From e54e4da289b276714c0266509267270b751b349d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sascha-dev <> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 20:29:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/18] Updated german translation (#127) PR #127 merged to EDCD:Develop --- src/app/i18n/de.js | 1089 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 619 insertions(+), 470 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/app/i18n/de.js b/src/app/i18n/de.js index 7af19041..a7079baf 100644 --- a/src/app/i18n/de.js +++ b/src/app/i18n/de.js @@ -1,470 +1,619 @@ -export const formats = { - decimal: ',', - thousands: '.', - grouping: [3], - currency: ['', ' €'], - dateTime: '%A, der %e. %B %Y, %X', - date: '%d.%m.%Y', - time: '%H:%M:%S', - periods: ['AM', 'PM'], // unused - days: ['Sonntag', 'Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag'], - shortDays: ['So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'], - months: ['Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'], - shortMonths: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mrz', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez'] -}; - -export const terms = { - PHRASE_ALT_ALL: 'Alt + Klick um alle Plätze zu füllen', - PHRASE_BACKUP_DESC: 'Export aller Coriolis-Daten, um sie zu sichern oder um sie zu einem anderen Browser/Gerät zu übertragen.', - PHRASE_CONFIRMATION: 'Sind Sie sicher?', - PHRASE_EXPORT_DESC: 'Ein detaillierter JSON-Export Ihrer Konfiguration für die Verwendung in anderen Websites und Tools', - PHRASE_FASTEST_RANGE: 'aufeinanderfolgende maximale Reichweite/Sprünge', - PHRASE_IMPORT: 'JSON hier einfügen oder importieren', - PHRASE_LADEN: 'Schiffsmasse + Treibstoff + Fracht', - PHRASE_NO_BUILDS: 'Keine Konfigurationen zum Vergleich ausgewählt!', - PHRASE_NO_RETROCH: 'Keine Umrüständerungen', - PHRASE_SELECT_BUILDS: 'Ausstattung zum Vergleich auswählen', - PHRASE_SG_RECHARGE: 'Zeit von 50% bis 100% der Ladung bei vollem SYS Kondensator', - PHRASE_SG_RECOVER: 'Erneuerung (zu 50%) nach Zusammenbruch bei vollem SYS Kondensator', - PHRASE_UNLADEN: 'Schiffsmasse ohne Treibstoff und Fracht', - PHRASE_UPDATE_RDY: 'Update verfügbar! Klicken zum Aktualisieren', - PHRASE_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE: 'Die Distanz zwischen deinem Schiff und seinem Ziel', - PHRASE_SELECT_BLUEPRINT: 'Klicken um eine Bauplan auszuwählen', - PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_WORST: 'Schlechteste Primärwerte für diesen Bauplan', - PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_RANDOM: 'Zufällige Auswahl an Primärwerten für diesen Bauplan (Schlechteste <> Beste)', - PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_BEST: 'Beste Primärwerte für diesen Bauplan', - PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_EXTREME: 'Beste Positive Werte und schlechteste Negative Werte für diesen Bauplan', - PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_RESET: 'Entferne alle Modifikationen und experimentelle Effekte', - PHRASE_SELECT_SPECIAL: 'Klicken um einen experimentellen Effekt auszuwählen', - PHRASE_NO_SPECIAL: 'Keine Experimentellen Effekte', - PHRASE_SHOPPING_LIST: 'Stationen die diese Schiffskonfiguration verkaufen', - PHRASE_REFIT_SHOPPING_LIST: 'Stationen die die benötigten Module verkaufen', - PHRASE_TOTAL_EFFECTIVE_SHIELD: 'Gesamtschaden der von jeder Schadensart absorbiert werden kann (Bei Nutzung aller Schildzellen)', - PHRASE_TIME_TO_LOSE_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden halten für', - PHRASE_TIME_TO_RECOVER_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden sich erholen in', - PHRASE_TIME_TO_RECHARGE_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden sich wieder aufgeladen haben in', - PHRASE_SHIELD_SOURCES: 'Aufschlüsselung der Schildenergiezusammensetzung', - PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_SHIELD: 'Effektive Schildstärke gegen die Unterschiedlichen Schadensarten', - PHRASE_ARMOUR_SOURCES: 'Aufschlüsselung der Hüllenpanzerungszusammensetzung', - PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_ARMOUR: 'Effektive Hüllenpanzerungsstärke gegen die unterschiedlichen Schadensarten', - PHRASE_DAMAGE_TAKEN: '% des rohen Schadens der unterschiedlichen Schadensarten', - PHRASE_TIME_TO_LOSE_ARMOUR: 'Hüllenpanzerung wird halten für', - PHRASE_MODULE_PROTECTION_EXTERNAL: 'Modulpanzerung der Waffenaufhängung', - PHRASE_MODULE_PROTECTION_INTERNAL: 'Modulpanzerung für alle anderen Module', - PHRASE_SHIELD_DAMAGE: 'Aufschlüsselung des kontinuierlichen SPS gegen Schilde', - PHRASE_ARMOUR_DAMAGE: 'Aufschlüsselung des kontinuierlichen SPS gegen