This application is used to check everything is ok and running as fast as expected, check the C++ API for more information. It's open source and doesn't require registration or license key.
The SDK is developed in C++11 and you'll need glibc 2.27+ on Linux and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable(x64) - 14.0.24123 (any later version is ok) on Windows. You most likely already have these dependencies on you machine as almost every program require it.
If you're planning to use OpenVINO, then you'll need Intel C++ Compiler Redistributable (choose newest). Please note that OpenVINO is packaged in the SDK as plugin and loaded (dlopen
) at runtime. The engine will fail to load the plugin if Intel C++ Compiler Redistributable is missing on your machine but the program will work as expected with Tensorflow as fallback. We highly recommend using OpenVINO to speedup the inference time and reduce memory usage.
To check if all dependencies are present:
- Windows x86_64: Use Dependency Walker on binaries/windows/x86_64/KYCDocumentsVerifSDK.dll and binaries/windows/x86_64/plugin_vino.dll if you're planning to use OpenVINO.
- Linux x86_64: Use
ldd <your-shared-lib>
on binaries/linux/x86_64/ and binaries/linux/x86_64/ if you're planning to use OpenVINO.
- On x86-64, GPGPU acceleration is disabled by default. Check here for more information on how to enable it.
These performance numbers are obtained using version 0.0.1. You can use any later version.
We ran the benchmark application for #20 times loops United States - California Driving License (2017).jpg file.
The first number (5727 millis, 3.49fps) means it takes 286 milliseconds to fully process the Californian driver license on RTX3060. 286 = 1000/3.49.
Inter Parallel processing enabled | Inter Parallel processing disabled | |
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core RTX 3060 Ubuntu 20 |
5727 millis 3.49 fps |
11332 millis 1.76 fps |
Intel(R) Xeon(R) E3-1230 v6 @ 3.50GHz GTX 1070 Ubuntu 18 |
8142 millis 2.45 fps |
14480 millis 1.38 fps |
Intel(R) i7-4790K @4.40GHz No GPU Windows 8 Pro |
24587 millis 0.81 fps |
24776 millis 0.80 fps |
Some important notes:
- All tests are done with OpenVINO activation mode set to "auto". You'll have very poor performance numbers if you disable OpenVINO without having a GPU. Another reason th use OpenVINO instead of Tensorflow is that the former consumes far less memory.
- Set OpenVINO activation mode to "on" instead of "auto" if you have a GPU but don't want to use it. "on" will force all inference to be done on OpenVINO device (default = "CPU").
- Support for CUDA is checked at runtime, check the logs to make sure evrything is ok.
- Inter parallel processing mode is faster than sequential mode only when you have a GPU or NPU. More at
If you don't want to build this sample by yourself, then use the pre-built versions:
- Windows x86_64: benchmark.exe under binaries/windows/x86_64
- Linux x86_64: benchmark under binaries/linux/x86_64. Built on Ubuntu 18. You'll need to download as explained here.
You'll need CMake to build this sample.
- Create build folder and move into it:
mkdir build && cd build
To generate the build files:
- Windows (Visual Studio files):
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Linux (Makefile):
cmake .. -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
To build the project:
- Windows: Open the VS solution and build the projet
- Linux: Run
to build the project
After building the application you can test it on your local machine.
The test image looks like this:
Benchmark is a command line application with the following usage:
benchmark \
--image <path-to-image-to-process> \
--assets <path-to-assets-folder> \
[--loops <number-of-loops>] \
[--vino_activation <openvino-activation-mode:auto/on/off>] \
[--parallel <whether-to-enable-inter-parallel-mode:true/false>] \
[--gpu_ctrl_mem <whether-to-enable-gpu-memory-ctrl:true/false>] \
[--tokenfile <path-to-license-token-file>] \
[--tokendata <base64-license-token-data>]
Options surrounded with [] are optional.
Path to the image (JPEG/PNG/BMP/...) to process.--assets
Path to the assets folder containing the configuration files and models. More at information
Number of times to run the processing function. Default: 20.--vino_activation
OpenVINO activation type. Default: "auto". More information at
Whether to enabled the inter parallel processing mode. Default: true. More info at
Whether to enabled the GPU memory controller. Default: false. More information at
Path to the file containing the base64 license token if you have one. If not provided, then the application will act like a trial version. Default: null. More information at
Base64 license token if you have one. If not provided, then the application will act like a trial version. Default: null. More information at
- On Linux x86_64, you may use the next command:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../../binaries/linux/x86_64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./benchmark \
--image "../../../assets/images/United States - California Driving License (2017).jpg" \
--assets ../../../assets \
--loops 20 \
--vino_activation "auto" \
--gpu_ctrl_mem false \
--parallel true
Very important: you'll need to download Tensorflow libraries as explained here.
you can also use binaries/linux/x86_64/ to make your life easier.
- On Windows x86_64, you may use the next command:
benchmark.exe ^
--image "../../../assets/images/United States - California Driving License (2017).jpg" ^
--assets ../../../assets ^
--loops 20 ^
--vino_activation "auto" ^
--gpu_ctrl_mem false ^
--parallel true
you can also use binaries/windows/x86_64/benchmark.bat to make your life easier.