Releases: CliMA/CloudMicrophysics.jl
Releases · CliMA/CloudMicrophysics.jl
CloudMicrophysics v0.20.0
Merged pull requests:
- Generalize ice nucleation calibration funcs (#380) (@amylu00)
- Add changelog (#383) (@nefrathenrici)
- Adding AIDA hom ice nuc data as artifacts (#388) (@amylu00)
- Update climacommon to 2024_04_30 (#389) (@Sbozzolo)
- Fix buildkite for new ClimaComms (#390) (@nefrathenrici)
- add sensitivity checks for r_eff and radarrefl 2M (#391) (@crocicc)
- Aerosol constructor changes (#392) (@trontrytel)
CloudMicrophysics v0.19.0
Merged pull requests:
- Aerosol activation NN (#318) (@trontrytel)
- Parcel model with "rainbow" ice nucleation from Frostenberg et al 2023 (#328) (@AgnieszkaMakulska)
- Add "Flexible Microphysics" option, based on Cloudy.jl (#333) (@edejong-caltech)
- Switch solver to q/n (#339) (@anastasia-popova)
- Add a sanity check for GPU pipeline (#340) (@trontrytel)
- Perfect model calibration of ABDINM & ABIFM (#343) (@amylu00)
- Aerosol activation emulators: GP, ET, and ARG-informed (#349) (@sajjadazimi)
- Added large table calculations for Chen (#350) (@anastasia-popova)
- frostenberg docs suggestions (#352) (@haakon-e)
- Add longrun pipeline, clean up default pipeline (#354) (@nefrathenrici)
- Cleanup in P3 scheme plots (#355) (@trontrytel)
- add clima_1m calibrated parameters toml (#356) (@sajjadazimi)
- Delete x_sulph from parcel (not used for now) (#357) (@trontrytel)
- Update climacommon to 2024_03_18 (#358) (@Sbozzolo)
- Adding limiters to DEP and HOM freezing (#360) (@amylu00)
- try using components in codecov (#361) (@trontrytel)
- Add slack message for longrun status (#362) (@nefrathenrici)
- Add EKP calibration of ARG to emulators ext (#363) (@edejong-caltech)
- Update climacommon to 2024_04_05 (#365) (@Sbozzolo)
- Linear HOM J option (#366) (@amylu00)
- radar reflectivity (#368) (@trontrytel)
- Fix longrun pipeline not continuing on failure (#369) (@nefrathenrici)
- Add terminal velocities to P3 scheme (#370) (@trontrytel)
- parcel homogeneous freezing is linear by default (#371) (@amylu00)
- perfect model calibration homogeneous freezing (#373) (@amylu00)
- add JET test_opt to performance tests (#374) (@trontrytel)
- Fix longruns pipeline (#376) (@trontrytel)
- 2 Moment radar reflectivity and effective radius (#377) (@crocicc)
- new r_eff parametrization and update 2-moment formulas radarrefl and … (#378) (@crocicc)
- Clean dependencies, reorder runtests (#379) (@nefrathenrici)
- Bump version for a new release (#382) (@trontrytel)
Closed issues:
- O1.3.1 Update terminal velocity formulae (#154)
- Add NN aerosol activation parameterizations extension to CloudMicrophysics (#181)
- Show parcel simulations with all three ice nucleation schemes (#185)
- Add effective radius to common functions (#207)
- O1.3.5 Add optical properties of particles (#213)
- O1.3.2 Data driven aerosol activation scheme (#214)
- O1.3.4 Ice nucleation scheme (#218)
- Compute the mass and number weighted terminal velocity (#222)
- Delete x_sulph from parcel (#232)
- Implement the "rainbow" ice nucleation from Frostenberg et al 2023 (#258)
- Add ice nucleation source terms to the parcel example (#284)
- refactor parcel (#301)
- Add B4 and B5 tables from Chen2022 (#332)
- Fix lognormal droplet distribution (#335)
- Define convenience structs with only the toml dict (#345)
- Get rid of DataFrames dependency for aerosol activation emulators (#346)
- Improve CodeCoverage reporting for extension (#347)
- Add GP and EvoTree models extensions to aerosol activation (#348)
- Add
to tests (#367)
CloudMicrophysics v0.17.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add sandbox for testing P3 scheme (#290) (@trontrytel)
- adding activity based dep to parcel (#300) (@amylu00)
- P3 ice nucleation parameterizations (#305) (@amylu00)
- "rainbow" ice nucleation parametrization from Frostenberg et al 2023 (#319) (@AgnieszkaMakulska)
- P3 - Lambda Testing (#321) (@anastasia-popova)
- Bring the docs up to speed (#324) (@trontrytel)
- Add ML calibrated ARG2000 parameters (#325) (@trontrytel)
- Clean up parameter changes (#327) (@nefrathenrici)
- fixing immersion freezing production rate (#329) (@amylu00)
- comparing activity based IN with P3 IN (#330) (@amylu00)
- Refactor parcel (#331) (@trontrytel)
- Move GPU CI to the new expansion (#338) (@trontrytel)
- Get rid of kwargs for ClimaAtmos GPU (#341) (@trontrytel)
Closed issues:
CloudMicrophysics v0.16.0
Merged pull requests:
- homogeneous freezing to parcel (#267) (@amylu00)
- lat heat of fus in parcel dT/dt and dSl/dt (#282) (@amylu00)
- water based deposition nucleation (#292) (@amylu00)
- Move P3 mass functions to src, add gamma functions to docs (#293) (@trontrytel)
- F_r = 0 exception fixed, mass tests updated (#298) (@anastasia-popova)
- Add shape parameters solver for P3 (#299) (@trontrytel)
- Cleanup in the landing page and docs (#302) (@trontrytel)
