The approach to triangular remeshing used in MeshMachine draws on the following papers and presentations:
Dynamic Remeshing and Applications, by Vorsatz, Rossl, and Seidel
A Remeshing Approach to Multiresolution Modeling, by Botsch and Kobbelt
Mesh Optimization, by Hoppe, DeRose, Duchampy, McDonaldz and Stuetzlez
Direct Triangle Meshes Remeshing using Stellar Operators, by Zang and Prada
Explicit Surface Remeshing, by Surazhsky and Gotsman
Delaunay Mesh Construction, by Dyer, Zhang and Möller
Triangulations and meshes in computational geometry, by Edelsbrunner
Updating and Constructing Constrained Delaunay and Constrained Regular Triangulations by Flips, by Shewchuk
Iterative method for edge length equalization, by Pecanha, Souza Filho, Vieira, Lobosco and Dantas