijd': dom_ijd, 'D_ijd': d_ijd,
                       'N_avail_days': n_avail_days}
+        if self._impute_ratios:
+            self.impute_ratios(ptc)
+    def impute_ratios(self, ptc):
+        raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
index d7d966b..3a60c6c 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
@@ -46,14 +46,39 @@ class GrowthFactorBase(metaclass=GFRegistrar):
     def get_aadt(tc):
-        """Get AADT (for permanent years)."""
+        """Get AADT (for permanent years).
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        tc : permcount.PermCount
+            Permanent count instance.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        aadt : pandas.DataFrame
+            Modified AADT table where 'Year' is a column, not an index.
+        """
         aadt = tc.adts['AADT'].reset_index()
         aadt['Year'] = aadt['Year'].astype(float)
         return aadt
     def get_wadt_py(tc):
-        """Get WADT for all full weeks within permanent years."""
+        """Get WADT for all full weeks within permanent years.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        tc : permcount.PermCount
+            Permanent count instance.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        wadt : pandas.DataFrame
+            Weekly average daily traffic, and 'Time' in weeks from the start of
+            the first permanent count year (in `perm_years`).
+        """
         cdata =[tc.perm_years, :].copy()
         # Corrective measure, as dt.week returns the "week ordinal".  See
@@ -122,6 +147,14 @@ def exponential_rate_fit(year, aadt, ref_vals):
     def fit_growth(self, tc):
+        """Fit an exponential growth module to AADT vs. year.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        tc : permcount.PermCount
+            Permanent count instance.
+        """
         # Process year vs. AADT data.
         aadt = self.get_aadt(tc)
@@ -174,7 +207,14 @@ def linear_rate_fit(week, wadt):
     def fit_growth(self, tc):
-        # Process week vs. weekly averaged ADT.
+        """Fit a linear growth model to WADT vs. time in weeks.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        tc : permcount.PermCount
+            Permanent count instance.
+        """
         wadt_py = self.get_wadt_py(tc)
         fit_results = self.linear_rate_fit(wadt_py['Time'].values,
@@ -183,7 +223,7 @@ def fit_growth(self, tc):
         # AADTs can only be calculated for perm_years, so consistent with
         # `get_wadt_py`.
         growth_factor = 1. + (fit_results.params[1] * 52. /
-                              tc.adts['AADT']['AADT'].values[0])
+                              tc.adts['AADT'].iat[0, 0])
         tc._growth_fit = {'fit_type': 'Linear',
                           'fit_results': fit_results,
@@ -201,6 +241,14 @@ def __init__(self):
         self.wadt_lin = GrowthFactorWADTLin()
     def fit_growth(self, tc):
+        """Fit a linear model for single years, exponential for multiple years.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        tc : permcount.PermCount
+            Permanent count instance.
+        """
         if tc.adts['AADT'].shape[0] > 1:
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
index 78df42c..458f880 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/
@@ -37,10 +37,12 @@ def __init__(self, count_id, centreline_id, direction, data,
     def perm_years(self):
+        """List of years where the count is permanent."""
         return self._perm_years
     def growth_factor(self):
+        """Multiplicative year-on-year growth factor."""
         if self._growth_fit is None:
             raise AttributeError("PTC has not had its growth factor fit!")
         return self._growth_fit['growth_factor']
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ class PermCountProcessor:
     dv_calc : DerivedVal instance
         For imputation and derived properties.
     gf_calc : GrowthFactor instance
-        For estimating growth factor.
+        For estimating the growth factor.
     cfg : dict, optional
         Configuration settings.  Default: ``.
@@ -72,8 +74,7 @@ def __init__(self, dv_calc, gf_calc,
         self.dvc = dv_calc
         self.gfc = gf_calc
         self.cfg = cfg
-        # Obtain a list of count_ids that (according to TEPs-I) should not be
-        # PTCs because they reduce the accuracy of CountMatch.
+        # Obtain a list of count_ids that should be excluded from being PTCs.
         self.excluded_ids = (self.cfg['exclude_ptc_pos'] +
                              [-id for id in self.cfg['exclude_ptc_neg']])
         self._disable_tqdm = not self.cfg['verbose']
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
index b080d84..745f928 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 """CountMatch test suite preprocessing.
