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164 lines (122 loc) · 15.8 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (122 loc) · 15.8 KB


[3.1.0] - 2024-02-16

Added - 3.1.0

  • Added new methods to the HttpStatus class for checking HTTP status code ranges. Includes isInformationHttpStatusCode, isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode, isRedirectHttpStatusCode, isClientErrorHttpStatusCode, and isServerErrorHttpStatusCode. These methods facilitate categorizing HTTP status codes without manual comparisons.

Fixed - 3.1.0

  • Added earlyHints 103 on HttpStatus.fromCode for missing.

Changed - 3.1.0

  • Documentation Enhanced: Improved documentation for both HttpStatusCode and HttpStatus, offering clearer guidelines and usage examples.

[3.0.0] - 2024-02-12

Removed - 3.0.0

  • Deprecated HTTP status code constants: Capitalized and underscored versions are no longer available.

Changed - 3.0.0

  • Dropped compatibility with Dart 2.x due to migration towards Dart 3.0 which includes support for records, marking a significant change in the required development environment.

  • HttpStatus class:

    • Refactored equality and hashCode methods for more robust object comparisons using code, name, and description.
  • Example Code Updates

Code Http Status Name Http Status (v1.x - v2.x Removed) Http Status (v2.x - v3.x)
100 Continue Continue / CONTINUE continue_
101 Switching Protocols Switching_Protocols / SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS switchingProtocols
102 Processing Processing / PROCESSING processing
103 Early Hints - earlyHints
200 OK Ok / OK ok
201 Created Created / CREATED created
202 Accepted Accepted / ACCEPTED accepted
203 Non Authoritative Information NonAuthoritative_Information / NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION nonAuthoritativeInformation
204 No Content No_Content / NO_CONTENT noContent
205 Reset Content Reset_Content / RESET_CONTENT resetContent
206 Partial Content Partial_Content / PARTIAL_CONTENT partialContent
207 Multi-Status MultiStatus / MULTISTATUS multiStatus
208 Already Reported Already_Reported / ALREADY_REPORTED alreadyReported
226 I'M Used IM_Used / IM_USED imUsed
300 Multiple Choices Multiple_Choices / MULTIPLE_CHOICES multipleChoices
301 Moved Permanently Moved_Permanently / MOVED_PERMANENTLY movedPermanently
302 Found / Moved Temporarily Found / Moved_Temporarily / FOUND / MOVED_TEMPORARILY found / movedTemporarily
303 See Other See_Other / SEE_OTHER seeOther
304 Not Modified Not_Modified / NOT_MODIFIED notModified
305 Use Proxy Use_Proxy / USE_PROXY useProxy
307 Temporary Redirect Temporary_Redirect / TEMPORARY_REDIRECT temporaryRedirect
308 Permanent Redirect Permanent_Redirect / PERMANENT_REDIRECT permanentRedirect
400 Bad Request Bad_Request / BAD_REQUEST badRequest
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized / UNAUTHORIZED unauthorized
402 Payment Required Payment_Required / PAYMENT_REQUIRED paymentRequired
403 Forbidden Forbidden / FORBIDDEN forbidden
404 Not Found Not_Found / NOT_FOUND notFound
405 Method Not Allowed Method_Not_Allowed / METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED methodNotAllowed
406 Not Acceptable Not_Acceptable / NOT_ACCEPTABLE notAcceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required Proxy_Authentication_Required / PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED proxyAuthenticationRequired
408 Request Timeout Request_Timeout / REQUEST_TIMEOUT requestTimeout
409 Conflict Conflict / CONFLICT conflict
410 Gone Gone / GONE gone
411 Length Required Length_Required / LENGTH_REQUIRED lengthRequired
412 Precondition Failed Precondition_Failed / PRECONDITION_FAILED preconditionFailed
413 Request Entity Too Large Payload_Too_Large / PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE / Request_Entity_Too_Large / REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE requestEntityTooLarge
414 Request-URI Too Long RequestURI_Too_Long / REQUESTURI_TOO_LONG / Request_Uri_Too_Long / REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG requestUriTooLong
415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported_Media_Type / UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE unsupportedMediaType
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable Requested_Range_Not_Satisfiable / REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE requestedRangeNotSatisfiable
417 Expectation Failed Expectation_Failed / EXPECTATION_FAILED expectationFailed
418 I'm a teapot - imATeapot
419 Insufficient Space on Resource - insufficientSpaceOnResource
420 Method Failure - methodFailure
421 Misdirected Request Misdirected_Request / MISDIRECTED_REQUEST misdirectedRequest
422 Unprocessable Entity Unprocessable_Entity / UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY unprocessableEntity
423 Locked Locked / LOCKED locked
424 Failed Dependency Failed_Dependency / FAILED_DEPENDENCY failedDependency
426 Upgrade Required Upgrade_Required / UPGRADE_REQUIRED upgradeRequired
428 Precondition Required Precondition_Required / PRECONDITION_REQUIRED preconditionRequired
429 Too Many Requests Too_Many_Requests / TOO_MANY_REQUESTS tooManyRequests
431 Request Header Fields Too Large Request_Header_Fields_Too_Large / REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
444 Connection Closed Without Response Connection_Closed_Without_Response / CONNECTION_CLOSED_WITHOUT_RESPONSE connectionClosedWithoutResponse
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Unavailable_For_Legal_Reasons / UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS unavailableForLegalReasons
499 Client Closed Request Client_Closed_Request / CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST clientClosedRequest
500 Internal Server Error Internal_Server_Error / INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR internalServerError
501 Not Implemented Not_Implemented / NOT_IMPLEMENTED notImplemented
502 Bad Gateway Bad_Gateway / BAD_GATEWAY badGateway
503 Service Unavailable Service_Unavailable / SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE serviceUnavailable
504 Gateway Timeout Gateway_Timeout / GATEWAY_TIMEOUT gatewayTimeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported HTTP_Version_Not_Supported / HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED httpVersionNotSupported
506 Variant Also Negotiates Variant_Also_Negotiates / VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES variantAlsoNegotiates
507 Insufficient Storage Insufficient_Storage / INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE insufficientStorage
508 Loop Detected Loop_Detected / LOOP_DETECTED loopDetected
510 Not Extended Not_Extended / NOT_EXTENDED notExtended
511 Network Authentication Required Network_Authentication_Required / NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED networkAuthenticationRequired
599 Network Connect Timeout Error Network_Connect_Timeout_Error / NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR networkConnectTimeoutError

