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1268 lines (706 loc) · 60.8 KB

Release 6.8.1

Breaking Changes

  • Some Brightcove Player SDK Podspecs have been updated which might affect your project Podfile. Refer to the Noteworthy section of the SDK Core README.

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where Rebuild from Bitcode failed during Distribution, Validation and App Store submission for apps built with dynamic Brightcove frameworks.

  • Fixes some Podspecs to allow the IMA and Omniture plugins to be used together.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Breaking Changes

  • The property externalRouteView on BCOVPUIBasicControlView has been renamed to externalRouteViewButton and is now a BCOVPUIButton.

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes the AirPlay button accessibility label.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes a memory leak which could cause a video to continue playing after its view controller had been dismissed.

Release 6.8.0

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds the BCOVTVPlayerViewDelegate methods playerDidBeginFastForward, playerDidEndFastForward, playerDidBeginFastRewind and playerDidEndFastRewind to indicate the start and end of fast-forwarding and fast-rewinding.

  • Improves reporting of FairPlay errors which are now passed as kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventError lifecycle events.

  • Fixes an issue where the use of Sidecar Subtitles caused the video to fail to play for some Dynamic Delivery accounts.

  • Fixes an issue where the status of a terminated download was incorrectly reported as complete. Downloads are terminated when the app is terminated, for example by swiping up.

  • Fixes an issue where BCOVVideo -playableoffline always returned NO on iOS 14.

  • Fixes the appearance of the player progress bar on iOS 14.

  • Fixes an issue where kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventFail was not posted for bad video source URL's on iOS 11.

  • Fixes an issue where rental licenses (dual expiry licenses) prevented playback on iOS 11.4.

Google Cast Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for the Brightcove CAF Receiver. See the Brightcove CAF Receiver section of the Google Cast Plugin README for more information.

  • Supports version 4.5.0 of the Google Cast SDK for iOS. See the iOS Permissions Changes page for information about permission changes for iOS 14 and how they play into the Google Cast SDK.

  • Fixes an issue where AirPlay failed to play EPA enabled content on 3rd and 4th generation Apple TV devices.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Breaking Changes

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for App Tracking Transparency for Google Interactive Media Ads SDK 3.12.1 for iOS and 4.3.2 for tvOS. See Request App Tracking Transparency authorization for more information.

  • Corrects the value of is_lat for the purpose of Ad Tracking.

SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds the kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdSkipped lifecycle event type to allow for detecting when a user has skipped an ad.

  • Fixes an issue where VMAP documents were requested twice.

Release 6.7.11

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes the behavior of the Audio and Subtitles control in the presence of Live passthrough captions (608).

Release 6.7.10

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds the BCOVTVPlayerViewDelegate method liveIndicatorViewForIsPlaying:atLiveEdge: to allow for customization of the DVR Live indicator.

  • Adds the BCOVPlaybackControllerDelegate method playbackController:playbackSession:didChangeSelectedAudibleMediaOption to be notified when the audible media option for the current video is changed.

  • Adds the BCOVPlaybackControllerDelegate method playbackController:playbackSession:didChangeSelectedLegibleMediaOption to be notified when the legible media option for the current video is changed.

  • Fixes an issue where BCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEvent kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventReady or kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventFail sometimes failed to reach the BCOVPlaybackController delegate.

  • Fixes an issue where subtitles set with the Sidecar plugin could cause subsequent videos in a playlist to not play.

  • Improves the appearance of the built-in TV Player Controls and the handling of Siri Remote gestures.

  • Adds Objective-C and Swift sample projects for playing IMA preroll ads with Live SSAI streams. See SSAI/SLS_IMA-Player and SSAI/SLS_IMA-tvOSPlayer in brightcoveos/ios-player-samples.git on GitHub.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where playback controls remained hidden after an ad failed to play when using a VAST ad profile.

Google Cast Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds the optional BCOVGoogleCastManagerDelegate method willBuildMediaInformationBuilder: to allow for additional configuration of the GCKMediaInformationBuilder object.

  • Adds the optional BCOVGoogleCastManagerDelegate method useSourceFromSources: to allow for custom source selection.

  • Adds the optional BCOVGoogleCastManagerDelegate method willSendMediaLoadOptions: to allow for additional configuration of the GCKMediaLoadOptions object.

  • Adds the optional BCOVGoogleCastManagerDelegate method shouldCastVideo: to allow for customization of cast behavior.

Release 6.7.9

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where, while using an AVPlayerViewController, video could appear to freeze after a few seconds while audio continued to play.

  • Fixes a crash in Sidecar Subtitles Playback Session Provider caused by an unexpected WebVTT text track.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when calling setVideos: multiple times on BCOVPlaybackController.

  • Fixes a crash that could occur when an application certificate is not available during Fairplay license processing.

  • Fixes an issue where a Fairplay video might not play back when using certain session providers.

Release 6.7.8

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Breaking Changes

  • Removes the offlineVideoToken:didFinishAggregateDownloadWithError: method of the BCOVOfflineVideoManagerDelegate protocol.

Additions and Improvements

  • Resolves App Store submission issues related to use of the IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) by moving those references out of the Core SDK framework.

  • Fixes an issue where playback of DRM protected content could stop in mid-play when using certain authorization schemes.

  • Adds support for customizing the layout of thumbnail previews. See playerViewShouldDisplayThumbnailPreviewWithSize: on the BCOVTVPlayerViewDelegate protocol and playerViewShouldDisplayThumbnailPreviewWithRect: on the BCOVPUIPlayerViewDelegate protocol for more information.

  • Fixes an issue where the player layer of a custom view strategy was not updated as needed, resulting in a black video display. Updates the View Strategy section of the Core SDK README. Provides a new ViewStrategy sample project in PlayerUI/ViewStrategy of the ios-sample-projects.git git repository.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds bitcode to the tvOS framework to fix app submission.

