- CQL HomePage
- CQL Examples
- Measure Authoring Tool: could try and get access, see what it can actually help with (I can almost guarantee it's only going to be able to help with the most basic things)
- clinical_quality_language Github Repository: not sure if it's THE Github Repository
- Getting Started: ok, this actualy looks pretty helpful
- Authoring Measure in CQL
- Cooking with CQL Examples
- Applying Logic to FHIR with Clinical Quality Language (CQL)
- Playing in the clinical decision support sandbox: tools and training for all: haven't read this yet, but looks good
- NCQA Engine for CQL: I think this is an interesting example, because even if it can interpret CQL libraries (although there is likely lots of missing functionality), you still have to have your own libraries (and be able to write them), and I bet most of what they've done is QUALITY measures, not clinical or CDS
- Experiences of Creating Computable Knowledge Tutorials Using HL7 Clinical Quality Language
- AHRQ CDS Authoring Tool: again, never used it, but would be interested in how well it actually works
- How CQL fits into BPM+ Health: this one is more for me because I'm interested in the BPM notation