This dataset contains information about the pavement width and number of lanes in the City of Toronto. The dataset such as the pavement width and number of lanes is current as of 2012. However, the data is overlaid on the 2014 Toronto Centreline.
Format: ESRI Shapefile (UTM)
This dataset provides additional information about roadways, such as their widths.
Column Name | Type | Description |
OBJECTID * | ObjectID | Unique ID |
GEO_ID | Long | Geographic ID |
FromStreet | String | Street Name at Segment Start |
ToStreet | String | Street Name at Segment End |
MAR13RC2012_RENDER_DESC | String | Road Classification Description |
NumberofLa | Long | Number of Through Lanes |
Width | Short | Pavement Width - curb to curb |
SHAPE | Geometry | Shape Type |
SHAPE_Length | Double | Associated Segment Length |
Section_ID | String | Segment ID |
Length | Double | Associated Street Length |
LF_NAME | String | Road Name |
MAR13RC2012_FCODE | Long | TCL Feature Code |
MAR13RC2012_FCODE_DESC | String | TCL Feature Code Description |
MAR13RC2012_RENDER | Long | Road Classification Code |
MAR13RC2012_JURIS | String | Road Jurisdiction |
GIS_ROUTE | Double | GIS Route Number |
The dataset is not current, as it is from 2012. The version of the Toronto Centreline layer that the data is overlaid on is from 2014.