Hüllenpanzerung', - - PHRASE_TIME_TO_REMOVE_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden zusammenbrechen in', - TT_TIME_TO_REMOVE_SHIELDS: 'Mit andauerndem Beschuss durch alle Waffen', - PHRASE_TIME_TO_REMOVE_ARMOUR: 'Hüllenpanzerung wird brechen in', - TT_TIME_TO_REMOVE_ARMOUR: 'Mit andauerndem Beschuss durch alle Waffen', - PHRASE_TIME_TO_DRAIN_WEP: 'Leert WAF Energie in', - TT_TIME_TO_DRAIN_WEP: 'Dauer um WAF Energie aufzubrauchen wenn alle Waffen gefeuert werden', - TT_TIME_TO_LOSE_SHIELDS: 'Gegen andauernden Beschuss durch alle Waffen des Gegners', - TT_TIME_TO_LOSE_ARMOUR: 'Gegen andauernden Beschuss durch alle Waffen des Gegners', - TT_MODULE_ARMOUR: 'ModulPanzerung für den Schutz interner Subsysteme (Module)', - TT_MODULE_PROTECTION_EXTERNAL: 'Prozensatz des Schadens der von den Waffenaufhängungen zu den Modulverstärkungen umgeleitet wird', - TT_MODULE_PROTECTION_INTERNAL: 'Prozensatz des Schadens der von den Subsystem (außer Waffen) zu den Modulverstärkungen umgeleitet wird', - - TT_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_SHIELDS: 'Effektiver SPS solange die Waffenenergie nicht aufgebraucht wurde', - TT_EFFECTIVENESS_SHIELDS: 'Effektivität im Vergleich zu einem Ziel ohne Widerstände mit 0 PIPS in SYS bei 0m', - TT_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_ARMOUR: 'Effektiver kontinuierlicher Schaden solange der WAF Kondensator nicht aufgebraucht wurde', - TT_EFFECTIVENESS_ARMOUR: 'Effektivität im Vergleich zu einem Ziel ohne Widerstände bei 0m', - - PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_SHIELDS: 'Effektiver kontinuierlicher SPS gegen Schilde', - PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_ARMOUR: 'Effektiver kontinuierlicher SPS gegen Hüllenpanzerung', - - TT_SUMMARY_SPEED: 'Mit vollem Tank und 4 PIPS in WAF', - TT_SUMMARY_SPEED_NONFUNCTIONAL: 'Schubdüsen deaktiviert oder maximale Masse überschritten', - TT_SUMMARY_BOOST: 'Mit vollem Tank und 4 PIPS in ANT', - TT_SUMMARY_BOOST_NONFUNCTIONAL: 'Energieverteiler kann nicht genügend Energie für den Boost liefern', - TT_SUMMARY_SHIELDS: 'Rohe Schildstärke, inklusive Schildverstärker', - TT_SUMMARY_SHIELDS_NONFUNCTIONAL: 'Keine Schildgenerator oder Schilde deaktiviert', - TT_SUMMARY_INTEGRITY: 'Schiffsintegrität, einschließlich Hüllenpanzerung und Rumpfhüllenverstärkung', - TT_SUMMARY_HULL_MASS: 'Hüllenmasse, bevor jegliche Module installiert wurde', - TT_SUMMARY_UNLADEN_MASS: 'Hüllenmasse ohne Ladung und Treibstoff', - TT_SUMMARY_LADEN_MASS: 'Hüllenmasse, einschließlich Treibstoff und Ladung', - TT_SUMMARY_DPS: 'Schaden pro Sekunde wenn alle Waffen feuern', - TT_SUMMARY_EPS: 'WAF Kondensator Verbrauch pro Sekunde wenn alle Waffen feuern', - TT_SUMMARY_TTD: 'Zeit um den WAF Kondensator aufzubrauchen wenn alle Waffen feuern und 4 PIPS auf dem WAF Kondesator', - TT_SUMMARY_MAX_SINGLE_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite ohne Ladung und nur genügend Treibstoff für den Sprung selbst', - TT_SUMMARY_UNLADEN_SINGLE_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite ohne Ladung unf einem vollen Tank', - TT_SUMMARY_LADEN_SINGLE_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite mit voller Ladung und einem vollen Tank', - TT_SUMMARY_UNLADEN_TOTAL_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite ohne Ladung, einem vollen Tank und der weitest möglichen Sprungreichweite bei jedem Sprung', - TT_SUMMARY_LADEN_TOTAL_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite mit maximaler Ladung, einem vollen Tank und der weitest möglichen Sprungreichweite bei jedem Sprung', - - HELP_MODIFICATIONS_MENU: 'Klicke auf eine Zahl um einen neuen Wert einzutragen oder bewege den Regler', - - // Other languages fallback to these values - // Only Translate to other languages if the name is different in-game - am: 'Automatische Feldwartung', - bh: 'Hüllenpanzerung', - bl: 'Strahlenlaser', - bsg: 'Bizellengenerator', - c: 'Kanone', - cc: 'Sammeldrohnensteuerung', - ch: 'Düppelwerfer', - cr: 'Laderaum', - cs: 'Ladungssensor', - dc: 'Landecomputer', - ec: 'Elektronische Gegenmaßnahme', - fc: ' Fragmentkanone', - fh: 'Jägerhangar', - fi: 'Frameshift Unterbrecher', - fs: 'Treibstoffsammler', - fsd: 'Frameshiftantrieb', - ft: 'Treibstofftank', - fx: 'Treibstoffdrohnencontroller', - hb: 'Ladelukenbrecherdrohnencontroller', - hr: 'Rumpfhüllenverstärkung', - hs: 'Kühlkörperwerfer', - kw: 'Tötungsbefehlscanner', - ls: 'Lebenserhaltung', - mc: 'Mehrzweckgeschütz ', - ml: 'Erzabbaulaser', - mr: 'Raketengestell', - mrp: 'Modulverstärkung', - nl: 'Minenwerfer', - pa: 'Plasmabeschleuniger', - pas: 'Planetare Annäherungseinheit', - pc: 'Erzsuchersteuerung', - pce: 'Touristen Passagierkabine', - pci: 