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API Engine

DevLess API Engine(DAE)

**DevLess API Engine(DAE)**is an open source API engine that generates CRUD API access to databases as well as allows the execution of rules .

The current implementation of the DevLess API Engine is in PHP and on top of the Laravel framework.

**DAE **can be used as a standalone (accessed solely via API calls) however a developer console is provided to interact with the API engine.

This document explains the syntax and process for accessing and working with the DEA.

Features of the API engine include :

Database access

  • Create database tables

  • Add data to tables

  • Query tables

  • Updates data in tables

  • Truncate, delete and drop tables


  • Run rules against data. This allows you to edit data that is about to be added or updated within the database as well as the request.

As you would have noticed from above the DevLess API Engine(DAE) works with two main entities tables, rules each known as aRESOURCE.

You can also pair up resources together known as a **SERVICE **and this is responsible for one functionality of your APPLICATION.

In response to this order of organisation the restful endpoints are generated in the form:<hostname>\service\<service_name>\<resource_name>\

eg:https:\\\service\authentication\db?table=auth_table(this example gets all data from the auth_table)

Endpoints definition for specific resources and actions

For the rest of the documentation, we will assume creating a user authentication service.

Structure of the Authentication Service

  • Table name is auth_table

Fields required include

  • username (string)
  • password (hashed string)

Also, we assume our server is on http://localhost:8000/.

**NB:**To get started you need to create a new service either via the developer console or from a database management client. In our case it is assumed we have done that and the name of the service is authentication.

Creating the table


URL_STRUCTURE: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/service/authentication/schema

HEADERS: Content-Type application/json , Devless-token get_it_from_the_app_section_of_DevLess


           "description":" demo authenticate users",


RESPONSE PAYLOAD: {"status_code":606,"message":"created table successfully","payload":[]}

Explanation: From the URL after theapi/v1/service route, the service_name authenticationis passed followed by theschemasub-route which is the route for creating new tables for any service.

Also, the request payload takes the name of the table to be created and is prefixed with the service name during the creation of the table itself to ensure tables from other services do not conflict. You may also add a table description but this is optional

For thefield, there are a couple of options you have to provide with some being optional and others required.

"name"this is the name to be given to the field and this is required.

"field_type"this is a [soft data type](/This is a DevLess table data type) and is required as well. The options available are shown below on the left and their translated database type on the right

'text'       => 'string',
'textarea'   => 'longText',
'integer'    => 'integer',
'decimal'    => 'double',
'password'   => 'string',
'percentage' => 'integer',
'url'        => 'string',
'timestamp'  => 'timestamp',
'boolean'    => 'boolean',
'email'      => 'string',
'reference'  => 'integer',

**NB:**The passwordfield_type hashes any data provided in the name field automatically.

  • "default" allows you to setup a default value for the field.

  • "required" allows to make the field a required field.

  • "is_unique" states whether this field should be unique or not.

  • "ref_table"also in the case where the field_type you chose was a reference type you would have to select the table you would like to reference . The engine automatically creates the relationship between the field and primary key of the table being referenced. Also you can set the ref_table to _devless_users this will reference the users table.

TheResponse Bodyprovides three piece of information: thestatus_codein this case606, amessageandpayloadwhich might contain extra information or return data. Here are the list of all the status codes

Next step would be adding some data to the table

Adding data to table


URL_STRUCTURE: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/service/authentication/db/

HEADERS: Content-Type application/json , Devless-token get_it_from_the_app_section_of_DevLess





RESPONSE PAYLOAD: {"status_code":609,"message":"data has been added to table successfully","payload":[]}

We will repeat the above by replacing the nameEdmondwithCharlesand keeping the password same. So now we have two records in auth_table.

Now we can query our table

Query data from table


URL_STRUCTURE: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/service/authentication/db?table=auth_table&order=username&where=username,edmond&size=2

HEADERS: Content-Type application/json , Devless-token get_it_from_the_app_section_of_DevLess

REQUEST PAYLOAD: passed as part of the URL

  "status_code": 625,
  "message": "Got response successfully",
  "payload": {
    "0": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "Edmond",
      "password": "$2y$10$NO2Lpw5hYxoAtQ7EM.D4peWAhAWMjrDKgA4/0.bjJHnVuh1UPT0XS"
    "related": []

Now we query the auth_table using the get parameters provided by the engine.

