- Tax Calculation
- Delivery Address Verification
- Address Verification Service (AVS)
- Device Fingerprint
- Decision Manager
- Payment Tokenization
- Subscription Token Creation
- Capture Service
- Auth Reversal Service
- Credit Service
- Request Customizations
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource_TaxConfiguration.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_TaxConfiguration and set values for the parameter:
Field | Description |
CS Tax Calculation Enabled | Enable or disable CyberSource tax service |
CS Tax Calculation Nexus States List | List of states to charge tax in |
CS Tax Calculation No Nexus States List | List of States to not charge tax in |
CS Tax Calculation Default Product Tax Code | Default tax code used when tax code is not set on a product |
CS Tax Calculation Purchase Order Acceptance City | Purchase order acceptance state code |
CS Tax Calculation Purchase Order Acceptance Zip Code | Purchase order acceptance zip code |
CS Tax Calculation Purchase Order Acceptance Country Code | Purchase order acceptance country code |
CS Tax Calculation Purchase Order Origin City | Purchase order origin city |
CS Tax Calculation Purchase Order Origin StateCode | Purchase order origin state code |
CS Tax Calculation Purchase Order Origin ZipCode | Purchase order origin zip code |
CS Tax Calculation Purchase Order Origin Country Code | Purchase order origin country code |
CS Tax Calculation ShipFrom City | Ship from city |
CS Tax Calculation ShipFrom StateCode | Ship from state code |
CS Tax Calculation ShipFrom ZipCode | Ship from zip code |
CS Tax Calculation ShipFrom Country Code | Ship from country code |
Step 1: To enable this service, Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_DeliveryAddressVerification and set the ‘CS DAV Delivery Address Verification Enabled’ preference to ‘Yes’.
Step 2: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource_DeliveryAddressVerification.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 3: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_DeliveryAddressVerification and set values for the parameter:
Field | Description |
CS DAV Delivery Address Verification Enabled | Enable or disable the DAV service. |
CS DAV Update Shipping Address With DAV Suggestion | Update the shipping address with the CS suggestion, if found. |
CS DAV On Failure | Accept or Reject the order if DAV fails. |
Assuming you have implemented the Credit Card Authorization service, you are ready to use the AVS service.
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource_DeliveryAddressVerification.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_DeliveryAddressVerification and set values for the parameter:
FIeld | Description |
CS AVS Ignore AVS Result | Effectively enables or disables the AVS service |
CS AVS Decline Flags | Leave empty to follow CS default decline flag strategy Enter flags separated by commas to overwrite the default flag rules |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource_DeviceFingerprint.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_DeviceFingerprint and set values for the parameter:
Field | Description |
CS Device Fingerprint Enabled | Enable or Disable the Device Fingerprint Service |
CS Device Fingerprint Organization ID | Device Fingerprint Organization ID |
CS Device Fingerprint ThreatMetrix URL | URL pointing to JS that generates and retrieves the fingerprint |
CS Device Fingerprint Time To Live | Time, in milliseconds between generating a new fingerprint for any given customer session |
Refer to this link to learn about Cybersource's Decision Manager.
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource_DecisionManager.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_DecisionManager and set values for the parameter:
Field | Description |
CS Decision Manager Enabled | Enable or Disable Decision Manager |
Step 3: SFRA storefront versions 3.2.0 or lower contain a hook that interfere with this service. While the hook manager has been updated in later versions of SFRA to prevent this, the CS cartridge is not yet compatible with those storefront versions. As suggested by SFCC, manual removal of the following hook from SFRA is required for this integration to function properly. Remove { "name": "app.fraud.detection", "script": "./cartridge/scripts/hooks/fraudDetection" } From app_storefront_base/hooks.json
Step 4: To enable Decision Manager Order Update Job: Decision Manager Order Update Job uses a REST API to retrieve order decisions from Cybersource and update the order confirmation status in SFCC.
To Integrate this job into your site, follow the below steps:
Step 4.1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import “metadata/sfra_meta/jobs.xml” in Business Manager (Administration > Operations > Import & Export)
Step 4.2: Navigate to ‘Administration > Operations > Job’. Select the Job ‘CyberSource: Decision Manager Order Update’.
Step 4.3: Select the “Job Steps” tab. Select the Sites you want the Job to run on, from the ‘Scope’ button.
Step 4.4: Select “UpdateOrderStatus” and update the following “custom parameters”.
Field | Description |
MerchantId | CS Merchant ID for the account to get Decisions from |
SAFlexKeyID | Key ID. Work with CS to generate this value |
SAFlexSharedSecret | Shared secret. Work with CS to generate this value |
Step 4.5: Navigate to the ‘Schedule and History’ tab and configure the frequency you would like the job to run.
Step 4.6: Ensure the ‘Enabled’ check box is selected.