'Business Klasse Passagierkabine', - pcm: 'Erste Klasse Passagierkabine', - pcq: 'Luxus Passagierkabine', - pd: 'Energieverteiler', - pl: 'Pulslaser', - po: 'Punktverteidigung', - pp: 'Kraftwerk', - psg: 'Prismatischer Schildgenerator', - pv: 'Planetarer Fahrzeughangar', - rf: 'Raffinerie', - rg: 'Schienenkanone', - s: 'Sensoren', - sb: 'Schildverstärker', - sc: 'Aufklärungsscanner', - scb: 'Schildzellenbatterie', - sg: 'Schildgenerator', - ss: 'Oberflächensensor', - t: 'Schubdüsen', - tp: 'Torpedopylone', - ul: 'Salvenlaser', - ws: 'Frameshiftwolkenscanner', - - // Items on the outfitting page - // Notification of restricted slot - emptyrestricted: 'leer (eingeschränkt)', - 'damage dealt to': 'Schaden gegen', - 'damage received from': 'Schaden durch', - 'against shields': 'Gegen Schilde', - 'against hull': 'Gegen Hülle', - 'total effective shield': 'Effektiver Schild (kombiniert)', - - // 'ammo' was overloaded for outfitting page and modul info, so changed to ammunition for outfitting page - ammunition: 'Munition', - - // Unit for seconds - secs: 's', - - rebuildsperbay: 'Jäger pro Stellpaltz', - - // Blueprint rolls - worst: 'Schlecht', - average: 'Durchschnitt', - random: 'Zufall', - best: 'Sehr gut', - extreme: 'Extrem', - reset: 'Zurücksetzen', - - // Weapon, offence, defence and movement - dpe: 'Damage per MJ of energy', - dps: 'Schaden pro Sekunde', - sdps: 'Kontinuierlicher Schaden pro Sekunde', - dpssdps: 'Schaden pro Sekunde (kontinuierlicher Schaden pro Sekunde)', - eps: 'Energie pro Sekunde', - epsseps: 'Energie pro Sekunde (kontinuierliche Energie pro Sekunde)', - hps: 'Hitze pro Sekunde', - hpsshps: 'Hitze pro Sekunde (kontinuierliche Hitze pro Sekunde)', - 'damage by': 'Schaden von', - 'damage from': 'Schaden von', - 'shield cells': 'Schildbatterien', - 'recovery': 'Erholung', - 'recharge': 'Auflaung', - 'engine pips': 'Schubpriorität', - '4b': '4 PIPS und Boost', - 'speed': 'Geschwindigkeit', - 'pitch': 'Kippen', - 'roll': 'Rollen', - 'yaw': 'Gieren', - 'internal protection': 'Interner Schutz', - 'external protection': 'Externer Schutz', - 'engagement range': 'Gefechtsreichweite', - 'total': 'Insg.', - - // Modifications - ammo: 'Maximale Munition', - boot: 'Startzeit', - brokenregen: 'Regenrationsrate (Gebrochene Schilde)', - burst: 'Salve', - burstrof: 'Salven Feuerrate', - clip: 'Munnitionsmagazin', - damage: 'Schaden', - distdraw: 'Energieverteilerverbrauch', - duration: 'Dauer', - eff: 'Effizienz', - engcap: 'Antriebskapazität', - engrate: 'Antrieb Ladungsrate', - explres: 'Explosionswiderstand', - facinglimit: 'Facing limit', - hullboost: 'Hüllenboost', - hullreinforcement: 'Hüllenverstärkung', - integrity: 'Integrität', - jitter: 'Schwankungsbreite', - kinres: 'Kinetischer Widerstabd', - maxfuel: 'Maximaler Treibstoff pro Sprung', - mass: 'Masse', - optmass: 'Optimale Masse', - optmul: 'Optimalmultiplikator', - pgen: 'Energiegewinnung', - piercing: 'Durchdringung', - power: 'Energieverbrauch', - protection: 'Schutz', - range: 'Reichweite', - ranget: 'Reichweite/s', // Range in time (for FSD interdictor) - regen: 'Wiederaufladungsrate', - reload: 'Wiederaufladung', - rof: 'Feuerrate', - angle: 'Abtastwinkel', - scanrate: 'Abtastrate', - scantime: 'Abtastzeit', - shield: 'Schild', - shieldboost: 'Schildverstärkung', - shieldreinforcement: 'Schildverstärkung', - shotspeed: 'Schussgeschwidndigkeit', - spinup: 'Aufwärmphase', - syscap: 'Systemkapazität', - sysrate: 'System Ladungsrate', - thermload: 'Thermische Last', - thermres: 'Thermischer Widerstand', - wepcap: 'Waffenkapazität', - weprate: 'Waffen Ladungsrate', - - // Shield generators use a different terminology - minmass_sg: 'Minimale Hüllenmasse', - optmass_sg: 'Optimale Hüllenmasse', - maxmass_sg: 'Maximum Hüllenmasse', - minmul_sg: 'Minimale Stärke', - optmul_sg: 'Optimale Stärke', - maxmul_sg: 'Maximale Stärke', - minmass_psg: 'Minimale Hüllenmasse', - optmass_psg: 'Optimale Hüllenmasse', - maxmass_psg: 'Maximum Hüllenmasse', - minmul_psg: 'Minimale Stärke', - optmul_psg: 'Optimale Stärke', - maxmul_psg: 'Maximale Stärke', - minmass_bsg: 'Minimale Hüllenmasse', - optmass_bsg: 'Optimale Hüllenmasse', - maxmass_bsg: 'Maximum Hüllenmasse', - minmul_bsg: 'Minimale Stärke', - optmul_bsg: 'Optimale Stärke', - maxmul_bsg: 'Maximale Stärke', - - range_s: 'Typische Emissionsreichweite', - - // Damage types - absolute: 'Insgesamt', - explosive: 'Explosiv', - kinetic: 'Kinetisch', - thermal: 'Thermisch', - - // Shield sources - generator: 'Generator', - boosters: 'Verstärker', - cells: 'Batterien', - - // Armour sources - bulkheads: 'Hüllenpanzerung', - reinforcement: 'Hüllenverstärkung', - - // Help text - HELP_TEXT: ` -