Release 6.7.7

Breaking Changes

  • Several Brightcove Player SDK Podspecs have been renamed which might affect your project Podfile. Refer to the Noteworthy section of the SDK Core README.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Updates the Brightcove-Player-Core podspec to install the dynamic SDK Core framework. To install the static framework, reference the Brightcove-Player-SDK-static podspec instead.

  • Fixes an issue where use of a custom layout prevented scrubbing.

  • Fixes an issue where occasionally, a downloaded video could not be played while off-line.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for IMA pre-roll ads with SSAI live streams on iOS and tvOS.

  • Adds support for version 3.11.4 of the Google IMA SDK for iOS.

  • Adds support for version 4.2.3 of the Google IMA SDK for tvOS.

SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Updates the Brightcove-Player-SSAI podspec to install the dynamic SSAI framework. To install the static framework, reference the Brightcove-Player-SSAI-static podspec instead.

  • Improves the behavior of seeking around ads and Seek Without Ads.

GoogleCast Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Updates the Brightcove-Player-GoogleCast podspec to install the dynamic Core framework. To install the static Core framework, reference the Brightcove-Player-GoogleCast-static podspec instead.

Release 6.7.6

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds the optional BCOVPUIPlayerViewDelegate methods progressSliderDidTouchDown:, progressSliderDidChangeValue: and progressSliderDidTouchUp: for iOS.

  • Adds the optional BCOVTVPlayerViewDelegate methods progressViewPanGestureStateBegan:, progressViewPanGestureStateChanged: and progressViewPanGestureStateEnded: for tvOS.

  • Adds support for dual expiry for offline FairPlay protected videos. Refer to the Download a Video section of for more information.

  • Fixes an issue on tvOS where audio would continue to play after a player view had been removed from the view heirarchy.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for pre-roll and post-roll ad playback over AirPlay. Set enableBackgroundPlayback to YES on IMASettings along with enabling AirPlay on your BCOVPlaybackController. Refer to the AirPlay section of the README for more information.

Release 6.7.5

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes a fatal exception on tvOS caused by multiple app launches.

  • Adds support for preloading content keys for online FairPlay protected videos. See preloadContentKeysForVideos: on BCOVFairPlayManager for more information.

  • Improves support for right-to-left languages.

  • Adds support for localized number values.

  • Fixes an issue where the Captions button was hidden after changing the controls layout.

  • Fixes an issue where offlineVideoToken:aggregateDownloadTask:didProgressTo:forMediaSelection: was not being called after an app was moved from the background to the foreground.

Pulse Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds the ability to pause and resume ads with support for Pulse PauseAd.

  • Supports seeking without ads (resume).

  • Fixes post-roll ad playback on tvOS.

  • Improves handling for various error conditions such as bad ad paths.

  • Improves support for right-to-left languages.

Release 6.7.4

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for the Brightcove Playback Rights Management Service.

  • Adds support for HEVC and HLSv7 video playback.

  • Adds new localizations for Arabic (ar), French (fr), German (de), Japanese (ja), Korean (ko) and Spanish (es).

Pulse Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds new support for integrating Pulse Video Advertising with your iOS and tvOS apps.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports version 3.11.3 of the Google IMA SDK for iOS.

  • Supports version 4.2.1 of the Google IMA SDK for tvOS.

  • Fixes an issue where kBCOVIMALifecycleEventAdsLoaderLoaded was not triggered for VAST ad profiles.

Release 6.7.3

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds improvements to some video analytics.

Release 6.7.2

Breaking Changes

  • The minimum Deployment Target for all Brightcove Native Player for iOS frameworks is now iOS 11.0 and tvOS 11.0.

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue with apps crashing during launch on iOS Simulators running iOS 11 and 12 (dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_AVAssetDownloadURLSession). The exception to the fix is apps built with the Google Cast SDK for iOS CocoaPod due to an issue with the google-cast-sdk Podspec. To work around the issue, for example in the Brightcove BasicCastPlayer sample project for Objective-C, follow these steps:
  1. Run pod install
  2. Open the BasicCastPlayer.xcworkspace document
  3. In the Xcode Project Navigator, navigate to Pods -> Target Support Files -> Pods-BasicCastPlayer
  4. In the files Pods-BasicCastPlayer.debug.xcconfig and Pods-BasicCastPlayer.release.xcconfig change this line:
OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) -ObjC -l"c++" -framework "AVFoundation" -framework "Accelerate" -framework "AudioToolbox" -framework "BrightcoveGoogleCast" -framework "BrightcovePlayerSDK" -framework "CFNetwork" -framework "CoreBluetooth" -framework "CoreData" -framework "CoreGraphics" -framework "CoreMedia" -framework "CoreText" -framework "Foundation" -framework "GoogleCast" -framework "MediaAccessibility" -framework "MediaPlayer" -framework "QuartzCore" -framework "Security" -framework "SystemConfiguration" -framework "UIKit" -framework "protobuf"

to this:

OTHER_LDFLAGS = $(inherited) -ObjC -l"c++" -framework "BrightcovePlayerSDK" -framework "BrightcoveGoogleCast" -framework "GoogleCast" -framework "protobuf"

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for short-duration license renewal for FairPlay protected videos. See updateLicenseRenewalInterval: on BCOVPlaybackController for more information.

Release 6.7.1

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue that could prevent downloads from starting immediately when using BCOVOfflineVideoManager.

  • Adds the playbackController:determinedVideoType:forVideo: delegate method to BCOVPlaybackController. See the BCOVPlaybackController header for more information, including all available types of BCOVVideoType.