-Fixtures used by multiple files in this and subdirectories must be placed here.
+Fixtures used by multiple files in this and subdirectories are placed here.
 for more.
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
index 08c0b04..7eb44bd 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import operator
 from .. import base
@@ -7,6 +9,6 @@ def test_count(self):
         count = base.Count('test', 1, -1., None)
         assert count.count_id == 'test'
         assert count.centreline_id == 1
-        assert count.direction == -1
+        assert operator.index(count.direction) == -1
         assert is None
         assert not count.is_permanent
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
index 1abd618..413c160 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import pytest
-import hypothesis as hyp
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
@@ -7,111 +6,135 @@
 from .. import derivedvals as dv
-def get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, count_id):
-    pcpp = pc.PermCountProcessor(None, None, cfg=cfgcm_test)
-    perm_years = pcpp.partition_years(sample_counts.counts[count_id])
-    ptc = pc.PermCount.from_count_object(sample_counts.counts[count_id],
-                                         perm_years)
+def get_single_ptc(counts, cfgcm, count_id):
+    pcpp = pc.PermCountProcessor(None, None, cfg=cfgcm)
+    perm_years = pcpp.partition_years(counts.counts[count_id])
+    ptc = pc.PermCount.from_count_object(counts.counts[count_id], perm_years)
     return ptc
-def ptc_oneyear(sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
-    return get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -890)
+class TestDVRegistrarDerivedVals:
+    """Tests DVRegistrar and DerivedVals."""
+    def test_dvregistrar(self):
-def ptc_multiyear(sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
-    return get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -104870)
+        # Test successful initialization of DerivedVals subclass.
+        class DerivedValsStandardTest(dv.DerivedValsStandard):
+            _dv_type = 'Testing'
+        assert dv.DV_REGISTRY['Testing'] is DerivedValsStandardTest
+        dv_instance = dv.DerivedVals('Testing')
+        assert dv_instance._dv_type == 'Testing'
+        # Pop the dummy class, in case we test twice.
+        dv.DVRegistrar._registry.pop('Testing', None)
+        # Test repeated `_dv_type` error handling.
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+            class DerivedValsStandardBad1(dv.DerivedValsStandard):
+                pass
+        assert "already registered in" in str(excinfo.value)
+        # Test missing `_dv_type` error handling.
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+            class DerivedValsStandardBad2(dv.DerivedValsBase):
+                pass
+        assert "must define a" in str(excinfo.value)
 class TestDerivedValsBase:
+    @pytest.fixture(params=[-890, -104870])
+    def ptc_sample(self, sample_counts, cfgcm_test, request):
+        return get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, request.param)
     def setup(self):
         self.dvc = dv.DerivedValsBase()
-    def test_preprocess_daily_counts(self, ptc_multiyear):
-        dca = self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
-        assert 'Month' in dca.columns
-        assert 'Day of Week' in dca.columns
-    def test_get_madt(self, ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-        for ptc in (ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-            dca = self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
-            madt = self.dvc.get_madt(dca)
-            madt_ref = pd.DataFrame({
-                'MADT': dca.groupby(['Year', 'Month'])['Daily Count'].mean(),
-                'Days Available': dca.groupby(
-                    ['Year', 'Month'])['Daily Count'].count()},
-                index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
-                    [dca.index.levels[0], np.arange(1, 13, dtype=int)],
-                    names=['Year', 'Month']))
-            madt_ref['Days in Month'] = [
-                pd.to_datetime("{0}-{1}-01".format(*idxs)).daysinmonth
-                for idxs in madt_ref.index]
-            assert np.allclose(madt['MADT'], madt_ref['MADT'], rtol=1e-10,
-                               equal_nan=True)
-            assert np.allclose(madt['Days Available'],
-                               madt_ref['Days Available'], rtol=1e-10,
-                               equal_nan=True)
-            assert np.allclose(madt['Days in Month'],
-                               madt_ref['Days in Month'], rtol=1e-10,
-                               equal_nan=True)
-            # None of the sample data are for leap years.