-Coriolis ist ein Schiffskonfigurator für Elite:Dangerous. Diese Hilfedatei versorgt dich mit allen Informationen die du benötigst um Coriolis zu benutzen. - -

Importiere dein Schiff nach Coriolis

-Often, you will want to start with your existing ship in Coriolis and see how particular changes might affect it, for example upgrading your FSD. There are a number of tools that can be used to import your ship without you having to create it manually. This has the added benefit of copying over any engineering modifications that have taken place as well.

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Importiere dein Schiff von EDDI

-To import your ship from EDDI first ensure that your connection to the Frontier servers' companion API is working. To do this check the 'Companion App' tab where you should see "Your connection to the companion app is operational". If not then follow the instructions in the companion app tab in EDDI to connect to the Frontier servers.

- -Once you have a working companion API connection go to the 'Shipyard' tab. At the right-hand side of each ship is an 'Export to Coriolis' button that will open your default web browser in Coriolis with the ship's build.

- -Note that Internet Explorer and Edge might not import correctly, due to their internal restrictions on URL length. If you find that this is the case then please change your default browser to Chrome.

- -Also, the imported information does not provide any data on the power priority or enabled status of your cargo hatch. Coriolis sets this item to have a power priority of "5" and to be disabled by default. You can change this after import in the Power Management section.

- -

Importiere dein Schiff von EDMC

-To import your ship from EDMC once your connection to the Frontier servers' companion API is working go to 'Settings ->Configuration' and set the 'Preferred Shipyard' to 'Coriolis'. Once this is set up clicking on your ship in the main window will open your default web browser in Coriolis with the ship's build.

- -Note that Internet Explorer and Edge might not import correctly, due to their internal restrictions on URL length. If you find that this is the case then please change your default browser to Chrome.

- -

Understanding And Using The Outfitting Panels

-The outfitting page is where you will spend most of your time, and contains the information for your ship. Information on each of the panels is provided below.

- -


-Along the top of the screen are some of the key values for your build. This is a handy reference for the values, but more information is provided for the values in the further panels.