- unitless N_hat added, Float32 tests passing (#303) (@anastasia-popova)
- replacing Mohler AF with nucleation rate (#304) (@amylu00)
- add notice (#309) (@trontrytel)
- fix link (#311) (@trontrytel)
- dont show plot examples code in docs (#312) (@trontrytel)
- correct naming for abifm desert dust params (#314) (@amylu00)
- Refactor parameters to use ClimaParameters API (#315) (@nefrathenrici)
- Update Alpha_va and Gamma Functions (#317) (@anastasia-popova)
- Update to CLIMAParameters v0.9 and Thermodynamics v0.12 (#320) (@trontrytel)
Closed issues:
- Update the github landing page (#152)
- Integrate homogeneous freezing in the parcel model (#183)
- check the sign in the aspect ratio power in terminal velocity (#220)
- Compute
based onm(D)
(#227) - Gamma distribution in parcel missing factor of 1/3 (#276)
- Add gamma distribution option for deposition growth (#277)
- Use droplets for immersion freezing in parcel (#278)
- Update to the new CLIMAParameters (#286)
- Allow for zero rimed mass and volume (#289)
- Add documentation about shape parameters solve in P3 (#294)
- Add liquid - ice phase change to parcel model equations (#295)
- Add homogeneous freezing to parcel (#296)
- Add water activity based dust deposition parameterization (#297)
- Switch dust deposition parameterization to compute the rate (#307)
CloudMicrophysics v0.15.2
Merged pull requests:
- adding box model to test immersion freeze (#257) (@amylu00)
- Update ci to borles life (#272) (@trontrytel)
- Goodbye bors and thank you (#273) (@trontrytel)
- fix docs builds (#274) (@trontrytel)
- doi fix (#275) (@slayoo)
- Update to Julia 1.10 (#287) (@nefrathenrici)
- Update to ClimaParameters 0.8 (#288) (@nefrathenrici)
Closed issues:
CloudMicrophysics v0.15.1
CloudMicrophysics v0.15.0
Merged pull requests:
- Update 1M and 2M CloudMicrophysics (#211) (@sriharshakandala)
- parcel with gamma size distribution of droplets (#235) (@trontrytel)
- switch to using RootSolvers in docs (#236) (@trontrytel)
- Clean up liquid parcel initial condition (#237) (@trontrytel)
- RH based water activity (#241) (@amylu00)
- immersion freezing to parcel (#244) (@amylu00)
- add 2-moment GPU tests (#245) (@trontrytel)
- Update GPU tests to use latest KernelAbstractions version (#246) (@nefrathenrici)
- Update VariableTimescale autoconversion rate to the new parameters (#248) (@trontrytel)
- refactor H2SO4 solution parameters (#251) (@trontrytel)
- 2m rain evaporation on GPU (#253) (@trontrytel)
- Make P3 scheme GPU compatible (#254) (@sriharshakandala)
- Update non-eq microphysics to new parameters (#256) (@trontrytel)
- Update aersol activation to new parameters (#259) (@trontrytel)
- Update ice nucleation to new parameters (#262) (@trontrytel)
- Final refactor of cloud microphysics parameters (#263) (@trontrytel)
- Split microphysics tests into 0, 1, 2 -moment and nonequilibrium (#264) (@trontrytel)
- more cleanup (#268) (@trontrytel)
- add Base back (#269) (@trontrytel)
Closed issues:
- Add SB2006 plots to the docs (#107)
- Add GPU tests for CloudMicrophysics.jl 2-moment scheme (#153)
- Break up parameters struct in CloudMicrophysics.jl 0, 1, 2 - moment microphysics schems (#160)
- O1.2.1 (part of) GPU support for CloudMicrophysics.jl (#164)
- Update CloudMicrophysics.jl GPU tests (#173)
- Make P3 scheme GPU compatible (#177)
- Integrate immersion freezing in the parcel model (#184)
- GPU check Microphysics1M (#219)
- Replace Roots with RootSolvers in ice nucleation docs (#228)
- fix air density in liquid_only (#230)
- Adapt parcel for polydisperse size distributions (#231)
- GPU check Microphysics2M (#233)
- Add a custom gamma function (?) (#242)
- Breakup the parameter struct (#247)
- Breakup parameters in Common (#252)
- Breakup parameters in Non-equilibrium microphysics (#255)
- Breakup parameters in Aerosol activation (#260)
- Breakup parameters in Ice nucleation (#261)
- Delete the old struct (do a breaking release and update the downstream packages) (#265)
CloudMicrophysics v0.14.0
Merged pull requests:
- Parcel in KM03 Notation (#225) (@amylu00)
- Use RootSolvers in P3 (#226) (@trontrytel)
Closed issues:
CloudMicrophysics v0.13.3
Closed issues:
- Add parameterization of homogeneous freezing (#108)
- Homogeneous Freezing Δa_w Parameterization (#137)
- gas_constant method overwritten (#157)
- Test P3 scheme with RootSolvers.jl (#176)
- Add v(D) relationship (#180)
- Check the snow aspect ration computation (#189)
- GPU check Microphysics0M (#199)
- O1.3.1 Update terminal velocity formulae (#210)
- Clean up repetitive documentation (#212)
- O1.3.4 Ice nucleation scheme (#216)
Merged pull requests:
- Plotting HOM J (#145) (@amylu00)
- Water Activity Documentation/Plots (#203) (@amylu00)
- Cleanup in the P3 scheme solver (#206) (@trontrytel)
- Add aqua tests, small fixes for tests (#208) (@nefrathenrici)
- Add additional constructors (#209) (@sriharshakandala)
- untangling water activity from abifm docs (#217) (@amylu00)