Step 4.7: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences set values for the parameter:
Field | Site Pref Group | Description |
CS Decision Manager OrderUpdate Lookback time | Cybersource: Decision Manager | Number of hours the job will look back for new decisions. CS does not support lookbacks over 24 hours. Do not set above 24 |
Secure Acceptance Flex Host Name | Cybersource: Secure Acceptance | Host Name. CS can provide this value |
Step 4.8: When moving to a production environment, the URL for the API call needs to be updated. This can be done in: Administration > Operations > Services > Service Credentials > ConversionDetailReport – Details
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource_Tokenization.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_Tokenization and set values for the parameter:
Field | Description |
CS Tokenization Enabled | Enable or Disable the Tokenization Service |
CS Subscription Tokens Enabled | Enable the request of a subscription token on credit card authorizations |
LimitSavedCardRate | Enable Save Card Limit feature |
SavedCardLimitFrame | Provide the number of cards that can be saved in a certain time period |
SavedCardLimitTimeFrame | Provide the number of hours that saved credit card attempts are counted |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource_Tokenization.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource_Tokenization and set values for the parameter:
Field | Description |
CS Subscription Tokens Enabled | Enable or Disable the option to generate subscription tokens |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make capture requests is in the form of a single function: CCCaptureRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/facade/CardFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CaptureService controller. You will first get an instance of the CardFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var CardFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/facade/CardFacade');
var serviceResponse = CardFacade.CCCaptureRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes. For detailed explanations of all possible fields and values, reference the Official CyberSource documentation for the CCCapture Service.
Step 4: Enter Capture Request Parameters:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
purchaseTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make capture requests is in the form of a single function: VCCaptureRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency, orderid) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/visacheckout/facade/VisaCheckoutFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CaptureService controller. You will first get an instance of the VisaCheckoutFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var VisaCheckoutFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/visacheckout/facade/VisaCheckoutFacade');
var serviceResponse = VisaCheckoutFacade.VCCaptureRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency, orderid);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Capture Request Parameters:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
purchaseTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
orderid | SFCC Order Number |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make capture requests is in the form of a single function: PayPalCaptureService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/paypal/facade/PayPalFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CaptureService controller. You will first get an instance of the PayPalFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var PayPalFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/paypal/facade/PayPalFacade');
var serviceResponse = PayPalFacade.PayPalCaptureService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Capture Request Parameters:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
purchaseTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make capture requests is in the form of a single function: GPCaptureRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/mobilepayments/facade/MobilePaymentFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CaptureService controller. You will first get an instance of the MobileCheckoutFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var MobileCheckoutFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/mobilepayments/facade/MobilePaymentFacade');
var serviceResponse = MobileCheckoutFacade.GPCaptureRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Capture Request Parameters:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
paymentTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make auth reversal requests is in the form of a single function: CCAuthReversalService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, currency, amount) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/facade/CardFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CCAuthReversalService controller. You will first get an instance of the CardFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var CardFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/facade/CardFacade');
var serviceResponse = CardFacade.CCAuthReversalService (requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, currency, amount);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes. For detailed explanations of all possible fields and values, reference the Official CyberSource documentation for the CCAuthReversal Service.
Step 4: Enter Authorization Reversal Request Parameter:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
amount | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make auth reversal requests is in the form of a single function: VCAuthReversalService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, currency, amount, orderid) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/visacheckout/facade/VisaCheckoutFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CCAuthReversalService controller. You will first get an instance of the VisaCheckoutFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var VisaCheckoutFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/visacheckout/facade/VisaCheckoutFacade');
var s serviceResponse = VisaCheckoutFacade.VCAuthReversalService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, currency, amount, orderid);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Authorization Reversal Request Parameter:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
amount | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
orderid | SFCC Order Number |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make auth reversal requests is in the form of a single function: PayPalReversalService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/paypal/facade/PayPalFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CCAuthReversalService controller. You will first get an instance of the PayPalFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var PayPalFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/paypal/facade/PayPalFacade');
var serviceResponse = PayPalFacade.PayPalReversalService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, amount, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Authorization Reversal Request Parameter:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
amount | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make auth reversal requests is in the form of a single function: GPAuthReversalService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, currency, amount) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/mobilepayments/facade/MobilePaymentFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CCAuthReversalService controller. You will first get an instance of the MobileCheckoutFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var MobileCheckoutFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/mobilepayments/facade/MobilePaymentFacade');
var serviceResponse = MobileCheckoutFacade.GPAuthReversalService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, currency, amount);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Authorization Reversal Request Parameter:
Field | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
amount | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make credit requests is in the form of a single function: CCCreditRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/facade/CardFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CreditService controller. You will first get an instance of the CardFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var CardFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/facade/CardFacade');
var serviceResponse = CardFacade.CCCreditRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes. For detailed explanations of all possible fields and values, reference the Official CyberSource documentation for the CCCredit Service.