[2.1.0] - 2024-02-10

  • Expanded the Dart SDK compatibility range to '<4.0.0'.

[2.0.1] - 2024-02-10

  • Enhanced comparability: operator == now uses covariant for better type safety and comparison accuracy.
  • Richer object representation: toString() includes code, name, and description for easier debugging.

[2.0.0] - 2024-02-06

Added - 2.0.0

  • HttpStatusCode 103 earlyHints feature for more nuanced HTTP status code handling.
  • New checks for different categories of HTTP status codes: isInformationHttpStatusCode, isSuccessfulHttpStatusCode, isRedirectHttpStatusCode, isClientErrorHttpStatusCode, isServerErrorHttpStatusCode.
  • GitHub Actions CI integration to streamline development workflows.
  • Transition from to Coveralls for enhanced code coverage analysis.
  • Repository badges for quick access to project status indicators.

Changed - 2.0.0

  • HttpStatus Class Update:
    • New description Field: Added a required description field to provide more context around HTTP status codes.
    • Named Parameters: Transitioned from positional to named parameters in the constructor to improve code clarity and enforce parameter requirements.
    • Enhanced toString() Method: Updated to include description, offering a more comprehensive string representation.
  • Documentation Enhanced: Improved documentation for both HttpStatusCode and HttpStatus, offering clearer guidelines and usage examples.
  • Enabled additional lint rules: lints and dart_code_linter, for improved code quality and consistency.

Deprecated - 2.0.0

  • Deprecated snake_uppercase constants in HttpStatus (e.g., HttpStatus.Not_Found) , adhering to the Dart effective style guide's recommendation: PREFER using lowerCamelCase for constant names. These uppercase items will be removed in the next version.
  • Deprecated snake_uppercase constants in HttpStatusCode (e.g., HttpStatusCode.Not_Found, HttpStatusCode.NOT_FOUND) in favor of lowercase versions (e.g., HttpStatusCode.notFound), adhering to the Dart effective style guide's recommendation: PREFER using lowerCamelCase for constant names. These uppercase items will be removed in the next version.

Removed - 2.0.0

  • Dropped compatibility with Dart 1.x due to migration towards Dart 2.18 which includes support for extension methods, marking a significant change in the required development environment.


  • Moved coverage to dev_dependencies and downgraded to ^0.7.3


  • Added HttpStatus.fromCode constructor


  • Increased coverage


  • setup


  • Added dart_codecov_generator


  • Created HttpStatusCode and HttpStatus


  • Initial version, created by Stagehand