  • Updates header documentation for the BCOVVideo.playableOffline property which can have an unexpected value when the video is loaded for playback.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for setting Audience Segment Targeting information on ad requests. See updateAudienceSegmentTargetingValues: in BCOVPlaybackController for more information. This is currently only supported when using IMA + VAST.

SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes scrubbing behavior when using BCOVPlayerUI player controls and the SSAI plugin to play back VOD.

Google Cast Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes bitcode embedding.

Release 6.7.0

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for the Brightcove Playback Rights Management Service which is in Limited Availability.

  • Deprecates support for iOS 10 and tvOS 10 in the Core SDK and all plugin frameworks. Support for iOS 10 and tvOS 10 will end in the near future.

Breaking Changes

  • Removes strings generated by Xcode Project Versioning as those settings are not used for SDK versioning. Version strings were declared in the SDK framework umbrella headers, for example, in BrightcovePlayerSDK.h:
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char BrightcovePlayerSDKVersionString[];

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Deprecates support for downloading secondary tracks as a separate download request (requestVideoDownload:parameters:completion: and requestMediaSelectionsDownload:offlineVideoToken:). Update your apps to the newest download method described in the "Downloading Secondary Tracks" section of

Breaking Changes

  • Removes deprecated method renewFairPlayLicense:parameters:completion from BCOVOfflineVideoManager.

Known Issues

  • After requesting a video download, the download can delay for several minutes. To work around this issue, implement the BCOVOfflineVideoManagerDelegate method, didCreateSharedBackgroundSesssionConfiguration:, and set the discretionary property of the backgroundSessionConfiguration object to NO. A permanent fix will be released in the near future.
- (void)didCreateSharedBackgroundSesssionConfiguration:(NSURLSessionConfiguration *)backgroundSessionConfiguration
    backgroundSessionConfiguration.discretionary = NO;

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for tvOS.

Google Cast Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds the prepareForReuse method to clean up state of a BCOVGoogleCastManager instance if shared across view controllers.

Breaking Changes

  • Deprecates support for sharedManager. In a future release, BCOVGoogleCastManager will need to be instantiated explicitly.

Release 6.6.2

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the didChangeSeekableRanges delegate method was not being called. This issue first appeared in SDK release 6.6.0.

  • Fixes an issue where the kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventReady lifecycle event might be sent in response to seek starts and ends.

Release 6.6.1

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where successive calls to BCOVPlaybackController -setVideos: on a single BCOVPlaybackController caused resource leaks which could result in an app crash.

Release 6.6.0

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Reduces the file size of the dynamic framework by ~10MB, and ~20MB for the static framework.

  • Reduces CPU load up to 40% when playing video, decreases memory usage by up to 10%, and decreases energy usage by up to 30%.

  • Fixes an issue causing default captions to not be automatically selected. Note that the default caption may not be selected when the user has enabled "Closed Captions + SDH".

  • Fixes an issue where tapping the LIVE button on a paused live video did not begin playback after seeking to the live edge.

  • Fixes an issue when retrying a download of secondary tracks after a previous attempt resulted in a failure.

  • Enables playback of an IMA pre-roll ad with Live HLS streams.

  • Adds functionality to specify an initial selection when setting bitrate options along with the ability to programmatically set a preferred bitrate. Refer to the "Setting a Preferred Bitrate" section of the README for more information.

  • Removes a reference to the deprecated UIWebKit.

Breaking Changes

  • The Offline Downloads API has changed for iOS 13+. Refer to the "Downloading Secondary Tracks" section of for details.

  • The minimum tvOS Deployment Target for all Brightcove Native Player for tvOS frameworks is now tvOS 10.0.

  • Support for BCOVBasicSessionLoadingPolicy has been removed. Refer to the "Preloading Videos" section of the README for guidance on using multiple playback controllers to achieve a preloading effect.

  • Requires Xcode 11+.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the delegate method playbackController:playbackSession:didExitAd: was not being triggered when an applicable IMA ad was skipped.

  • Fixes an issue where ads were not replayed when ignoringPreviouslyProcessedCuePoints on BCOVCuePointProgressPolicy was disabled.

Release 6.5.0

Breaking Changes

  • Support for Xcode 10 has been deprecated and Brightcove SDK releases after 6.5.0 will require you to build your apps with Xcode 11+.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for Live streams with FairPlay DRM. Refer to the Live DRM support pages.

  • Adds localizations for traditional Chinese (zh-hant) and simplified Chinese (zh-hans) language scripts.

  • Fixes an issue causing the duration and progress labels to display in Times New Roman on devices running iOS 13.

  • Fixes the public declarations of Playback Session lifecycle event types kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventPlayRequest, kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventPauseRequest, kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdSequenceEnter, kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdSequenceExit, kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdEnter, kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdExit, kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdProgress, kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdPause and kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventAdResume which can be found in the framework header BCOVPlaybackSession.h.

Google Cast Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports version 4.4.5 of the Google Cast SDK for iOS.

SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

Release 6.4.5

SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an exception which occurred when calling setVideos: more than once for a single BCOVPlaybackController object. The exception error message includes the text Exception 'Cannot remove an observer....

Release 6.4.4

Brightcove Player SDK for tvOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Extends support for Picture-in-Picture by adding showPictureInPictureButton to BCOVPUIPlayerViewOptions. When set to true, a Picture-in-Picture button will be added to the player controls on supported devices. Refer to the VidoCloudBasicPlayer sample project for example code.

  • Adds support for AirPlay 2. Refer to the AirPlay section of the SDK Core README for details on adding AirPlay 2 support to your apps.

  • Adds the optional BCOVTVPlayerViewDelegate method - (BOOL)playerViewShouldRequireLinearPlayback:(BCOVTVPlayerView *)playerView;. Refer to the BCOVTVPlayerViewDelegate reference.

