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Releases: CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau

Bluedog Design Bureau v1.1.6

03 Jun 22:49
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Bluedog Design Bureau v1.1.5b

03 Jun 22:03
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Final Ksp 1.2.2 release.
New parts:
-Sea level J-2
-Mini radial decoupler
-Titan 1.875m radial decoupler
-Sputnik 3 probe core.
-Centaur D3 and D5 tanks.

-Lots of new textures everywhere.

-Moved Prometheus IV single chamber engine to Heavy Rocketry. Adjusted alternator, cost and mass. Changed title to Prometheus-X-350.
-MOL lab settings tweaked to generate science faster. Mass and cost adjusted.
-OSO experiment mass fixed.
-S1E engine mount, SLA heat tolerance increased.
-RCS cost balanced.
-Balloon and Cryo tanks cost reduced.
-All engines cost adjusted. Huge solids now very expensive.
-More tags

Bluedog Design Bureau v1.1.5

03 Jun 21:22
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Last update for KSP 1.2.2, includes several bugfixes, new parts, and new textures for some parts.

Bluedog Design Bureau v1.1

24 Feb 11:52
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-SAVE BREAKING UPDATE - Backup saves (KSP\saves) and remove any previous version of BDB (KSP\GameData\BlueDog_DB) before installing.
-New parts. Apollo Block V and AARDV, Scout rocket, Centaur T stage redone, Vega upper stage, OSO experiment.
-Tech tree completely redone.
-Lots of testing and adjustments by minepagan, IronCretin and Komodo and probably others.
-Far too many bugs fixes, tweaks and graphic improvements to list.

Bluedog Design Bureau v1.0.1 "Eagle!" Hotfix1

12 Oct 22:23
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NOTE – Only for KSP version 1.2 full release. WILL NOT WORK IN 1.1.3. 64bit recommended.

NOTE – BDB is balanced to have parts inline with stock values. This means that the rockets significantly overperform in the stock system. The alternative would be to have parts that are very underpowered compared to contemporary parts. To achieve proper balance, we recommend using a 3.2x rescale, which requires rockets to be built with more realistic proportions.

NOTE – The BDB Manual has not been updated. Since Kronal Vessel Viewer has not been updated, and might not be, myself and DiscoSlelge will have to find a new way to take the renders for the manual.

-Included updated version of DMagicScienceAnimateGeneric

Bluedog Design Bureau v1.0 "Eagle!"

11 Oct 22:32
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Full release of Bluedog Design Bureau v1.0 - "Eagle!"

NOTE – Only for KSP version 1.2 full release. WILL NOT WORK IN 1.1.3. 64bit recommended.

NOTE – BDB is balanced to have parts inline with stock values. This means that the rockets significantly overperform in the stock system. The alternative would be to have parts that are very underpowered compared to contemporary parts. To achieve proper balance, we recommend using a 3.2x rescale, which requires rockets to be built with more realistic proportions.

NOTE – The BDB Manual has not been updated. Since Kronal Vessel Viewer has not been updated, and might not be, myself and DiscoSlelge will have to find a new way to take the renders for the manual.

-Updated BDB to KSP 1.2. New modules, etc
-Added Saturn S-IVB upper stage (3.75m) – Saturn V 3rd stage / Saturn 1B 2nd stage
-Added Saturn S-II stage (5.625m) – Saturn V second stage
-Added Saturn S-IC stage (5.625m) – Saturn V first stage
-Added Saturn S-IE stage (3.75m) – Saturn 1C first stage (Eyes Turned Skywards)
-Added Apollo Block 2 CSM (2.5m)
-Added first parts of advanced Apollo variants
-Added Lunar Excursion Module
-Added FASA Launch Clamps courtesy of Frizzank and the FASA team.
-Added APAS variant courtesy of CXG
-Included Community Resource Pack, for resource definitions.
-Saturn upper stages and Centaur converted to run off lqdHydrogen resource, for balance reasons. Additional functionality will be added to the cryogenic engines in future releases.
-Probably a bunch of other stuff.


15 Sep 12:30
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0.11.2 Pre-release

-Final build for KSP 1.1.3. Begin prep for 1.2.
-64K/SMURFF configs.
-Small mass errors in Atlas tanks corrected.
-Uprated S-I stage. More thrust for H1's, more fuel.
-F1 and J2 engines.
-Saturn S-IC, S-II stages. Untextured, rough models for testing.
-Saturn S-IVB stage.
-Apollo SM cargo bays shielding fixed.
-Apollo Service Module (SM) mass increased to bring dry mass in line with other Apollo parts.
-LEM, Redstone, Saturn RP plumes.
-Apollo Launch Escape System (LES). Kurld
-Apollo Lunar Excursion Module (LEM).


18 Aug 21:56
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0.11.1 Pre-release

-Added a second attach node to Big G heatshield for no shroud. Made an omni decoupler. (like the stock 2.5 heatshield).
-MOS-PS-80 Monopropellant tank attach node moved closer (was hovering). Tags added.
-Apollo textures fixed/normal maps.
-Agena nosecone decouple effects.
-Apollo fuel cell consumption increased.
-Agena docking port staging icon removed. Doesn't work right.
-USI Life Support. @Komodo
-Centaur remotetech. @Komodo
-Mercury/Gemini/Big Gemini/Apollo bouyancy. They all should float with hatches above the surface now.
-More Tweakscale. @Cowboy_WY
-KIS support. @Cowboy_WY
-Apollo parachutes untangled.
-Structural parts titles changed. Cost and mass balanced.

0.11 "Vaquero!"

06 Aug 21:03
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0.11 (Vaquero!)
-Tweakscale support on all compatible parts (hopefully) - Cowboy-WY
-Bulkhead profiles corrected everywhere - Cowboy-WY
-Heatshields separated from pods
-Antenna Range, Community Tech Tree Support, and Science definitions updated - rasta013
-Saturn 1/Saturn IV and H-1 engines
-Gemini reentry issues fixed
-Gemini parts renamed to avoid conflict with TRAILS. Totally save breaking!
-Numerous cost/mass/balance/description adjustments just about everywhere
-Too many bug fixes to list
-Part tags getting better

0.10.6 "Mice!"

27 May 10:54
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0.10.6 "Mice!" Pre-release

0.10.6 (Mice!)
-Added Mariner 4 dish
-Thrust curves for solid engines
-RealChute compatibility
-Agena/Able/AbleStar balance
-Added normal maps and other goodies to the Titan, Agena, and Mercury parts. Hurray!
-Added SOLTAN parts
-Moved some of the Titan parts around in the tech tree.
-Moved the Leo parts around, now they all unlock at the same tier. The Big G crew module was moved up a node, along with its heatshield.
-Art update for Agena, Thor, Redstone, Vanguard
-Added Navaho engine
-Cryogenic Engines compatability
-Fixed the IR spectrometer not being rerunnable. @raveloda
-Updated Antenna Range compatibility patches. @rasta013
-Upgraded Navaho engine to 1.25 meter and significantly increased power. Include a little test to make it very unreliable and prone to explode due to overheating.
-Gemini parachute fix. Might finally have it this time. Rebuilt the chute from scratch and increased the drag on the capsule.
-Numerous minor bug fixes