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73 lines (53 loc) · 2.66 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (53 loc) · 2.66 KB


  • Make hooks compatible with newer flutter stable version 1.7.8-hotfix.2.



  • NEW: usePrevious, a hook that returns the previous argument it received.
  • NEW: it is now impossible to call inheritFromWidgetOfExactType inside initHook of hooks. This forces authors to handle values updates.
  • FIX: use List instead of List for keys. This fixes implicit-dynamic rule mistakenly reporting errors.
  • NEW: Hooks are now visible on HookElement through debugHooks in development, for testing purposes.
  • NEW: If a widget throws on the first build or after a hot-reload, next rebuilds can still add/edit hooks until one build finishes entirely.
  • NEW: new life-cycle availble on HookState: didBuild. This life-cycle is called synchronously right after build method of HookWidget finished.
  • NEW: new reassemble life-cycle on HookState. It is equivalent to State.ressemble of statefulwidgets.
  • NEW: useStream and useFuture now have an optional preserveState flag. This toggle how these hooks behaves when changing the stream/future: If true (default) they keep the previous value, else they reset to initialState.
  • 0.2.1:

    • NEW: useValueNotifier, which creates a ValueNotifier similarly to useState. But without listening it. This can be useful to have a more granular rebuild when combined to useValueListenable.
    • NEW: useContext, which exposes the BuildContext of the currently building HookWidget.


    • Made all existing hooks as static functions, and removed HookContext. The migration is as followed:
    Widget build(HookContext context) {
        final state = context.useState(0);


    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        final state = useState(0);
    • Introduced keys for hooks and applied them to hooks where it makes sense.
    • Added useReducer for complex state. It is similar to useState but is being managed by a Reducer and can only be changed by dispatching an action.
    • fixes a bug where hot-reload without using hooks throwed an exception


    • useMemoized callback doesn't take the previous value anymore (to match React API) Use useValueChanged instead.
    • Introduced useEffect and useStreamController
    • fixed a bug where hot-reload while reordering/adding hooks did not work properly
    • improved readme


    Added a few common hooks:

    • useStream
    • useFuture
    • useAnimationController
    • useSingleTickerProvider
    • useListenable
    • useValueListenable
    • useAnimation


    • initial release