-            assert (madt['Days in Month'].sum() //
-                    len(dca.index.levels[0])) == 365
-    def test_get_aadt_py_from_madt(self, ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-        for ptc in (ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-            madt = self.dvc.get_madt(
-                self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
-            aadt = self.dvc.get_aadt_py_from_madt(madt, ptc.perm_years)
-            madt_py = madt.loc[ptc.perm_years, :].copy()
-            madt_py['Weighted MADT'] = (madt_py['MADT'] *
-                                        madt_py['Days in Month'])
-            madtg = madt_py.groupby('Year')
-            aadt_ref = (madtg['Weighted MADT'].sum() /
-                        madtg['Days in Month'].sum())
-            assert np.allclose(aadt['AADT'], aadt_ref, rtol=1e-10)
-    def test_get_ratios_py(self, ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-        for ptc in (ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-            dca = self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
-            madt = self.dvc.get_madt(dca)
-            aadt = self.dvc.get_aadt_py_from_madt(madt, ptc.perm_years)
-            dom_ijd, d_ijd, n_avail_days = (
-                self.dvc.get_ratios_py(dca, madt, aadt, ptc.perm_years))
-            dc_dom = (dca.loc[ptc.perm_years]
-                      .groupby(['Year', 'Month', 'Day of Week']))
-            domadt = (dc_dom['Daily Count'].mean()
-                      .unstack(level=-1, fill_value=np.nan))
-            n_avail_days_ref = (dc_dom['Daily Count'].count()
-                                .unstack(level=-1, fill_value=np.nan))
-            assert np.allclose(n_avail_days, n_avail_days_ref,
-                               rtol=1e-10, equal_nan=True)
-            # Test if we can recover MADT from `domadt` and `dom_ijd`
-            madt_pym = np.repeat(madt.loc[ptc.perm_years, 'MADT']
-                                 .values[:, np.newaxis], 7, axis=1)
-            madt_pym_est = (domadt * dom_ijd).values
-            assert np.allclose(madt_pym_est[~np.isnan(madt_pym_est)],
-                               madt_pym[~np.isnan(madt_pym_est)],
-                               rtol=1e-10)
-            # Test if we can recover AADT from `domadt` and `d_ijd`.
-            aadt_pym = np.repeat(aadt['AADT']
-                                 .values[:, np.newaxis], 7 * 12, axis=1)
-            aadt_pym_est = (domadt * d_ijd).unstack(level=-1).values
-            assert np.allclose(aadt_pym_est[~np.isnan(aadt_pym_est)],
-                               aadt_pym[~np.isnan(aadt_pym_est)],
-                               rtol=1e-10)
+    def test_preprocess_daily_counts(self, ptc_sample):
+        dca = self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
+        assert np.array_equal(dca['Month'],['Date'].dt.month)
+        assert np.array_equal(dca['Day of Week'],
+                    ['Date'].dt.dayofweek)
+    def test_get_madt(self, ptc_sample):
+        dca = self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
+        madt = self.dvc.get_madt(dca)
+        madt_ref = pd.DataFrame({
+            'MADT': dca.groupby(['Year', 'Month'])['Daily Count'].mean(),
+            'Days Available': dca.groupby(
+                ['Year', 'Month'])['Daily Count'].count()},
+            index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
+                [dca.index.levels[0], np.arange(1, 13, dtype=int)],
+                names=['Year', 'Month']))
+        madt_ref['Days in Month'] = [
+            pd.to_datetime("{0}-{1}-01".format(*idxs)).daysinmonth
+            for idxs in madt_ref.index]
+        tols = {'rtol': 1e-10, 'equal_nan': True}
+        assert np.allclose(madt['MADT'], madt_ref['MADT'], **tols)
+        assert np.allclose(madt['Days Available'],
+                           madt_ref['Days Available'], **tols)
+        assert np.allclose(madt['Days in Month'],
+                           madt_ref['Days in Month'], **tols)
+        # None of the sample data are for leap years.
