Hospital_Cost_and_Bed_Management_System #The problem Medical Cost Prognosis: Bed and Procedure Analys solves • Unavailability of critical emergency information like availability of beds, PPE kits, etc • Non-ransparency of Medical Rates & their subdivisions • Emergency facilities system • Exploitation of Patients by Overcharging . • Grievance Addressal of Patients • No Proper statistical data available that can help regulate private hospitals #Challenges we ran into • A National Information Portal where critical information like Availability of Beds, Oxygen, etc will be updated regularly. • Cost Estimator to Estimate cost for Surgery at a specific hospital to have transparency of rates. • Hospitals can update manually on regular basis or they can use the Near Real-Time update module to update the availability of beds automatically. • Users can calculate the estimated cost for a specific surgery at a specific hospital to check if he is been overcharged. • The patient can fill out a Grievances form to file a complaint against hospitals directly to District medical council. • Creating Statistical Report based on all the Data fetched from feedback form and grievances form.