We start with the following basic table:
And we end up with the following 3 Excel tables:
var wb = new XLWorkbook("BasicTable.xlsx");
var ws = wb.Worksheet(1);
var firstCell = ws.FirstCellUsed();
var lastCell = ws.LastCellUsed();
var range = ws.Range(firstCell.Address, lastCell.Address);
range.Row(1).Delete(); // Deleting the "Contacts" header (we don't need it for our purposes)
// We want to use a theme for table, not the hard coded format of the BasicTable
// Put back the date and number formats
range.Column(4).Style.NumberFormat.NumberFormatId = 15;
range.Column(5).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "$ #,##0";
var table = range.CreateTable(); // You can also use range.AsTable() if you want to
// manipulate the range as a table but don't want
// to create the table in the worksheet.
// Let's activate the Totals row and add the sum of Income
table.ShowTotalsRow = true;
table.Field("Income").TotalsRowFunction = XLTotalsRowFunction.Sum;
// Just for fun let's add the text "Sum Of Income" to the totals row
table.Field(0).TotalsRowLabel = "Sum Of Income";
// Copy all the headers
Int32 columnWithHeaders = lastCell.Address.ColumnNumber + 2;
Int32 currentRow = table.RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber;
ws.Cell(currentRow, columnWithHeaders).Value = "Table Headers";
foreach (var cell in table.HeadersRow().Cells())
ws.Cell(currentRow, columnWithHeaders).Value = cell.Value;
// Format the headers as a table with a different style and no autofilters
var htFirstCell = ws.Cell(table.RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber, columnWithHeaders);
var htLastCell = ws.Cell(currentRow, columnWithHeaders);
var headersTable = ws.Range(htFirstCell, htLastCell).CreateTable("Headers");
headersTable.Theme = XLTableTheme.TableStyleLight10;
headersTable.ShowAutoFilter = false;
// Add a custom formula to the headersTable
headersTable.ShowTotalsRow = true;
headersTable.Field(0).TotalsRowFormulaA1 = "CONCATENATE(\"Count: \", CountA(Headers[Table Headers]))";
// Copy the names
Int32 columnWithNames = columnWithHeaders + 2;
currentRow = table.RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber; // reset the currentRow
ws.Cell(currentRow, columnWithNames).Value = "Names";
foreach (var row in table.DataRange.Rows())
var fName = row.Field("FName").GetString(); // Notice how we're calling the cell by field name
var lName = row.Field("LName").GetString(); // Notice how we're calling the cell by field name
var name = String.Format("{0} {1}", fName, lName);
ws.Cell(currentRow, columnWithNames).Value = name;
// Format the names as a table with a different style and no autofilters
var ntFirstCell = ws.Cell(table.RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber, columnWithNames);
var ntLastCell = ws.Cell(currentRow, columnWithNames);
var namesTable = ws.Range(ntFirstCell, ntLastCell).CreateTable();
namesTable.Theme = XLTableTheme.TableStyleLight12;
namesTable.ShowAutoFilter = false;
ws.Columns("A,G,I").Width = 3;