The Traffic Safety Unit of the City of Toronto provides this dataset
, which lists every intersection where there is a crossing guard to aid children and people crossing the road near school grounds. The dataset is current to 2017.
Format: ESRI Shapefile
Crossing guard locations help identify intersections of the city that already have safety measures in place to prevent vehicular incidents with children and people. School children are one of the six emphasis areas defined under the City of Toronto's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, and are the focus of a number of existing and planned safety measures.
Column Name | Type | Description |
wkt_geom | Float | Coordinates in XY format |
Location | Text | Unique Identifier |
Main_St | Text | The primary road at the intersection |
Cross_St | Text | The secondary road at the intersection |
Toronto_Di | Text | The TCDSB school this crossing guard serves |
Toronto_1 | Text | The TDSB school this crossing guard serves |
Remove | Text | Date that crossing guards were removed |
Type | Text | Type of intersection. PXO refers to pedestrian crossing |
District | Text | The district (Etobicoke, Scarborough, North York, Toronto and East York) the crossing guard is located in |