Step 4: Enter Credit Request Parameters:
Parameter Name | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
purchaseTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make credit requests is in the form of a single function: VCCreditRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency, orderid) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/visacheckout/facade/VisaCheckoutFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CreditService controller. You will first get an instance of the VisaCheckoutFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var VisaCheckoutFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/visacheckout/facade/VisaCheckoutFacade');
serviceResponse = VisaCheckoutFacade.VCCreditRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency, orderid);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Credit Request Parameters:
Parameter Name | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
paymentTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
orderid | SFCC Order Number |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make credit requests is in the form of a single function: PayPalRefundService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, amount, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/paypal/facade/PayPalFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CreditService controller. You will first get an instance of the PayPalFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var PayPalFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/paypal/facade/PayPalFacade');
var serviceResponse = PayPalFacade.PayPalRefundService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Credit Request Parameters:
Parameter Name | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
paymentTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make credit requests is in the form of a single function: GPCreditRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, purchaseTotal, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/mobilepayments/facade/MobilePaymentFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CreditService controller. You will first get an instance of the MobileCheckoutFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var MobileCheckoutFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/mobilepayments/facade/MobilePaymentFacade');
serviceResponse = MobileCheckoutFacade.GPCreditRequest(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency, orderid);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Credit Request Parameters:
Parameter Name | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
paymentTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make credit requests is in the form of a single function: BanktransferRefundService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, amount, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/banktransfer/facade/BankTransferFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CreditService controller. You will first get an instance of the BankTransferFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var BanktransferFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/banktransfer/facade/BankTransferFacade');
var serviceResponse = BanktransferFacade.BanktransferRefundService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Credit Request Parameters:
Parameter Name | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
paymentTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: Upload Cybersource metadata in Business Manager. If not follow "Step 2: Upload metadata" or import "metadata/sfra_meta/meta/Cybersource.xml" in Business Manager (Administration > Site Development > Import & Export)
Step 2: Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > CyberSource and Enter CyberSource Merchant ID, CyberSource Merchant Key values.
Step 3: The interface you will use to make credit requests is in the form of a single function: AliPayRefundService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, amount, currency) This function can be found in the script ‘scripts/alipay/facade/AlipayFacade.js’. A working example of how to use this function can be found in the CYBServicesTesting-CreditService controller. You will first get an instance of the AliPayFacade object, and make the call as follows:
var AliPayFacade = require('~/cartridge/scripts/alipay/facade/AlipayFacade');
var serviceResponse = AliPayFacade.AliPayRefundService(requestID, merchantRefCode, paymentType, paymentTotal, currency);
The resulting serviceResponse object will contain the full response object generated by the request. The contents of this object will determine your logic in handling errors and successes.
Step 4: Enter Credit Request Parameters:
Parameter Name | Description |
requestID | Transaction ID obtained from the initial Authorization |
merchantRefCode | SFCC Order Number |
paymentType | Payment Type used for the Authorization |
paymentTotal | Order Total |
currency | Currency code (ex. ‘USD’) |
Step 1: To customize request objects, register the hook ‘app.cybersource.modifyrequest’ in your cartridges ‘hooks.json’ file. An example would look like this, replacing the script path with your own script :
"name": "app.cybersource.modifyrequest",
"script": "./cartridge/scripts/hooks/modifyRequestExample"
You can copy the ‘scripts/hooks/modifyRequestExample’ script from this cartridge into your own to use as a template for extending and modifying service request objects. Note, every hook must return a valid request object for the given service. It is recommended that you reference the CybserSource documentation for details on the exact nature of any fields you wish to customize or add.
Step 2: The following hooks are available for you to define in this file: Modify Request hooks
Hook Name | Service Request to modify |
CCAuth | Credit Card Authorization |
PayerAuthEnroll | Payer Authentication Enrollment |
PayerAuthValidation | Payer Authentication Validation |
AuthReversal | Credit Card Authorization Reversal |
Capture | Credit Card Capture |
Credit | Credit Card Credit/Refund |
Tax | Tax Calculation |
Visa has dedicated data centers in Virginia and Colorado. There are no single points of failure. Visa Data Centers implement redundant, dual-powered equipment, multiple data and power feeds, and fault tolerance at all levels with 99.995% uptime. In case of any failover, please open support case @ https://support.cybersource.com
Disable Cartridge Step 1: In the Business Manager, go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Cybersource and set values for the following parameters:
Field | Description | Value to Set |
Enable Cybersource Cartridge | Enable or disable Cyberdource Cartridge. If disabled none of the Cybersource services are invoked | No |
Step 2: In the Business Manager, go to Merchant Tools > Ordering > Payment Methods and select CREDIT_CARD. And in CREDIT_CARD details, change processor Payment Processor = "BASIC_CREDIT"
Out of box cartridge supports most of the locales like English (United States), English (United Kingdom), French (FRANCE), English (Austria), German (GERMANY), Dutch (NETHERLANDS) and more.