  • Fixes an issue where setting the BCOVPlaybackController shutter property from a non-main thread generated an exception.

Breaking Changes

  • Removes the defaultControlsViewStrategy option on BCOVPlayerSDKManager. Use the built-in PlayerUI controls instead; see the Built-In PlayerUI Controls section in the README for details.

FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes a crash which occurred when getting or setting the shutter property of the BCOVPlaybackController from a non-main thread.

Release 6.4.3

Breaking Changes

  • Release 6.4.3 of the Brightcove Player SDK for iOS deprecates BrightcoveOUX, replacing it with the SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS. Refer to the OnceUX or SSAI README for instructions on migrating your app to the new BrightcoveSSAI framework.

Brightcove Player SDK for tvOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for VoiceOver to the built-in BCOVTVPlayerUI controls.

  • Adds the BCOVTVAccessibilityDelegate protocol to allow customization of some accessibility labels.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports version 3.9.0 of the Google IMA SDK for iOS.

  • Adds default values for the playerType and playerVersion properties of the IMASettings object.

SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Introduces the SSAI Plugin. Refer to the OnceUX or SSAI README for instructions on migrating your apps to the new BrightcoveSSAI framework.

  • Provides access to the VMAP data retrieved in response to a -setVideos: call to the Playback Controller. Refer to the SSAI README for details.

  • Fixes an issue which could cause rewind or jump-back to fail, and which could prevent a preroll ad from playing.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Deprecates the OnceUX Plugin. Support for OnceUX is now provided by the SSAI Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS. Refer to the README for information on migrating your apps to BrightcoveSSAI.

  • Provides access to the VMAP data retrieved in response to a -setVideos: call to the Playback Controller. Refer to the OnceUX README for details.

  • Fixes an issue which could cause rewind or jump-back to fail, and which could prevent a preroll ad from playing.

Release 6.4.2

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for the Brightcove Playback Authorization Service.

  • Fixes an issue where player_width and player_height were being reported as 0 in analytics for 360° videos.

  • Fixes an issue where the fullscreen toggle button remained visible after entering VR Goggles mode for 360° videos.

  • Adds constants for common values in property/paramater dictionaries. You can find these near the top of:

    • BCOVAnalytics.h
    • BCOVAnalyticsSession.h
    • BCOVCuePoint.h
    • BCOVPlaybackService.h
    • BCOVPlaylist.h
    • BCOVSource.h
    • BCOVVideo.h
  • BCOVBasicSessionLoadingPolicy has been deprecated. Refer to the Preloading Videos section of the README for guidance on using multiple playback controllers to achieve a preloading effect.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the creativeView ad tracking event could be reported twice for each ad.

  • Adds ability to obtain VMAP data after it has been recieved by observing the kBCOVOUXVMAPResponseReceivedNotification (now kBCOVSSAIVMAPResponseReceivedNotification) notification.

Release 6.4.1

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for VoiceOver to the built-in BCOVPlayerUI controls.

  • Removes the kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerHTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHostKey option to BCOVOfflineVideoManager initialization. Use the BCOVOfflineVideoManagerDelegate -didCreateSharedBackgroundSesssionConfiguration: method instead.

FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for honoring the video Advertising setting (Free or Ad Supported).

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for honoring the video Advertising setting (Free or Ad Supported).

Release 6.4.0

Breaking Changes

  • The minimum iOS Deployment Target for all Brightcove Native Player for iOS frameworks is now iOS 10.0.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds functionality to select a preferred peak bitrate for AVPlayer. Refer to the Setting a Preferred Bitrate section of the README as well as the preferredBitrateConfig property on the BCOVPUIPlayerViewOptions class.

  • Fixes an issue where the status information of offline video downloads was being deleted. This issue is present only in Release 6.3.11.

Google Cast Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds new support for integrating Google Cast with your application.

FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for tvOS.

  • Supports version 6.26.0 of the FreeWheel AdManager framework for iOS and tvOS.

Release 6.3.12

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Removes references to UIWebView.

  • Fixes an issue where the status information of offline video downloads was being deleted. This issue is present only in Release 6.3.11.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports IMA 3.11.3 for iOS which, among other improvements, removes references to UIWebView. When running on an iOS 9.x device, configure IMAAdsRenderingSettings to use Safari when opening landing pages in response to taps on "Learn More" or companions ads.
IMAAdsRenderingSettings *renderSettings = [[IMAAdsRenderingSettings alloc] init];
renderSettings.webOpenerPresentingController = nil;
renderSettings.webOpenerDelegate = self; // optional

Release 6.3.11

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the BCOV Offline Video Manager failed to detect the deletion of videos via the device Settings app (General --> iPhone (or iPad) Storage).

  • Clarifies documentation for the BCOVVideo.playableOffline property.

Release 6.3.10

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes a documentation error in the BCOVOfflineVideoStatus Class Reference.

FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports version 6.25.0 of the FreeWheel AdManager framework for iOS.

  • Fixes an issue where, while looping a video with postroll ads, the lifecycle event kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventEnd was sent only the first time the video reached its end.

Release 6.3.9

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue with video downloads in which the load on the main thread increased as the number of stored videos increased.

Release 6.3.8

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where requesting a download of a rented video would fail FairPlay authentication in some regions when 24-Hour Time was turned off in the device Date & Time settings (Settings -> General -> Date & Time).

Release 6.3.7

Additions and Improvements

  • Corrects the release version number.

Release 6.3.6

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Improves performance of the BCOVOfflineVideoManager method -videoObjectFromOfflineVideoToken:.

  • Fixes a crash which could occur while downloading videos for offline viewing.

  • Fixes a crash which could occur when a video failed to load.

