From bd1ab1ad192998d0d0b13cbbda2cc45f722c85fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: RamonSmit <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 09:34:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Apply fixes from StyleCI

 src/Helpers/Deployer.php | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 src/Helpers/helpers.php  |  4 +-
 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Helpers/Deployer.php b/src/Helpers/Deployer.php
index 2faf289..a08511e 100644
--- a/src/Helpers/Deployer.php
+++ b/src/Helpers/Deployer.php
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public static function freshInit(Connection $connection, $stage)
         // Init fresh remote repo
         $connection->define('init', [
-            'cd ' . config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.remote.root'),
+            'cd '.config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.remote.root'),
             'mkdir releases',
             'mkdir patches',
             'mkdir shared',
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ public static function doDeploy($stage, $branch, $ldh)
         // Some stuff that does not change in runtime
         $releaseName = time();
-        $home = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.remote.root');
-        $shared = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.shared');
-        $commands = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.commands');
-        $versions = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.config.dependencies');
-        $keep = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.config.keep');
+        $home = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.remote.root');
+        $shared = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.shared');
+        $commands = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.commands');
+        $versions = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.config.dependencies');
+        $keep = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.config.keep');
         // Check what releases are old and can be removed
         // Adding the array fixed #1
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ public static function doDeploy($stage, $branch, $ldh)
         // Check versions
         // Operators:
-        verbose('[' . $stage . '] Checking dependencies. Might take a minute.');
+        verbose('['.$stage.'] Checking dependencies. Might take a minute.');
         foreach ($versions as $app => $version) {
-//            if (SSH::checkAppVersion($connection, $app, $version) == '-1') {
+            //            if (SSH::checkAppVersion($connection, $app, $version) == '-1') {
 //                Locker::unlock($connection, $stage);
 //                throw new \Exception('Version of ' . $app . ' does not match your requirements');
 //            }
@@ -66,64 +66,64 @@ public static function doDeploy($stage, $branch, $ldh)
         // Define the deploy
-        verbose('[' . $stage . '] Creating new release directory and pulling from remote');
+        verbose('['.$stage.'] Creating new release directory and pulling from remote');
         // Fixes
-        $url = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.git.http');
+        $url = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.git.http');
         if ($url === null) {
-            $url = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.git');
+            $url = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.git');
-        SSH::execute($stage, ['mkdir ' . $home . '/releases/' . $releaseName]);
+        SSH::execute($stage, ['mkdir '.$home.'/releases/'.$releaseName]);
-                'cd ' . $home . '/releases/' . $releaseName . '; ' .
-                'git clone -b ' . $branch . ' ' . "'" . $url . "'" . ' .'
+                'cd '.$home.'/releases/'.$releaseName.'; '.
+                'git clone -b '.$branch.' '."'".$url."'".' .',
         // Pre-flight for shared stuff
         $items['directories'] = [];
         foreach ($shared['directories'] as $share) {
-            verbose('[' . $stage . '] About to share directory "' . $home . '/current/' . $share . '"');
-            SSH::execute($stage, ['[ -e ' . $home . '/current/' . $share . ' ] && cp -R -p ' . $home . '/current/'
-                . $share . ' ' . $home . '/shared/' . $share]);
+            verbose('['.$stage.'] About to share directory "'.$home.'/current/'.$share.'"');
+            SSH::execute($stage, ['[ -e '.$home.'/current/'.$share.' ] && cp -R -p '.$home.'/current/'
+                .$share.' '.$home.'/shared/'.$share, ]);
-                [$items['directories'][] = '[ -e ' . $home . '/shared/' . $share . ' ] && cp -R -p ' . $home .
-                    '/shared/' . $share . ' ' . $home . '/releases/' . $releaseName]
+                [$items['directories'][] = '[ -e '.$home.'/shared/'.$share.' ] && cp -R -p '.$home.
+                    '/shared/'.$share.' '.$home.'/releases/'.$releaseName, ]
         // Pre-flight for shared stuff
         $items['files'] = [];
         foreach ($shared['files'] as $share) {
-            verbose('[' . $stage . '] About to share file "' . $home . '/current/' . $share . '"');
-            SSH::execute($stage, ['[ -e ' . $home . '/current/' . $share . ' ] && cp -p ' . $home . '/current/' . $share
-                . ' ' . $home . '/shared/' . $share]);
-            SSH::execute($stage, ['[ -e ' . $home . '/shared/' . $share . ' ] && cp -p ' . $home . '/shared/' . $share .
