This program is a basic scheme interpreter. It consists of four major parts: Object, Io_function, Primitive_procedures, Eval.
Compiler: Visual Studio 2015
- An Object saves the basic datas of Scheme, includes integer, real, boolean, string(symbol), procedure and pair.
- A Procedure can represent primitive-procedure and compound-procedure.
Primitive-procedure is a function pointer;
Compound-procedure consists of three parts: parameters, body and environment, only some special compound-procedure have their own environment, reference SICP page 150(Chinese version) or page 297(English version).
- Get input from string, std::cin and files
- Split the input into individual elements
- Do some conversion, such as '(1 2 3) --> (list 1 2 3).
- Implement part of primitive procedure of Scheme.
- The evaluator evaluates each input expression and prints out the result.
- (quit) or (exit) to quit
- (load "path/filename") to load code from files
- (reset) to reset environment and restart evaluator