This extension provide Doctrine ORM in the Contao Open Source CMS.
It provide an entity manager via the service $container['doctrine.orm.entityManager']
To use the Doctrine Connection within the Contao Database Framework, use bit3/contao-doctrine-dbal-driver.
To register an entity table, add to your config.php:
$GLOBALS['DOCTRINE_ENTITIES'][] = 'orm_my_entity_type';
The table name will be converted to MyEntityType
Custom Namespaces can be mapped by a table name prefix to class namespace map:
$GLOBALS['DOCTRINE_ENTITY_NAMESPACE_MAP']['orm_my_entity'] = 'My\Entity';
Now the table name will be converted to My\Entity\Type
is used for table name transformation,
is used to define doctrine namespace aliases.
Now you can use My:Type
instead of My\Entity\Type
as entity name.
$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['...'] = array(
'entity' => array(
// (optional) Repository class name
'repositoryClass' => 'MyEntityRepositoryClassName',
// (optional) ID generator type
'idGenerator' => \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_UUID,
// (optional) Index definition
'indexes' => array(
'idx_name' => array('column_one', 'column_two', '...'),
// (optional) Unique constraints
'uniques' => array(
'unique_name' => array('column_one', 'column_two', '...'),
'fields' => array(
'...' => array(
'field' => array(
'type' => (string),
// do not set fieldName!
$GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['prepareDoctrineEntityManager'] = function(\Doctrine\ORM\Configuration &$config) { ... }
Called before the entity manager will be created.