Release 6.3.5

Breaking Changes

  • The Brightcove Native Player for iOS now requires Xcode 9.0 or higher.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds SDK Reference documentation for built-in tvOS player controls (BCOVTVPlayer).

  • Fixes an issue where downloading secondary tracks could cause an additional, unrequested video rendition to be downloaded.

  • Fixes the declaration of the Closed Caption button in BCOVPlayerUI.

Release 6.3.4

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds BCOVAttributions.h, acknowledging open source software which may be contained in some portions of the Brightcove Native Player SDK.

  • Fixes an issue with Sidecar Subtitles where text tracks added to a manifest with pre-existing text tracks were not available to the user. Affects Dynamic Delivery only.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where a BCOVVideo with a single BCOVSource failed to play when the BCOVSource's deliveryMethod was not set to kBCOVSourceDeliveryHLS or kBCOVSourceDeliveryOnce.

Release 6.3.3

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • The TV Player UI now supports playback of live and live DVR streams with controls specific to each type of stream.

  • The BCOVTVPlayerView class has a new playerType property, of type BCOVTVPlayerType. This property lets you specify whether the TV Player View will be used for VOD, live, or live DVR presentation.

  • The BCOVTVPlayerType enumeration was added to let you specify VOD, live, or live DVR playback in the TV Player UI. The enumerated values are BCOVTVPlayerTypeVOD for video-on-demand, BCOVTVPlayerTypeLive for live, and BCOVTVPlayerTypeLiveDVR for live DVR playback.

  • Fixes an issue in the Offline Video Manager where a download stopped by the user by terminating the app would result in a downloadState set to BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateCompleted instead of BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateTracksError in its associated BCOVOfflineVideoStatus object.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where HTTP video sources could be selected over HTTPS sources. HTTPS is the preferred source.

FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports version 6.22.0 of the FreeWheel AdManager framework for iOS.

  • Fixes an issue where a videoView event was sent before the slotImpression event when preroll ads were present.

Release 6.3.2

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

Offline Video Manager

Additions and improvements in the BCOVOfflineVideoManager class.

FairPlay License Renewal

- (void)renewFairPlayLicense:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken
                       video:(BCOVVideo *)video
                  parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
                  completion:(void (^)(BCOVOfflineVideoToken offlineVideoToken, NSError *error))completionHandler;

This method, used for renewing the FairPlay license for an offline video, replaces the older method wtihout a video parameter. The video parameter is a recently retrieved BCOVVideo object from the Playback API or Playback Service class, and is used to provide updated key server exchange URLs. Key server URLs are set to expire after a certain amount of time, so this method will allow you to renew your licenses even after the original URLs have expired.

FairPlay License Invalidation

- (void)invalidateFairPlayLicense:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken;

This method allows you to invalidate a FairPlay license before the license has expired, by deleting the license from storage. This is a secure way to make sure that the video is not playable on the device. If desired, a new license can be acquired using the renewFairPlayLicense:video:parameters:completion: method above.

A new error code, kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerErrorCodeInvalidLicense will be returned in a playback session lifecycle event of type kBCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEventFail if you attempt to play a video with an invalid license.

FairPlay License Expiration Retrieval

- (NSDate *)fairPlayLicenseExpiration:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken;

This method provides a convenient way to determine the date and time at which the video will no longer be playable. Normal FairPlay rental licenses return an NSDate object representing the expiration of the license. A purchase license, or videos without FairPlay, will return NSDate.distantFuture.

If the license was invalidated, or was never acquired, this method will return nil.

Other Improvements

  • Improves task resume behavior for aggregate track downloads (secondary audio and caption tracks). Previously, a paused aggregate track download may not have been able to resume downloading if it was paused.

Breaking Changes

In the BCOVOfflineVideoManager class, this method has been deprecated.

- (void)renewFairPlayLicense:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken
                  parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
                  completion:(void (^)(BCOVOfflineVideoToken offlineVideoToken, NSError *error))completionHandler;

A similar method with a new video parameter is now available for renewing a FairPlay license:

- (void)renewFairPlayLicense:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken
                       video:(BCOVVideo *)video
                  parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
                  completion:(void (^)(BCOVOfflineVideoToken offlineVideoToken, NSError *error))completionHandler;

You can pass nil as the video parameter, but if you do, this method will no longer work after the URLs from the original downloaded video have expired.

We recommend you always pass a BCOVVideo object that was recently retrieved from the Playback API or Brightcove Service class as the video parameter.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports version 3.7.0 of the Google IMA SDK for iOS. The Podspec for the IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS references version of the Google IMA iOS SDK as instructed by the IMA Release History.

  • Adds the ability to modify an IMAAdsRequest object immediately before the IMA Plugin calls the IMAAdsLoader -requestAdsWithRequest: method. For details, refer to the "Modifying the IMAAdsRequest" section of the Brightcove IMA Plugin README.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • VAST 3.0 CreativeExtensions embedded in an ad are now accessible through the BCOVAd's properties dictionary. The header file BCOVOUXConstants.h has sample code showing how to access these values.

Release 6.3.1

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

Offline Video Manager

Adds a new method to the BCOVOfflineVideoManagerDelegate protocol:

- (void)didCreateSharedBackgroundSesssionConfiguration:(NSURLSessionConfiguration *)backgroundSessionConfiguration;

This method is called after the background NSURLSessionConfiguration object is created, and before it's used to create the shared AVAssetDownloadURLSession object that's used to download videos. You can use this configuration object to set various options specified for the NSURLSessionConfiguration in NSURLSession.h, such as the discretionary flag, or the HTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHost setting.

You should not set the allowsCellularAccess property; that is set through the kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerAllowsCellularDownloadKey setting passed to -initializeOfflineVideoManagerWithDelegate:options:.