- -Here, along with most places in Coriolis, acronyms will have tooltips explaining what they mean. Hover over the acronym to obtain more detail, or look in the glossary at the end of this help.

- -All values are the highest possible, assuming that you an optimal setup for that particular value (maximum pips in ENG for speed, minimum fuel for jump range, etc.). This means that these values will not be affected by changes to pip settings. Details of the specific setup for each value are listed in the associated tootip.

- -


-The next set of panels laid out horizontally across the screen contain the modules you have put in your build. From left to right these are the core modules, the internal modules, the hardpoints and the utility mounts. These represent the available slots in your ship and cannot be altered. Each slot has a class, or size, and in general any module up to a given size can fit in a given slot (exceptions being bulkheads, life support and sensors in core modules and restricted internal slots, which can only take a subset of module depending on their restrictions).

- -To add a module to a slot left-click on the slot and select the required module. Only the modules capable of fitting in the selected slot will be shown.

- -To remove a module from a slot right-click on the module.

- -To move a module from one slot to another drag it. If you instead want to copy the module drag it whilst holding down the 'Alt' key.

- -Clicking on the headings for each set of modules gives you the ability to either select an overall role for your ship (when clicking the core internal header) or a specific module with which you want to fill all applicable slots (when clicking the other headers).

- -


-The ship controls allow you to set your pips, boost, and amount of fuel and cargo that your build carries. The changes made here will effect the information supplied in the subsequent panels, giving you a clearer view of what effect different changing these items will have.

- -Ship control settings are saved as part of a build.

- -


-The opponet selection allows you to choose your opponent. The opponent can be either a stock build of a ship or one of your own saved builds. You can also set the engagement range between you and your opponent. Your selection here will effect the information supplied in the subsequent panels, specifically the Offence and Defence panels.

- -Opponent settings are saved as part of a build.

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Energieverbrauch und Kosten Untermenü



-The power management panel provides information about power usage and priorities. It allows you to enable and disable individual modules, as well as set power priorities for each module. Disabled modules will not be included in the build's statistics, with the exception of Shield Cell Banks as they are usually disabled when not in use and only enabled when required.

- -


-The costs panel provides information about the costs for each of your modules, and the total cost and insurance for your build. By default Coriolis uses the standard costs, however discounts for your ship, modules and insurance can be altered in the 'Settings' at the top-right of the page.

- -The retrofit costs provides information about the costs of changing the base build for your ship, or your saved build, to the current build.

- -The reload costs provides information about the costs of reloading your current build.

- -


-Profiles provide graphs that show the general performance of modules in your build - -


-The engine profile panel provides information about the capabilities of your current thrusters. The graph shows you how the maximum speed alters with the overall mass of your build. The vertical dashed line on the graph shows your current mass. Your engine profile can be altered by obtaining different thrusters or engineering your existing thrusters, and you can increase your maximum speed by adding pips to the ENG capacitor as well as reducing the amount of fuel and cargo you are carrying as well as reducing the overall weight of the build. You can also temporarily increase your speed by hitting the boost button.

- -

FSA Profil

-The FSD profile panel provides information about the capabilities of your current frame shift drive. The graph shows you how the maximum jump range alters with the overall mass of your build. The vertical dashed line on the graph shows your current maximum single jump range. Your FSD profile can be altered by obtaining a different FSD or engineering your existing FSD, and you can increase your maximum jump range by reducing the amount of fuel and cargo you are carrying as well as reducing the overall weight of the build,

- -


-The movement profile panel provides information about the capabilities of your current thrusters with your current overall mass and ENG pips settings. The diagram shows your ability to move and rotate in the different axes: - -
The fastest the ship can move, in metres per second
The fastest the ship can raise or lower its nose, in degrees per second
The fastest the ship can roll its body, in degrees per second
The fastest the ship can turn its nose left or right, in degrees per second
- -Your movement profile can be altered by obtaining different thrusters or engineering your existing thrusters, and you can increase your movement values by adding pips to the ENG capacitor as well as reducing the amount of fuel and cargo you are carrying as well as reducing the overall weight of the build. You can also temporarily increase your movement profile by hitting the boost button.

- -


-The damage profile provides two graphs showing how the the build's damage to the opponent's shields and hull change with engagement range. The vertical dashed line on the graph shows your current engagement range. This combines information about the build's weapons with the opponent's shields and hull to provide an accurate picture of sustained damage that can be inflicted on the opponent.

- -




-The offence summary provides per-weapon information about sustained damage per second inflicted to shields and hull, along with a measure of effectiveness of that weapon. The effectiveness value has a tooltip that provides a breakdown of the effectiveness, and can include reductions or increases due to range, resistance, and either power distributor (for shields) or hardness (for hull). The final effectiveness value is calculated by multiplying these percentages together.

- -


-The offence metrics panel provides information about your offence.