+        assert (madt['Days in Month'].sum() //
+                len(dca.index.levels[0])) == 365
+        assert (madt['Days in Month'].sum() % len(dca.index.levels[0])) == (
+            1 if 2012 in dca.index.levels[0] else 0)
+    def test_get_aadt_py_from_madt(self, ptc_sample):
+        madt = self.dvc.get_madt(
+            self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
+        aadt = self.dvc.get_aadt_py_from_madt(madt, ptc_sample.perm_years)
+        madt_py = madt.loc[ptc_sample.perm_years, :].copy()
+        madt_py['Weighted MADT'] = (madt_py['MADT'] *
+                                    madt_py['Days in Month'])
+        madtg = madt_py.groupby('Year')
+        aadt_ref = (madtg['Weighted MADT'].sum() /
+                    madtg['Days in Month'].sum())
+        assert np.allclose(aadt['AADT'], aadt_ref, rtol=1e-10)
+    def test_get_ratios_py(self, ptc_sample):
+        dca = self.dvc.preprocess_daily_counts(
+        madt = self.dvc.get_madt(dca)
+        aadt = self.dvc.get_aadt_py_from_madt(madt, ptc_sample.perm_years)
+        dom_ijd, d_ijd, n_avail_days = (
+            self.dvc.get_ratios_py(dca, madt, aadt, ptc_sample.perm_years))
+        dc_dom = (dca.loc[ptc_sample.perm_years]
+                  .groupby(['Year', 'Month', 'Day of Week']))
+        domadt = (dc_dom['Daily Count'].mean()
+                  .unstack(level=-1, fill_value=np.nan))
+        n_avail_days_ref = (dc_dom['Daily Count'].count()
+                            .unstack(level=-1, fill_value=np.nan))
+        assert np.allclose(n_avail_days, n_avail_days_ref,
+                           rtol=1e-10, equal_nan=True)
+        # Test if we can recover MADT from `domadt` and `dom_ijd`.
+        madt_pym = np.repeat(madt.loc[ptc_sample.perm_years, 'MADT']
+                             .values[:, np.newaxis], 7, axis=1)
+        madt_pym_est = (domadt * dom_ijd).values
+        # madt_pym naturally has no NaNs, while madt_pym_est does, so only
+        # compare non-NaN values.
+        assert np.allclose(madt_pym_est[~np.isnan(madt_pym_est)],
+                           madt_pym[~np.isnan(madt_pym_est)],
+                           rtol=1e-10)
+        # Test if we can recover AADT from `domadt` and `d_ijd`.
+        aadt_pym = np.repeat(aadt['AADT']
+                             .values[:, np.newaxis], 7 * 12, axis=1)
+        aadt_pym_est = (domadt * d_ijd).unstack(level=-1).values
+        # aadt_pym naturally has no NaNs, while aadt_pym_est does, so only
+        # compare non-NaN values.
+        assert np.allclose(aadt_pym_est[~np.isnan(aadt_pym_est)],
+                           aadt_pym[~np.isnan(aadt_pym_est)],
+                           rtol=1e-10)
 class TestDerivedValsStandard:
@@ -119,17 +142,14 @@ class TestDerivedValsStandard:
     def setup(self):
         self.dvc = dv.DerivedValsStandard()
-    def test_get_derived_vals(self, sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
-        ptc_oneyear = get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -890)
-        ptc_multiyear = get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -104870)
-        for ptc in (ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-            self.dvc.get_derived_vals(ptc)
-            assert 'MADT' in ptc.adts.keys()
-            assert 'AADT' in ptc.adts.keys()
-            assert 'DoM_ijd' in ptc.ratios.keys()
-            assert 'D_ijd' in ptc.ratios.keys()
-            assert 'N_avail_days' in ptc.ratios.keys()
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize('count_id', [-890, -104870])
+    def test_get_derived_vals(self, sample_counts, cfgcm_test, count_id):
+        ptc = get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, count_id)
+        self.dvc.get_derived_vals(ptc)
+        assert sorted(list(ptc.adts.keys())) == ['AADT', 'MADT']
+        assert sorted(list(ptc.ratios.keys())) == [
+            'D_ijd', 'DoM_ijd', 'N_avail_days']
     def test_imputer(self, sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
index 6f3d2fc..2636acd 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
@@ -8,29 +8,56 @@
 from .. import growthfactor as gf
-def get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, count_id):
-    pcpp = pc.PermCountProcessor(None, None, cfg=cfgcm_test)
-    perm_years = pcpp.partition_years(sample_counts.counts[count_id])
-    ptc = pc.PermCount.from_count_object(sample_counts.counts[count_id],
+def get_single_ptc(counts, cfgcm, count_id):
+    pcpp = pc.PermCountProcessor(None, None, cfg=cfgcm)
+    perm_years = pcpp.partition_years(counts.counts[count_id])
+    ptc = pc.PermCount.from_count_object(counts.counts[count_id],
     dvs = dv.DerivedVals('Standard')
     return ptc
-def ptc_oneyear(sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
-    return get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -890)
+class TestGFRegistrarGrowthFactor:
+    """Tests GFRegistrar and GrowthFactor."""