  • Fixes an issue where the HTTP version of some WebVTT URLs was being used instead of HTTPS. This only occurred when using Sidecar Subtitles with a legacy Video Cloud account.

Release 6.3.0

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

Built-In TV Player Controls for tvOS

Version 6.3 of the Brightcove Native Player SDK includes built-in controls for playback in tvOS on Apple TV. For full details about using the built-in TV Player UI with the Brightcove Native Player SDK, see our TV Player guide.

Breaking Changes

  • The BCOVPlaybackSessionProvider protocol method -(id)playbackSessionsForVideos: has been deprecated. This method had no practical use so no code changes are required in your app.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where pre-roll ads would re-play after seeking to the start of the video when using an IMA ads request policy (BCOVIMAAdsRequestPolicy) with a BCOVCuePointProgressPolicy for which the ignoringPreviouslyProcessedCuePoints parameter is set to YES.
  • Fixes an issue where some VMAP URLs would cause the Google IMA library to crash when a post-roll was played.

Release 6.2.2

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

FairPlay License Renewal

Adds the ability to renew FairPlay licenses for downloaded videos without re-downloading the video. To support these feature, there are a few new items in BCOVOfflineVideo.h:

The following method lets you renew the FairPlay license by specifying new license terms along with the offline video token.

- (void)renewFairPlayLicense:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken
                  parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters
                  completion:(void (^)(BCOVOfflineVideoToken offlineVideoToken, NSError *error))completionHandler;

The kBCOVOfflineVideoLicenseAbsoluteExpirationTimePropertyKey is used to obtain the absolute expiration time of an offline BCOVVideo object that uses a FairPlay rental license.

extern NSString * const kBCOVOfflineVideoLicenseAbsoluteExpirationTimePropertyKey;

Previously downloaded videos wll not have this property, but it will be added once the license is renewed.

Other Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where FairPlay licenses could not be generated on devices using non-Gregorian calendars.
  • Fixes an issue where FairPlay rental licenses did not respect the set duration. To ensure that licenses have been issued properly for your users' content, we recommend renewing any FairPlay license issued using version 6.2.1 or earlier of the Brightcove SDK. License renewal will not require the video to be downloaded again. (Tip: if a downloaded video does not have the kBCOVOfflineVideoLicenseAbsoluteExpirationTimePropertyKey property, its license should be renewed.)
  • Fixes an issue that caused apps using the Brightcove SDK to crash when running on iOS 9.
  • Fixes an issue where VTT files containing extra empty lines could crash when downloaded and played back on iOS 10 (Sideband Subtitles).

Release 6.2.1

Breaking Changes

  • The minimum iOS Deployment Target for all Brightcove Native Player for iOS frameworks is now iOS 9.0.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

Adds the ability to store playback analytics for videos that have been downloaded and played while offline. Analytics are transmitted to Brightcove servers once the device comes back online.

A few new items are added to support this feature:

  • kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerAnalyticsStorageFullWarningNotification is a new NSNotification name that you can register to observe. This notification is sent when the storage for offline analytics has reached a prescribed limit (500 MiB by default). When this occurs, you have the option of encouraging your user to go back online, at which point stored analytics data will be sent to Brightcove servers.

  • kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerAllowsCellularAnalyticsKey is the dictionary key for a setting passed to the Offline Video Manager when it is initialized. You can pass @(YES) to allow analytics collected while offline to be transferred over a cellular connection. Pass @(NO) to only transfer over a WiFi connection. This setting is optional, and the default value is @(YES).

  • kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerAnalyticsStorageLimitKey is the dictionary key for a setting passed to the Offline Video Manager when it is initialized. This setting is an NSNumber that determines the maximum amount of storage space (in Bytes) that will be allowed for storing analytics collected for videos played offline. The default value is 500 MiB, and may be set as low as 1 MiB. When the limit is reached, only video_view events will be stored, and other events will start being dropped.

Omniture Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for Adobe Marketing Cloud v4.14.1 and Adobe Video Heartbeat v2.0.1.

Release 6.2.0

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Breaking Changes

  • The BCOVCatalogService, also referred to as the Brightcove Media API, has reached end-of-life status and been removed from the Brightcove Native Player SDK. If your app uses the BCOVCatalogService, you must update it to use the BCOVPlaybackService.

  • You can no longer download caption files using Sideband Subtitles in iOS 11. Sideband Subtitles is a workaround for incomplete track download support in iOS 10. As a result, you can no longer pass kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerSubtitleLanguagesKey as an option when requesting a video download. iOS 11 supports downloading of both subtitle and audio tracks; see "Addtions and Improvements" below for more details. Caption tracks that were downloaded using Sideband Subtitles will continue to play correctly on iOS 11.

Additions and Improvements

  • The BCOVPlayerSDKManager has a new version class method which returns an NSString containing the SDK version.

  • When developing for iOS 11 and later, in addition to HLS videos, you can download all secondary caption and audio tracks using iOS 11's new AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask class. This support includes the folowing changes:


The BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadState enumeration adds the following values:

    /* iOS 11+ only: Download of extra tracks requested but not yet reporting progress */
    BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateTracksRequested = 7,
    /* iOS 11+ only: Download of extra tracks is progressing normally */
    BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateTracksDownloading = 8,
    /* iOS 11+ only: Download of extra tracks was paused */
    BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateTracksSuspended = 9,
    /* iOS 11+ only: Download of extra tracks completed normally */
    BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateTracksCancelled = 10,
    /* iOS 11+ only: Download of extra tracks completed normally */
    BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateTracksCompleted = 11,
    /* iOS 11+ only: Download of extra tracks terminated with an error */
    BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadStateTracksError = 12