- -Time to drain is a measure of how quickly your WEP capacitor will drain when firing all weapons. It is affected by the number of pips you have in your WEP capacitor, with more pips resulting in a higher WEP recharge rate and hence a longer time to drain.

- -The next value is the time it will take you to remove your opponent's shields. This assumes that you have 100% time on target and that your engagement range stays constant. Note that if your time to remove shields is longer than your time to drain this assumes that you continue firing throughout, inflicting lower damage due to the reduced energy in your WEP capacitor.

- -The next value is the time it will take you to remove your opponent's armour. This follows the same logic as the time to remove shields.

- -

Schadensquellen (Schilde)

-The shield damage sources provides information about the sources of damage to your opponent by damage type. For each applicable type of damage (absolute explosive, kinetic, thermal) a sustained damage per second value is provided.

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Schadensquelle (Hülle)

-The hull damage sources provides information about the sources of damage to your opponent by damage type. For each applicable type of damage (absolute explosive, kinetic, thermal) a sustained damage per second value is provided.

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-The shield metrics provides information about your shield defence.

- -Raw shield strength is the sum of the shield from your generator, boosters and shield cell banks. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

- -The time the shields will hold for is the time it will take your opponent' to remove your shields. This assumes that they have 100% time on target and that the engagement range stays constant. It also assumes that you fire all of your shield cell banks prior to your shields being lost.

- -The time the shields will recover in is the time it will take your shields to go from collapsed (0%) to recovered (50%). This is affected by the number of pips you have in your SYS capacitor.

- -The time the shields will recharge in is the time it will take your shields to go from recovered (50%) to full (100%). This is affected by the number of pips you have in your SYS capacitor.

- -Schildstärke (Zusammensetzung) -This chart provides information about the sources of your shields. For each applicable source of shields (generator, boosters, shield cell banks) a value is provided.

- -Schadensauswirkung -This graph shows how the initial damage from the weapons of each type are reduced before their damage is applied to the shields. For each type of damage (absolute, explosive, kinetic, thermal) a percentage of the initial damage is provided. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

- -Effektiver Schildwert -This graph shows the effective shield for each damage type, found by dividing the raw shield value by the damage taken for that type.

- -


-The armour metrics provides information about your armour defence.

- -Raw armour strength is the sum of the armour from your bulkheads and hull reinforcement packages. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

- -The time the armour will hold for is the time it will take your opponent' to take your armour to 0. This assumes that they have 100% time on target, the engagement range stays constant, and that all damage is dealt to the armour rather than modules.

- -Raw module armour is the sum of the protection from your module reinforcement packages.

- -Protection for hardpoints is the amount of protection that your module reinforcement packages provide to hardpoints. This percentage of damage to the hardpoints will be diverted to the module reinforcement packages.

- -Protection for all other modules is the amount of protection that your module reinforcement packages provide to everything other than hardpoints. This percentage of damage to the modules will be diverted to the module reinforcement packages.

- -Hüllenpanzerung (Zusammensetzung) -This chart provides information about the sources of your armour. For each applicable source of shields (bulkheads, hull reinforcement packages) a value is provided.

- -Schadensauswirkung -This graph shows how the initial damage from the weapons of each type are reduced before their damage is applied to the armour. For each type of damage (absolute, explosive, kinetic, thermal) a percentage of the initial damage is provided. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

- -Effektive Hüllenpanzerung -This graph shows the effective armour for each damage type, found by dividing the raw armour value by the damage taken for that type.