  • Thetableparameter is used to provide the table name.
  • TheorderByparameter makes it possible to arrange the data in descending order based on the field provided.
  • Thewhereparameter is used to get data where the field provided before the comma contains the data,edmond
  • TheorWhereparameter allows for quering data that might contain a,edmond.
  • Thesizeparameter is used to set the total number of records to be returned.
  • Theoffsetparameter sets an offset on the record.
  • Thesearchparameter allows searching columns of a table that might contain a,edmond.
  • The greaterThan parameter allows query for records who's column value is greater than a certain number eg:&greaterThan=age,18
  • The lessThan parameter allows query for records who's column value is less than a certain number eg:&lessThan=age,18
  • The greaterThanEqual parameter allows query for records who's column value is greater than or equals a certain number eg:&greaterThanEqual=age,18
  • The lessThanEqual parameter allows query for records who's column value is less than or equal to a certain number eg:&lessThan=age,18
  • The

Next, we are going to change the username from Edmond to James

Updating data to table


URL_STRUCTURE: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/service/authentication/db

HEADERS: Content-Type application/json , Devless-token get_it_from_the_app_section_of_DevLess

                   {"username": "james"}



RESPONSE PAYLOAD: {"status_code":619,"message":"table authentication updated successfully","payload":[]}

In other to update a field in the table you need to pass thetable nameand theparameters. The parameters will include the field name and new data as well as theidof that field as shown above.

Now that we have made changes to our table content we can now try to delete a field, truncate the table then delete the whole table.

Delete data from table


URL_STRUCTURE: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/service/authentication/db

HEADERS: Content-Type application/json , Devless-token get_it_from_the_app_section_of_DevLess




RESPONSE PAYLOAD: {"status_code":636,"message":"The table or field has been deleted","payload":[]}

This is very trivial and understandable as by now you would have noticed the pattern 😊

  • To truncate the table you set thetruncateparameter totrue"truncate":true this returns a response as{"status_code":636,"message":"data/table/field deleted successfully","payload":[]}

  • You may also drop the table by passingtrueto thedropparameter this also returns a response as{"status_code":636,"message":"data/table/field deleted successfully","payload":[]}

We have gone through a basic CRUD operation using the API engine. The next thing we are going to look at is the script .

Again whenever you create a service with the management console a scripting column is added. That's where your script lives. In case you want the complete API engine with the management console download it fromDevLess complete. Another way you can add a script is doing so with a database client

Accessing rules

  • Rules are run each time you make a call to any of the CRUD actions
  • Each Service has a Rules section.
  • Detailed explanation of how to use Rules can be found at All about Rules

RPC Calls

DevLess Services come with in built functionalities that can be accessed via RPC calls. some of these functionalities include Authentication (SignUp, Login, profile ..). Also Every new service created has an ActionClass which is basically a class within which you can add methods. These methods are then accessible over RPC.

Request structure


URL_STRUCTURE: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/service/service_name/rpc?action=method_name

HEADERS: Content-Type application/json , Devless-token get_it_from_the_app_section_of_DevLess

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "service_name",
      "id": "1000",
      "params": []

SignUp call via RPC


URL_STRUCTURE: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/service/devless/rpc?action=signUp

HEADERS: Content-Type application/json , Devless-token get_it_from_the_app_section_of_DevLess

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "method": "devless",
      "id": "1000",
      "params": ["[email protected]", "password","username","03043355646","fname","lname","null"]

  "status_code": 637,
  "message": "Got RPC response successfully",
  "payload": {
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
      "profile": {
        "username": "jeff",
        "first_name": "fname",
        "last_name": "lname",
        "phone_number": "03043355646",
        "id": 42,
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.IntcInRva2VuXCI6XCIzMmJkOTgwNmQxN2U5YWZjN2UwYjMzMzU0MmQ5NTJjNlwifSI.GEdumRzlZHGPv5Do5DrezjHX_llLRoFUI1_u32J0vE0"
    "id": "1000"