% BIBX(1) Version 1.0 | bibx Command Documentation
bibx — Extract bibliography entries from a reference BibTeX file using citations from LaTeX sources, to create project-specific BibTeX files.
bibx [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT] [-e ENTRIES] [-q] [-f FILES [FILES ...]] [-i INDENT] [-d] [-b BIB]
This program extracts citations made in LaTeX source files and generates a BibTeX file with entries that are found. In order to generate the BibTeX file, a single "global" BibTeX file that acts as a database to look for matching entries. Output is written to 'ext.bib' by default. Requires at least one LaTeX source.
If extra entries other than those found from the LaTeX sources are to be added to the output file, it can be done by using the -e option. The file must contain a single BibTeX label on each line.
For example:
-h, --help
Show help and exit
-v, --version
Show version information and exit
-b BIB, --bib BIB
Specify global BibTeX file to look for entries in (required if not using -h
or -v)
-f FILES [FILES ...], --files FILES [FILES ...]
LaTeX files to scan for citations whose BibTeX entries need to be extracted
(required if not using -h or -v)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Specify file to write the BibTeX output to. Defaults to './ext.bib'.
-e ENTRIES, --entries ENTRIES
Specify file containing extra entries names to be searched and included in
the final output.
-i INDENT, --indent INDENT
Specify the character(s) to be used to indent the BibTeX entries in the
final output. Defaults to four spaces. Example: -i " " (use two spaces).
-d, --dryrun
Perform a dry-run, i.e. do not output to a file, just print info messages.
Ignores the -o option, affected by -q.
-q, --quiet
Suppress output to stdout
Assume that there are two LaTeX files: a.tex
and b.tex
, the reference
BibTeX file is g.bib
and we want the output file to be refs.bib
The command to achieve this would be:
bibx -b g.bib -o refs.bib -f a.tex b.tex
See GitHub issues: https://github.com/CodePurble/bibextract/issues
Ramprakash C (https://github.com/CodePurble)
Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GPLv3 License.
See: https://github.com/CodePurble/bibextract/blob/master/LICENSE
bibtex(1), latex(1)