- -


Boost an-/auschalten
open Export Dialog (ausschließlich Ausstattungsseite)
Öffne den Hilfedialog
Öffne den Importdialog
Öffne den Kurzlinkdialog
Erhöhe den SYS Kondensator
Erhöhe den ANT Kondensator
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Absoluter Schaden
A type of damage, without any protection. Absolute damage is always dealt at 100% regardless of if the damage is to shields, hull or modules, and irrespective of resistances
Schaden pro Sekunde; the amount of damage that a weapon or a ship can deal per second to a target under optimum conditions
Energie pro Sekunde; the amount of energy that a weapon or a ship drains from the weapons capacitor per second when firing
Hitze pro Sekunde; the amount of heat that a weapon or a ship generates per second when firing
A comparison of the maximum DPS of a given weapon to the actual DPS of the given weapon in a specific situation. DPS can be reduced by range to the target, the target's hull and shield resistances, and the target's hardness
Explosiver Schaden
A type of damage, protected against by explosive resistance
The inherent resistance to damage of a ship's hull. Hardness is defined on a per-ship basis and there is currently nothing that can be done to change it. Hardness of a ship's hull is compared to the piercing of weapons: if piercing is higher than hardness the weapon does 100% damage, otherwise it does a fraction of its damage calculated as piercing/hardness
The distance at which a weapons starts to do less damage than its stated DPS
Kinetischer Schaden
A type of damage, protected against by kinetic resistance
Kontinuierlicher Schaden pro Sekunde; the amount of damage that a weapon or a ship can deal per second to a target, taking in to account ammunition reload
Kontinuierliche Energie pro Sekunde; the amount of energy that a weapon or a ship drains from the weapons capacitor per second when firing, taking in to account ammunition reload
Kontinuierliche Hitze pro Sekunde; the amount of heat that a weapon or a ship generates per second when firing, taking in to account ammunition reload
Thermischer Schaden
A type of damage, protected against by thermal resistance
- - `, -}; +export const formats = { + decimal: ',', + thousands: '.', + grouping: [3], + currency: ['', ' €'], + dateTime: '%A, der %e. %B %Y, %X', + date: '%d.%m.%Y', + time: '%H:%M:%S', + periods: ['AM', 'PM'], // unused + days: ['Sonntag', 'Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag'], + shortDays: ['So', 'Mo', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Do', 'Fr', 'Sa'], + months: ['Januar', 'Februar', 'März', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'], + shortMonths: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mrz', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Okt', 'Nov', 'Dez'] +}; + +export const terms = { + PHRASE_ALT_ALL: 'Alt + Klick um alle Plätze zu füllen', + PHRASE_BACKUP_DESC: 'Export aller Coriolis-Daten, um sie zu sichern oder um sie zu einem anderen Browser/Gerät zu übertragen.', + PHRASE_CONFIRMATION: 'Sind Sie sicher?', + PHRASE_EXPORT_DESC: 'Ein detaillierter JSON-Export Ihrer Konfiguration für die Verwendung in anderen Websites und Tools', + PHRASE_FASTEST_RANGE: 'aufeinanderfolgende maximale Reichweite/Sprünge', + PHRASE_IMPORT: 'JSON hier einfügen oder importieren', + PHRASE_LADEN: 'Schiffsmasse + Treibstoff + Fracht', + PHRASE_NO_BUILDS: 'Keine Konfigurationen zum Vergleich ausgewählt!', + PHRASE_NO_RETROCH: 'Keine Umrüständerungen', + PHRASE_SELECT_BUILDS: 'Ausstattung zum Vergleich auswählen', + PHRASE_SG_RECHARGE: 'Zeit von 50% bis 100% der Ladung bei vollem SYS Kondensator', + PHRASE_SG_RECOVER: 'Erneuerung (zu 50%) nach Zusammenbruch bei vollem SYS Kondensator', + PHRASE_UNLADEN: 'Schiffsmasse ohne Treibstoff und Fracht', + PHRASE_UPDATE_RDY: 'Update verfügbar! Klicken zum Aktualisieren', + PHRASE_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE: 'Die Distanz zwischen deinem Schiff und seinem Ziel', + PHRASE_SELECT_BLUEPRINT: 'Klicken um eine Bauplan auszuwählen', + PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_WORST: 'Schlechteste Primärwerte für diesen Bauplan', + PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_RANDOM: 'Zufällige Auswahl an Primärwerten für diesen Bauplan (Schlechteste <> Beste)', + PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_BEST: 'Beste Primärwerte für diesen Bauplan', + PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_EXTREME: 'Beste Positive Werte und schlechteste Negative Werte für diesen Bauplan', + PHRASE_BLUEPRINT_RESET: 'Entferne alle Modifikationen und experimentelle Effekte', + PHRASE_SELECT_SPECIAL: 'Klicken um einen experimentellen Effekt auszuwählen', + PHRASE_NO_SPECIAL: 'Keine Experimentellen