diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 76463a8..2365f32 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# tgbot
+# Joker
A modular telegram Python bot running on python3 with an sqlalchemy database.
Originally a simple group management bot with multiple admin features, it has evolved, becoming extremely modular and
diff --git a/tg_bot/modules/notes.py b/tg_bot/modules/notes.py
index 8b18be4..7738022 100644
--- a/tg_bot/modules/notes.py
+++ b/tg_bot/modules/notes.py
@@ -176,23 +176,25 @@ def clear(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]):
def list_notes(bot: Bot, update: Update):
+ chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat]
chat_id = update.effective_chat.id
note_list = sql.get_all_chat_notes(chat_id)
+ chat_name = update.effective_chat.title
+ chat_name = chat.title
- msg = "*Notes in chat:*\n"
+ msg = "*Notes in {}:*\n"
for note in note_list:
- note_name = escape_markdown(" - {}\n".format(note.name))
+ note_name = " • `{}`\n".format(note.name)
if len(msg) + len(note_name) > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
update.effective_message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
msg = ""
msg += note_name
- if msg == "*Notes in chat:*\n":
+ if not note_list:
update.effective_message.reply_text("No notes in this chat!")
elif len(msg) != 0:
- update.effective_message.reply_text(msg, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
+ update.effective_message.reply_text(msg.format(chat_name), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def __import_data__(chat_id, data):
failures = []
diff --git a/tg_bot/modules/rss.py b/tg_bot/modules/rss.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a9a956..0000000
--- a/tg_bot/modules/rss.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-import html
-import re
-from feedparser import parse
-from telegram import ParseMode, constants
-from telegram.ext import CommandHandler
-from tg_bot import dispatcher, updater
-from tg_bot.modules.helper_funcs.chat_status import user_admin
-from tg_bot.modules.sql import rss_sql as sql
-def show_url(bot, update, args):
- tg_chat_id = str(update.effective_chat.id)
- if len(args) >= 1:
- tg_feed_link = args[0]
- link_processed = parse(tg_feed_link)
- if link_processed.bozo == 0:
- feed_title = link_processed.feed.get("title", default="Unknown")
- feed_description = "{}".format(
- re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', link_processed.feed.get("description", default="Unknown")))
- feed_link = link_processed.feed.get("link", default="Unknown")
- feed_message = "Feed Title: \n{}" \
- "\n\nFeed Description: \n{}" \
- "\n\nFeed Link: \n{}".format(html.escape(feed_title),
- feed_description,
- html.escape(feed_link))
- if len(link_processed.entries) >= 1:
- entry_title = link_processed.entries[0].get("title", default="Unknown")
- entry_description = "{}".format(
- re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', link_processed.entries[0].get("description", default="Unknown")))
- entry_link = link_processed.entries[0].get("link", default="Unknown")
- entry_message = "\n\nEntry Title: \n{}" \
- "\n\nEntry Description: \n{}" \
- "\n\nEntry Link: \n{}".format(html.escape(entry_title),
- entry_description,
- html.escape(entry_link))
- final_message = feed_message + entry_message
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text=final_message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- else:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text=feed_message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- else:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("This link is not an RSS Feed link")
- else:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("URL missing")
-def list_urls(bot, update):
- tg_chat_id = str(update.effective_chat.id)
- user_data = sql.get_urls(tg_chat_id)
- # this loops gets every link from the DB based on the filter above and appends it to the list
- links_list = [row.feed_link for row in user_data]
- final_content = "\n\n".join(links_list)
- # check if the length of the message is too long to be posted in 1 chat bubble
- if len(final_content) == 0:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text="This chat is not subscribed to any links")
- elif len(final_content) <= constants.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text="This chat is subscribed to the following links:\n" + final_content)
- else:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- text="Warning: The message is too long to be sent")
-def add_url(bot, update, args):
- if len(args) >= 1:
- chat = update.effective_chat
- tg_chat_id = str(update.effective_chat.id)
- tg_feed_link = args[0]
- link_processed = parse(tg_feed_link)
- # check if link is a valid RSS Feed link
- if link_processed.bozo == 0:
- if len(link_processed.entries[0]) >= 1:
- tg_old_entry_link = link_processed.entries[0].link
- else:
- tg_old_entry_link = ""
- # gather the row which contains exactly that telegram group ID and link for later comparison
- row = sql.check_url_availability(tg_chat_id, tg_feed_link)
- # check if there's an entry already added to DB by the same user in the same group with the same link