-                ' ' . $home . '/releases/' . $releaseName . '/' . $share]);
+            verbose('['.$stage.'] About to share file "'.$home.'/current/'.$share.'"');
+            SSH::execute($stage, ['[ -e '.$home.'/current/'.$share.' ] && cp -p '.$home.'/current/'.$share
+                .' '.$home.'/shared/'.$share, ]);
+            SSH::execute($stage, ['[ -e '.$home.'/shared/'.$share.' ] && cp -p '.$home.'/shared/'.$share.
+                ' '.$home.'/releases/'.$releaseName.'/'.$share, ]);
         // Define commands
-        verbose('[' . $stage . '] Executing custom commands');
+        verbose('['.$stage.'] Executing custom commands');
         $items = [];
         foreach ($commands as $command) {
-            SSH::execute($stage, ['cd ' . $home . '/releases/' . $releaseName . ' && ' . $command]);
+            SSH::execute($stage, ['cd '.$home.'/releases/'.$releaseName.' && '.$command]);
         // Define post deploy actions
-        verbose('[' . $stage . '] Linking new release to /current directory and removing temp');
+        verbose('['.$stage.'] Linking new release to /current directory and removing temp');
         SSH::execute($stage, [
-            'ln -sfn ' . $home . '/releases/' . $releaseName . ' ' . $home . '/current',
-            'rm -rf ' . $home . '/shared/*',
+            'ln -sfn '.$home.'/releases/'.$releaseName.' '.$home.'/current',
+            'rm -rf '.$home.'/shared/*',
         // Remove old deploys
         if (isset($toRemove) && is_array($toRemove)) {
             $items = [];
-            verbose('[' . $stage . '] Cleaning up old releases');
+            verbose('['.$stage.'] Cleaning up old releases');
             foreach ($toRemove as $dir => $val) {
-                SSH::execute($stage, ['echo "Removing release ' . $dir . '" && rm -rf ' . $home . '/releases/' . $dir]);
+                SSH::execute($stage, ['echo "Removing release '.$dir.'" && rm -rf '.$home.'/releases/'.$dir]);
@@ -137,15 +137,15 @@ public static function doDeploy($stage, $branch, $ldh)
     public static function doRollback(Connection $connection, $stage, $ldh, $dirs)
-        $home = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.remote.root');
+        $home = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.remote.root');
         // Define post deploy actions
         $connection->define('preformRollback', [
-            'ln -sfn ' . $home . '/releases/' . $dirs[1] . ' ' . $home . '/current',
-            'rm -rf ' . $home . '/releases/' . $dirs[0],
+            'ln -sfn '.$home.'/releases/'.$dirs[1].' '.$home.'/current',
+            'rm -rf '.$home.'/releases/'.$dirs[0],
-        verbose("\t" . 'Hold my beer, We\'re rolling back');
+        verbose("\t".'Hold my beer, We\'re rolling back');
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ public static function doRollback(Connection $connection, $stage, $ldh, $dirs)
     public static function doPatch($stage, $branch)
-        $home = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.' . $stage . '.remote.root');
+        $home = config('laravel-deploy-helper.stages.'.$stage.'.remote.root');
         // setup ssh connection to remote
         $connection = SSH::instance()->into($stage);
         $connection->define('preformPatch', [
-            Command::builder('cd', [$home . '/current']),
+            Command::builder('cd', [$home.'/current']),
             Command::builder('ls', ['-haml']),
             Command::builder('git', ['config', '', 'git+LDH@localhost.ext']),
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ public static function doPatch($stage, $branch)
             Command::builder('git', ['fetch']),
-                ['format-patch', '-1', 'origin/' . $branch, 'FETCH_HEAD', '-o', $home . '/patches']),
-            'git apply --reject --whitespace=fix ' . $home . '/patches/*',
-            Command::builder('rm', ['-rf', $home . '/patches']),
+                ['format-patch', '-1', 'origin/'.$branch, 'FETCH_HEAD', '-o', $home.'/patches']),
+            'git apply --reject --whitespace=fix '.$home.'/patches/*',
+            Command::builder('rm', ['-rf', $home.'/patches']),
-        verbose("\t" . 'Hold on tight, trying to patch!');
+        verbose("\t".'Hold on tight, trying to patch!');
diff --git a/src/Helpers/helpers.php b/src/Helpers/helpers.php
index 3171735..624c8af 100644
--- a/src/Helpers/helpers.php
+++ b/src/Helpers/helpers.php
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function verbose($message)
         $console = new ConsoleOutput();
         $console->getFormatter()->setStyle('info', new OutputFormatterStyle('blue', null));
-        $console->writeln('<info>' . $message . '</info>');
+        $console->writeln('<info>'.$message.'</info>');
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ function error($message)
         $console = new ConsoleOutput();
         $console->getFormatter()->setStyle('error', new OutputFormatterStyle('white', 'red'));
-        $console->writeln('<error>' . $message . '</error>');
+        $console->writeln('<error>'.$message.'</error>');