The BCOVOfflineVideoManagerDelegate protocol adds the following optional methods signatures:

This method is used on iOS 11.0+ to provide feedback about track downloads:

- (void)offlineVideoToken:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken
             aggregateDownloadTask:(AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask *)aggregateDownloadTask
        forMediaSelection:(AVMediaSelection *)mediaSelection

This method is called when an individual track download is complete:

- (void)offlineVideoToken:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken
didFinishMediaSelectionDownload:(AVMediaSelection *)mediaSelection

This method is called when all requested track downloads are complete:

- (void)offlineVideoToken:(BCOVOfflineVideoToken)offlineVideoToken
didFinishAggregateDownloadWithError:(NSError *)error

The BCOVOfflineVideoStatus class includes a new property for managing secondary track downloads:

@property (nonatomic, readonly) AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask *aggregateDownloadTask

Secondary track include captions, subtitles, and audio tracks. You create a list of tracks to download as an array of AVMediaSelections, and iOS will download them all together using an AVAggregateAssetDownloadTask. You can only start a track download after the primary video has been downloaded.

BCOVOfflineVideoManager has several new methods to help you start and manage secondary track downloads. These new methods apply only to iOS 11.

This method is used to begin downloading additional caption and audio tracks. Track selections are specified as AVMediaSelections. This request can only be made after the related video download has completed. Be sure the offlineVideoToken:didFinishDownloadWithError: delegate callback method has already been called for this video.

- (void)requestMediaSelectionsDownload:(NSArray<AVMediaSelection *> *)mediaSelections

This method returns the AVMediaSelectionGroup for a downloaded video. You can get the media selection group for audio or caption tracks by specifying AVMediaCharacteristicAudible or AVMediaCharacteristicLegible respectively.

- (AVMediaSelectionGroup *)mediaSelectionGroupForMediaCharacteristic:(NSString *)mediaCharacteristic

This is a convenience method that returns the array of AVMediaSelectionOptions that have already been downloaded for an associated offline video as reported by the AVAssetCache for the underlying AVURLAsset.

You can specify AVMediaCharacteristicAudible or AVMediaCharacteristicLegible to find out what audio or caption tracks have been downloaded.

- (NSArray<AVMediaSelectionOption *> *)downloadedMediaSelectionOptionsForMediaCharacteristic:(NSString *)mediaCharacteristic

The forceStopAllDownloadTasks method is implemented as a workaround for a bug on iOS 11.0.x and iOS 11.1.x. On these iOS versions, a track download will resume to completion if it was paused and then cancelled. The only way to stop the download is to force all the downloads in progress to stop wtih an error.

This method should not be used on other versions of iOS; you can cancel an aggregate download task normally on iOS 11.2 by calling cancelVideoDownload.

- (void)forceStopAllDownloadTasks

For full details about downloading video for offline playback, see the iOS App Developer's Guide to Video Downloading and Offline Playback with HLS in the Brightcove Player SDK for iOS, in in the main SDK directory.

Release 6.1.4

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • The PlayerUI controls, and full-screen view of the PlayerUI now respect the new iOS 11 Safe Areas. This ensures that PlayerUI views display properly on iPhone X.
  • Fixes an issue that caused link errors when building with the core Native Player SDK framework using Xcode 8.
  • The method -[BCOVOfflineVideoManager variantBitratesForVideo:completion:] now passes an array containing NSNumber objects to the completion handler, instead of incorrectly passing an array of NSString objects.

Release 6.1.3

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue that prevented subtitles from updating properly when playing back offline videos.

Release 6.1.2

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue that prevented FairPlay videos from playing on Apple TV. This only affected Video Cloud accounts using Dynamic Delivery.

Release 6.1.1

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds BCOVPUIAdControlView.h to the BrightcovePlayerSDK.h umbrella header to fix a compiler warning.
  • Fixes an issue where code coverage symbols were present in the framework executables. This caused link errors in some build configurations.

Release 6.1.0

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Adds support for downloading and playing back clear (non-DRM) video content from Video Cloud accounts using Dynamic Delivery. Previously only FairPlay-protected content could be downloaded.
  • Fixes an issue on iOS 11 where downloaded FairPlay videos would not play back until the app was restarted.
  • The BCOVVideo class has a new BOOL usesFairPlay property that returns YES if the video contains a FairPlay-encrypted source. This only applies to videos retrieved from a Dynamic Delivery account.
  • The BCOVPlayerSDKManager singleton class has a new sessionID property. This NSString * property is a unique read-only value that remains constant until the app is relaunched. This value is sent with all analytics reports and can be used to help diagnose playback issues. Please see the "Tracking Errors" section of the README for full details.
  • The BCOVPlaybackService class has four new methods for converting JSON response data from the Playback Service API. These methods are useful if you need to retrieve data from the Playback Service API (through a proxy server, for example) and then convert them to objects you can work with in the SDK. These methods work identically to the methods found in the BCOVCatalogService class with the same names:
    • + (BCOVSource *)sourceFromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json
    • + (BCOVCuePoint *)cuePointFromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json
    • + (BCOVPlaylist *)playlistFromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json
    • + (BCOVVideo *)videoFromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)json
  • The BCOVPUIAdControlView class is now fully declared in BCOVPUIAdControlView.h so that you can use the BCOVPUIPlayerView property adControlsView. Previously, BCOVPUIAdControlView was only a forward class declaration.

FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Breaking Changes

  • Release 6.1.0 of the FreeWheel Plugin adds support for version 6.17.5 of the FreeWheel SDK, which introduces several deprecations and new classes. As a result, the return type of BCOVFWSessionProviderAdContextPolicy has changed from id<FWContext> to BCOVFWContext*. Please see the "Quick Start" section of the FreeWheel Plugin README, and the iOS Player Samples, for full details.

