- John the Ripper
- Hydra
- Unshadow - Password and Shadow files
- Hashcat
- Online Tools
- Hash Identification Tools
- Haiti
- hashid
- hash-identifier
- StegHide (For JPG)
- Zsteg (For PNG)
- ExifTool (For Metadata)
- ExifTool - Web
- Stegoveritas (For JPG and PNG)
- Sonic visualizer (Spectrogram stegonography)
- Steganography Tools
- Crack the passpharse for jpg files:
- Radare 2 - Reverse Engineering
- Rizin - Reverse Engineering
- ILSpy - .NET disassembly
- Dotpeek - .NET disassembly
- Zbar-tools (for extracting QR code from image
) - fcrackzip (for bruteforcing zip file passwords)
- Chisel - TCP/UDP tunnel
- Metasploit
- Enum4Linux - SMB Enumeration
- Seclists
- rockyou.txt
- Payload All the Things
- SQL Injection Payload List
- OWASP Cheatsheet
- XSS Payload List
- WordList CTL
- Custom WordList Generators
- Password Dictionary Generators
- Lyric based wordlist Generator
- Phone number based wordlist Generator