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Daniel Saukel edited this page Jul 16, 2015 · 39 revisions

Welcome to the DungeonsXL wiki

DungeonsXL is a plugin for CraftBukkit.

It adds the possibility to create custom dungeons or adventure maps with ease.

Fine, so how does it work?

Let's explain it step by step.

First of all, create a dungeon (e.g. /dxl create mycooldungeon). You'll be teleported into a flat world where you can build. There, you can place signs that will do actions when a player or a group of players plays the dungeon. For example, a sign can spawn mobs, define a breakable block or change a normal chest into a reward chest that gives items to your players when they finished the dungeon. Create a lobby with the [lobby] sign as described at the sign instructions page. Players team up and get into the lobby using [DXL] signs and a portal you define in the main world (/dxl portal). In the lobby, your players will be able to select a configurable class. When everyone has one and clicked at the [ready] sign, the group is teleported to the [start] sign inside your creation and has to find the [end] sign. They succeed if everyone touches the sign before he loses his last life.

*Some basic information concerning signs:

A group sign contains this lines: 1. [DXL] / 2. Group / 3. dungeon name / 4. amount of groups,amount of players per group.

[DXL] / Group / TEST / 1,3

You should create a leave sign as well. It allows a player to leave his group.

[DXL] / Leave

Inside dungeons, you can use this signs. A German documentation is available here.

If you became familiar with the basics, you can unleash the whole potential of DXL if you learn a littlebit about its configuration.

It's important to know that there are two types of configuration files: A global one and one per dungeon. The global one contains not only global configuration but also a basic per dungeon configuration that is called by every dungeon that doesn't have its own one. If you want to go into detail and to create different classes per dungeon, then you should copy the per dungeon config.yml from the wiki to plugins/DungeonsXL/dungeons/dungeonname/config.yml and modify it to match your needs.


  • /dungeonsxl,dxl - main command. If you do not enter any arguments, help page 1 will show up.
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl help - shows a specific help page to you
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl create - creates a new dungeon
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl save - saves the current dungeon
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl leave - lets you leave the current dungeon
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl escape - lets you eaves the current dungeon without saving
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl edit - teleports you into an existing dungeon in edit mode and sets you to creative mode sothat you can edit it
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl portal - creates a portal that leads into a dungeon
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl deleteportal - deletes the portal you are looking at
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl chat - makes you join the chat channel of you dungeon
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl chatspy - toggles chatspy sothat you can read what those who play a dungeon write
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl list - lists all dungeons
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl invite - invites a player to edit a dungeon
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl uninvite - removes an invitation
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl msg - shows a message
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl mesg - edits a message
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl test - lets you test a dungeon without the need of a portal
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl lives - show the lives a player has left
  • /dungeonsxl,dxl reload - reloads configuration and save files


Permissions are faithful to command argument one: Simply use dxl.. This commands do not have a node, though:

  • /dxl escape
  • /dxl leave
  • /dxl chat
  • /dxl list
  • /dxl lives

Note that you can edit dungeons even if you do not have permission to do so if you are invited.

In addition, each sign has its own permission node. This nodes are dxl.sign. (e.g. dxl.sign.chest).



  • CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.7.9 - 1.8.7*
  • CraftBukkit mods like Spigot or SportBukkit for the same version

*DungeonsXL works with 1.7.9 and higher. However, support for 1.8.x has a higher priority than support for 1.7.x. Some API stuff changed and DXL is coded to be used with the latest version of CraftBukkit, so it's possible that some things do not work as good as with 1.8.x. Known caveats if you use 1.7.x:

  • /dxl deleteportal does not work


  • 7 and higher


  • Supported.

Known incompatibilities

  • Towny
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