The City of Toronto's Social Development, Finance & Administration Division maintains a dataset of the locations of Aboriginal Service Organizations within the City of Toronto. The data is current as of January 2015.
Format: ESRI Shapefile (MTM3 Zone 10, WGS84); Excel workbook (xlsx)
The data is available through the City of Toronto's Open Data Catalogue.
The services provided by Aboriginal Service Organizations may have linkages to populations at higher risk of involvement in a serious collision, and may also represent areas of higher pedestrian activity. Pedestrians are one of the six emphasis areas defined under the City of Toronto's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, and is the focus of a number of existing and planned safety measures.
Column Name | Type | Description |
LocationName | Text | Aboriginal Service Organization Name |
Address | Text | Location of organization, street address |
Suite | Text | Location of organization, suite number/code |
City | Text | Location of organization, city |
Postcode | Text | Location of organization, postal code |