Release 6.0.6

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • The BCOVPlaybackController protocol has a new usesExternalPlaybackWhileExternalScreenIsActive property. Setting this BOOL property sets the similarly named usesExternalPlaybackWhileExternalScreenIsActive property of the current playback session's AVPlayer, as well as that of any subsequent sessions. This property has no effect if allowsExternalPlayback is false.
  • The BCOVPlaybackController protocol's -setAllowsExternalPlayback: method has been turned into the BOOL allowsExternalPlayback property.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports version 3.6.0 of the Google IMA iOS SDK Framework.

Release 6.0.5

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where dynamic frameworks were missing bitcode.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where a zero-length file in the framework would cause a build warning.
  • Fixes an issue where adding the Brightcove Player SDK using CocoaPods required the manual addition of the MediaAccessibility framework.

Release 6.0.4

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where certain video names caused those videos to fail to download for offline playback. Refer to the "Specifying the Download Display Name" section of the document.
  • This release exposes the HTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHost property of the NSURLSessionConfiguration object used to construct the AVAssetDownloadTask which downloads a video for offline playback. Set this value when calling the +initializeOfflineVideoManagerWithDelegate:options: method of the BCOVOfflineVideoManager by providing an NSNumber value for the kBCOVOfflineVideoManagerHTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHostKey key in the options dictionary.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) is now supported for both non-DRM and DRM videos ingested for Dynamic Delivery.

Release 6.0.3

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • When playing offline video, subtitles now render according to the user captioning preferences of the device.
  • Fixes an issue in which the Live button would frequently change state during live streaming.
  • Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) is now supported for non-DRM videos ingested for Dynamic Delivery. This update requires the use of the OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) is now supported for non-DRM videos ingested for Dynamic Delivery.

Release 6.0.2

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Additions and Improvements

  • Improves error reporting for downloading videos. Previoiusly, some errors were recorded but not reported right away to the Offline Video Manager delegate.
  • Fixes pause and resume functionality for downloading videos.
  • Fixes an issue where the UI could hang when using the AVPlayerViewController class.

Release 6.0.1

Breaking Changes

  • This and future releases of Brightcove Native Player for iOS will include all software components, all having the same version number. When building your app with Brightcove Native Player for iOS components, the component version numbers must always match. As an example, when using version 6.0.1 of the FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS, you must also use version 6.0.1 of the core Brightcove Player SDK for iOS. Each component will continue to be available from individual GitHub repositories.

  • The Brightcove Podspecs repository has moved and the Pods have been renamed. The Podspecs are now available at

  • All CocoaPods podfiles that use Brightcove frameworks should include a reference to the Brightcove Podspecs at the top of the podfile:

source ''
  • (this file) has been consolidated to include all Brightcove Native Player for iOS software components.

Brightcove Player SDK for iOS (Core)

Breaking Changes

  • The BrightcoveFairPlay module is now integrated into the core BrightcovePlayerSDK module and framework. No functional code changes are required, but you should make these changes for your build:
    • Remove BrightcoveFairPlay.framework from your project.
    • If using CocoaPods, remove all references to BrightcoveFairPlay from your Podfiles, and then update.
    • In your source code, change any #includes from <BrightcoveFairPlay/header_name.h> to <BrightcovePlayerSDK/header_name.h>.
    • Remove any imports that refer to the BrightcoveFairPlay module.
  • The BrightcoveSidecarSubtitles module is now integrated into the core BrightcovePlayerSDK module and framework. No functional code changes are required, but you should make these changes for your build:
    • Remove BrightcoveSidecarSubtitles.framework from your project.
    • If using CocoaPods, remove all references to BrightcoveSidecarSubtitles from your Podfiles, and then update.
    • In your source code, change any #includes from <BrightcoveSidecarSubtitles/header_name.h> to <BrightcovePlayerSDK/header_name.h>.
    • Remove any imports that refer to the BrightcoveSidecarSubtitles module.

Additions and Improvements

  • Supports downloading FairPlay-encrypted HLS videos, and playing them back from storage while online or offline.
  • New classes and types to support offline playback: BCOVOfflineVideoManager, BCOVOfflineVideoStatus, BCOVOfflineVideoToken, BCOVOfflineVideoDownloadState.
  • Please see our app developer's guide for full details: "iOS App Developer's Guide to Video Downloading and Offline Playback with FairPlay" in
  • The BCOVVideo class has three new properties:
    • BOOL canBeDownloaded: Returns YES if this video object can be downloaded for offline playback
    • BOOL offline: Returns YES if this instance refers to an offline video.
    • BOOL playableOffline: Returns YES if this instance refers to an offline video playable from the device's local storage. Returns NO if the video has not completed downloading, or if the video has been purged and needs to be re-downloaded.
  • The publisher ID can be nil when calling -[BCOVFPSBrightcoveAuthProxy initWithPublisherId:applicationId:]. Neither value is needed for Dynamic Delivery accounts.
  • Fixes an issue where multiple check marks could appear unintentionally when making language or audio selections in the Audio & Subtitles control's view in the PlayerUI.
  • Adds the BCOVPlayerSDKManager class method sharedManagerWithOptions: that returns the same singleton BCOVPlayerSDKManager class instance, but accepts an options dictionary as a parameter. This is reserved for future use related to debug logging.

FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • The FreeWheel Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK now supports version 6.15.0 of the FreeWheel Ad Manager framework.

IMA Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the video view start time was sometimes reported incorrectly for Quality of Service metrics.

Omniture Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the video view start time was sometimes reported incorrectly for Quality of Service metrics.

OnceUX Plugin for Brightcove Player SDK for iOS

Additions and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the video view start time was sometimes reported incorrectly for Quality of Service metrics.