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Dan edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 21 revisions

A simple DIY relay interface

If you don't mind a little soldering you can build this simple but reliable circuit to connect 5V relay boards to your Raspberry Pi. This works with SIP without any software modifications.

There are only a few inexpensive conponents needed:

  • 74HC595 Shift Registers
  • a few pin headers
  • some jumper wires
  • a 0.1 micro farad capacitor
  • a bread board, perf board or other support

you can get them from most electronics parts suppliers. for example Adafruit sells a 3 pack of 74HC595 chips for $2.75.

The diagram below shows a breadboard layout that supports up to 24 stations. shift register layout

Each 74HC595 shift register allows you to connect 8 relays. You can chain as many shift registers together as needed.

If you will be using a large number of stations, especially if more that a couple of relays will be on at the same time, you should consider adding a separate power supply to run the relays.

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