Be sure to choose an editor you like. Understand what's on the market an make sure you know the main features of each editor. I decided to use Atom since it was very easy to get going and is very customizable.
Atom’s core is very unique from other text editors in that it is “hackable to the core.” Because of this, the code editor is a tool that can be customized to do almost anything. In fact, there’s even a built-in package manager to download community-developed addons (there are tons of useful packages available that make coding much more flexible in Atom).
With that in mind I tried to enhance it for writing purposes.
- Set up your basic atom environment 🔻
- Project Management 🔻
- Atom Packages good for writing 🔻
- Learn how to write a Readme file 🔻
- Conclusion
- Dive deeper - some useful links
"Out of perfection nothing can be made. Every process involves breaking something up." ― Joseph Campbell, Mythologist
Style your syntax highlighting and themes as you please. Scroll through your core settings and configure it the way you like. Core features:
- Understand the splitting pane feature, which allows you to split your window. This way you can set your layout easily and simplifies previewing your markdown files or comparing with other files.
- Use multi select with pressing
while clicking. It allows to have multiple cursors in your document. - Be aware of your package management which allows you to edit your settings for your packages.
- Use the mini map feature to navigate through longer files
Key shortcuts are (Mac):
- cmd + p: opening a file with the fuzzy finder
- cmd + f: opening the find and replace panel (also possible to open find in project)
- cmd + shift + p: opening command palette
- The tree view displays your current project folder structure
- Dragging folders into Atom opens a new window and displays it as new project
- Organize local in the desired folder structure
- Organize on Github:
GitHub repositories are places where writers can share their work with the world and solicit feedback, while others can fork the story and make their own variation. Here are some examples of researchers, textbook authors, event organizers, and novelists using GitHub for the written word.
Folders can be structured in books or series with submodules.
⚖ Makes sure to know your licenses and copyrights when publishing online! ⚖
Because Atom can be extended with user-created packages, it makes it easy to find specialized ones for writing. What I found useful are:
Adds grammar support for Markdown (including Github flavored, AtomDoc, Markdown Extra, CriticMark, YAML/TOML front-matter, and R Markdown), and smart context-aware behavior to lists, and keyboard shortcuts for inline emphasis.
Basically provides a preview, but with many additional features
For compiling LaTeX documents from within Atom.
using git inside atom without using a terminal
Auto updating installed packages
What's missing till now are more integrations to online platforms like for example. However, I'm pretty sure the community will provide something in the near future. 😄
There are many guides on how to write a good Readme file. Unfortunately not enough people take time to read them, which causes irritation in many coding projects. Github itself provides a detailed guide on how to write documentation on Github ℹ️
As The Art of Readme suggests:
A README is a module consumer's first -- and maybe only -- look into your creation. The consumer wants a module to fulfill their need, so you must explain exactly what need your module fills, and how effectively it does so.
Your job is to
- tell them what it is (with context)
- show them what it looks like in action
- show them how they use it
- tell them any other relevant details
This not only applies to writing code, but also to writing in general (on Github).
Make sure to provide an overview and sufficient information, but also excitement for visitors. 😉
In the end Atom is a text editor. One that you can setup the way you like, and that's the power of it. Learn your tools and get the best out of them. I am very open for further suggestions. 😄
Please leave comments, feedback and suggestions as I am always trying to improve.
Share your thoughts - it's never been easier 😄
- For setup
- 🔀 Atom Editor
- 🔀 "Atom Editor Tutorial" - LevelUpTuts (Youtube)
- 🔀 "Writing on Github: Organizing the Book" - Merovex (article)
- 🔀 "Writing Showcase" - Github
- 🔀 "Top ten reasons why I won't use your open source project" - Adam Stacoviak"
- 🔀 "The Art of Readme"
- 🔀 "Documenting your projects on GitHub" (10min article)