The City of Toronto's Social Development, Finance & Administration Division maintains a dataset of the Neighbourhood Improvement Areas, which are designated neighbourhoods in the City of Toronto found to have inequities on several indicators of well-being. Currently 31 out of 140 neighbourhoods are designated as NIAs as part of the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods 2020 (TSNS2020) project. For further details please read the technical documentation found in the download package or visit
The dataset is linked to Statistics Canada's 2011 Census Tracts, limited to the boundaries of the City of Toronto. The dataset is current as of April 2014. The data is available in MTM 3 Degree Zone 10 NAD27 or WGS84.
Format: ESRI Shapefile
The data can be accessed on the City of Toronto's Open Data Catalogue.
Column Name | Type | Description |
AREA_ID | Integer | Uniquely identifies each ward |
DATE_EFFEC | Date | The date when the ward boundary came into effect |
DATE_EXPIR | Date | The date when the ward boundary expires |
AREA_AT_ID | Integer | Area attribute ID |
PARENT_ARE | Integer | Parent area ID |
AREA_TYPE_ | Text | Area type |
AREA_CL_ID | Intger | Area class ID |
AREA_CL | Text | Area class |
AREA_S_CD | Integer | Short area code |
AREA_L_CD | Intger | Long area code |
AREA_NAME | Integer | Area ID |
AREA_DESC | Text | Area description |
FEAT_CD | Integer | Feature code |
FEAT_C_DESC | Text | Feature description |
TR_ID_CRT | Integer | Trans ID creation date |
TR_ID_EXP | Integer | Trans ID expirary date |
X | Float | Easting |
Y | Float | Northing |
LONGITUDE | Float | Longitude |
LATITUDE | Float | Latitude |
OBJECTID | Integer | Object ID |