- if row:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("This URL has already been added")
- else:
- sql.add_url(tg_chat_id, tg_feed_link, tg_old_entry_link)
- update.effective_message.reply_text("Added URL to subscription")
- else:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("This link is not an RSS Feed link")
- else:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("URL missing")
-def remove_url(bot, update, args):
- if len(args) >= 1:
- tg_chat_id = str(update.effective_chat.id)
- tg_feed_link = args[0]
- link_processed = parse(tg_feed_link)
- if link_processed.bozo == 0:
- user_data = sql.check_url_availability(tg_chat_id, tg_feed_link)
- if user_data:
- sql.remove_url(tg_chat_id, tg_feed_link)
- update.effective_message.reply_text("Removed URL from subscription")
- else:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("You haven't subscribed to this URL yet")
- else:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("This link is not an RSS Feed link")
- else:
- update.effective_message.reply_text("URL missing")
-def rss_update(bot, job):
- user_data = sql.get_all()
- # this loop checks for every row in the DB
- for row in user_data:
- row_id = row.id
- tg_chat_id = row.chat_id
- tg_feed_link = row.feed_link
- feed_processed = parse(tg_feed_link)
- tg_old_entry_link = row.old_entry_link
- new_entry_links = []
- new_entry_titles = []
- # this loop checks for every entry from the RSS Feed link from the DB row
- for entry in feed_processed.entries:
- # check if there are any new updates to the RSS Feed from the old entry
- if entry.link != tg_old_entry_link:
- new_entry_links.append(entry.link)
- new_entry_titles.append(entry.title)
- else:
- break
- # check if there's any new entries queued from the last check
- if new_entry_links:
- sql.update_url(row_id, new_entry_links)
- else:
- pass
- if len(new_entry_links) < 5:
- # this loop sends every new update to each user from each group based on the DB entries
- for link, title in zip(reversed(new_entry_links), reversed(new_entry_titles)):
- final_message = "{}\n\n{}".format(html.escape(title), html.escape(link))
- if len(final_message) <= constants.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text=final_message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- else:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text="Warning: The message is too long to be sent",
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- else:
- for link, title in zip(reversed(new_entry_links[-5:]), reversed(new_entry_titles[-5:])):
- final_message = "{}\n\n{}".format(html.escape(title), html.escape(link))
- if len(final_message) <= constants.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text=final_message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- else:
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, text="Warning: The message is too long to be sent",
- parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
- bot.send_message(chat_id=tg_chat_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
- text="Warning: {} occurrences have been left out to prevent spam"
- .format(len(new_entry_links) - 5))
-def rss_set(bot, job):
- user_data = sql.get_all()
- # this loop checks for every row in the DB
- for row in user_data:
- row_id = row.id
- tg_feed_link = row.feed_link
- tg_old_entry_link = row.old_entry_link
- feed_processed = parse(tg_feed_link)
- new_entry_links = []
- new_entry_titles = []
- # this loop checks for every entry from the RSS Feed link from the DB row
- for entry in feed_processed.entries:
- # check if there are any new updates to the RSS Feed from the old entry
- if entry.link != tg_old_entry_link:
- new_entry_links.append(entry.link)
- new_entry_titles.append(entry.title)
- else:
- break
- # check if there's any new entries queued from the last check
- if new_entry_links:
- sql.update_url(row_id, new_entry_links)
- else:
- pass
-__help__ = """
- - /addrss : add an RSS link to the subscriptions.
- - /removerss : removes the RSS link from the subscriptions.
- - /rss : shows the link's data and the last entry, for testing purposes.
- - /listrss: shows the list of rss feeds that the chat is currently subscribed to.
-NOTE: In groups, only admins can add/remove RSS links to the group's subscription
-__mod_name__ = "RSS Feed"
-job = updater.job_queue
-job_rss_set = job.run_once(rss_set, 5)
-job_rss_update = job.run_repeating(rss_update, interval=60, first=60)
-job_rss_set.enabled = True
-job_rss_update.enabled = True
-SHOW_URL_HANDLER = CommandHandler("rss", show_url, pass_args=True)
-ADD_URL_HANDLER = CommandHandler("addrss", add_url, pass_args=True)
-REMOVE_URL_HANDLER = CommandHandler("removerss", remove_url, pass_args=True)
-LIST_URLS_HANDLER = CommandHandler("listrss", list_urls)
diff --git a/tg_bot/modules/sql/welcome_sql.py b/tg_bot/modules/sql/welcome_sql.py
index 733b847..1c0720e 100644
--- a/tg_bot/modules/sql/welcome_sql.py
+++ b/tg_bot/modules/sql/welcome_sql.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from tg_bot.modules.helper_funcs.msg_types import Types
from tg_bot.modules.sql import SESSION, BASE
-DEFAULT_WELCOME = "Hey {mention}}, how are you?"
+DEFAULT_WELCOME = "Hey {first}, how are you?"
DEFAULT_GOODBYE = "Goodbye's Are not Forever!"