+    def test_gfregistrar(self):
-def ptc_multiyear(sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
-    return get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -104870)
+        # Test successful initialization of GrowthFactor subclass.
+        class GrowthFactorCompositeTest(gf.GrowthFactorComposite):
+            _fit_type = 'Testing'
+        assert gf.GF_REGISTRY['Testing'] is GrowthFactorCompositeTest
+        gf_instance = gf.GrowthFactor('Testing')
+        assert gf_instance._fit_type == 'Testing'
+        # Pop the dummy class, in case we test twice.
+        gf.GFRegistrar._registry.pop('Testing', None)
+        # Test repeated `_dv_type` error handling.
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+            class GrowthFactorCompositeBad1(gf.GrowthFactorComposite):
+                pass
+        assert "already registered in" in str(excinfo.value)
+        # Test missing `_dv_type` error handling.
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
+            class GrowthFactorCompositeBad2(gf.GrowthFactorBase):
+                pass
+        assert "must define a" in str(excinfo.value)
 class TestGrowthFactorBase:
     """Test growth factor base class."""
+    @pytest.fixture()
+    def ptc_oneyear(self, sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
+        return get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -890)
+    @pytest.fixture()
+    def ptc_multiyear(self, sample_counts, cfgcm_test):
+        return get_single_ptc(sample_counts, cfgcm_test, -104870)
     def setup(self):
         self.gfb = gf.GrowthFactorBase()
@@ -45,7 +72,7 @@ def test_get_aadt(self, ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
     def test_get_wadt_py(self, ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
-        # For single year PTC, confirm WADT values for individual weeks.
+        # Confirm WADT values for individual weeks.
         wadt_oy = self.gfb.get_wadt_py(ptc_oneyear)
         wadt_jun14 = (
                       .loc[(2010, 165):(2010, 171), 'Daily Count'].mean())
@@ -56,7 +83,6 @@ def test_get_wadt_py(self, ptc_oneyear, ptc_multiyear):
         assert np.isclose(
             wadt_oy.loc[wadt_oy['Week'] == 48, 'WADT'].values[0], wadt_nov29)
-        # For multiyear PTC, confirm we can reproduce data frame.
         wadt_my = self.gfb.get_wadt_py(ptc_multiyear)
         wadt_apr26_2010 = (
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
index 95c8471..e214800 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ def test_permcount(self, sample_counts):
         assert ptc.is_permanent
         assert ptc.perm_years == [2010, 2012]
+        with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as excinfo:
+            ptc.growth_factor
+        assert "PTC has not had its growth factor fit!" in str(excinfo.value)
         with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
             ptc = pc.PermCount.from_count_object(
                 sample_counts.counts[-104870], [])
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ class TestPermCountProcessor:
     def test_setup(self, pcproc):
         assert isinstance(pcproc.dvc, dv.DerivedValsStandard)
         assert isinstance(pcproc.gfc, gf.GrowthFactorComposite)
-        # We passed a custom cfgcm with no excluded IDs.
+        # We passed a custom cfgcm with one excluded ID.
         assert pcproc.excluded_ids == [-446378, ]
     def test_partition(self, pcproc, sample_counts):
diff --git a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
index db363ab..e106c6e 100644
--- a/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
+++ b/traffic_prophet/countmatch/tests/
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ def test_regularize_timeseries(self, rdr, counts):
     def test_preprocess_count_data(self, rdr, counts):
         ref = counts[7]
-        rd = ref.copy()
         # Do a deep copy because preprocess_count_data alters its arguments.
+        rd = ref.copy()
         rd['data'] = rd['data'].copy()
         rd = rdr.preprocess_count_data(rd)