Effekte', + PHRASE_SHOPPING_LIST: 'Stationen die diese Schiffskonfiguration verkaufen', + PHRASE_REFIT_SHOPPING_LIST: 'Stationen die die benötigten Module verkaufen', + PHRASE_TOTAL_EFFECTIVE_SHIELD: 'Gesamtschaden der von jeder Schadensart absorbiert werden kann (Bei Nutzung aller Schildzellen)', + PHRASE_TIME_TO_LOSE_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden halten für', + PHRASE_TIME_TO_RECOVER_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden sich erholen in', + PHRASE_TIME_TO_RECHARGE_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden sich wieder aufgeladen haben in', + PHRASE_SHIELD_SOURCES: 'Aufschlüsselung der Schildenergiezusammensetzung', + PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_SHIELD: 'Effektive Schildstärke gegen die Unterschiedlichen Schadensarten', + PHRASE_ARMOUR_SOURCES: 'Aufschlüsselung der Hüllenpanzerungszusammensetzung', + PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_ARMOUR: 'Effektive Hüllenpanzerungsstärke gegen die unterschiedlichen Schadensarten', + PHRASE_DAMAGE_TAKEN: '% des rohen Schadens der unterschiedlichen Schadensarten', + PHRASE_TIME_TO_LOSE_ARMOUR: 'Hüllenpanzerung wird halten für', + PHRASE_MODULE_PROTECTION_EXTERNAL: 'Modulpanzerung der Waffenaufhängung', + PHRASE_MODULE_PROTECTION_INTERNAL: 'Modulpanzerung für alle anderen Module', + PHRASE_SHIELD_DAMAGE: 'Aufschlüsselung des kontinuierlichen SPS gegen Schilde', + PHRASE_ARMOUR_DAMAGE: 'Aufschlüsselung des kontinuierlichen SPS gegen Hüllenpanzerung', + + PHRASE_TIME_TO_REMOVE_SHIELDS: 'Schilde werden zusammenbrechen in', + TT_TIME_TO_REMOVE_SHIELDS: 'Mit andauerndem Beschuss durch alle Waffen', + PHRASE_TIME_TO_REMOVE_ARMOUR: 'Hüllenpanzerung wird brechen in', + TT_TIME_TO_REMOVE_ARMOUR: 'Mit andauerndem Beschuss durch alle Waffen', + PHRASE_TIME_TO_DRAIN_WEP: 'Leert WAF Energie in', + TT_TIME_TO_DRAIN_WEP: 'Dauer um WAF Energie aufzubrauchen wenn alle Waffen gefeuert werden', + TT_TIME_TO_LOSE_SHIELDS: 'Gegen andauernden Beschuss durch alle Waffen des Gegners', + TT_TIME_TO_LOSE_ARMOUR: 'Gegen andauernden Beschuss durch alle Waffen des Gegners', + TT_MODULE_ARMOUR: 'ModulPanzerung für den Schutz interner Subsysteme (Module)', + TT_MODULE_PROTECTION_EXTERNAL: 'Prozensatz des Schadens der von den Waffenaufhängungen zu den Modulverstärkungen umgeleitet wird', + TT_MODULE_PROTECTION_INTERNAL: 'Prozensatz des Schadens der von den Subsystem (außer Waffen) zu den Modulverstärkungen umgeleitet wird', + + TT_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_SHIELDS: 'Effektiver SPS solange die Waffenenergie nicht aufgebraucht wurde', + TT_EFFECTIVENESS_SHIELDS: 'Effektivität im Vergleich zu einem Ziel ohne Widerstände mit 0 PIPS in SYS bei 0m', + TT_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_ARMOUR: 'Effektiver kontinuierlicher Schaden solange der WAF Kondensator nicht aufgebraucht wurde', + TT_EFFECTIVENESS_ARMOUR: 'Effektivität im Vergleich zu einem Ziel ohne Widerstände bei 0m', + + PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_SHIELDS: 'Effektiver kontinuierlicher SPS gegen Schilde', + PHRASE_EFFECTIVE_SDPS_ARMOUR: 'Effektiver kontinuierlicher SPS gegen Hüllenpanzerung', + + TT_SUMMARY_SPEED: 'Mit vollem Tank und 4 PIPS in WAF', + TT_SUMMARY_SPEED_NONFUNCTIONAL: 'Schubdüsen deaktiviert oder maximale Masse überschritten', + TT_SUMMARY_BOOST: 'Mit vollem Tank und 4 PIPS in ANT', + TT_SUMMARY_BOOST_NONFUNCTIONAL: 'Energieverteiler kann nicht genügend Energie für den Boost liefern', + TT_SUMMARY_SHIELDS: 'Rohe Schildstärke, inklusive Schildverstärker', + TT_SUMMARY_SHIELDS_NONFUNCTIONAL: 'Keine Schildgenerator oder Schilde deaktiviert', + TT_SUMMARY_INTEGRITY: 'Schiffsintegrität, einschließlich Hüllenpanzerung und Rumpfhüllenverstärkung', + TT_SUMMARY_HULL_MASS: 'Hüllenmasse, bevor jegliche Module installiert wurde', + TT_SUMMARY_UNLADEN_MASS: 'Hüllenmasse ohne Ladung und Treibstoff', + TT_SUMMARY_LADEN_MASS: 'Hüllenmasse, einschließlich Treibstoff und Ladung', + TT_SUMMARY_DPS: 'Schaden pro Sekunde wenn alle Waffen feuern', + TT_SUMMARY_EPS: 'WAF Kondensator Verbrauch pro Sekunde wenn alle Waffen feuern', + TT_SUMMARY_TTD: 'Zeit um den WAF Kondensator aufzubrauchen wenn alle Waffen feuern und 4 PIPS auf dem WAF Kondesator', + TT_SUMMARY_MAX_SINGLE_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite ohne Ladung und nur genügend Treibstoff für den Sprung selbst', + TT_SUMMARY_UNLADEN_SINGLE_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite ohne Ladung und einem vollen Tank', + TT_SUMMARY_LADEN_SINGLE_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite mit voller Ladung und einem vollen Tank', + TT_SUMMARY_UNLADEN_TOTAL_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite ohne Ladung, einem vollen Tank und der weitest möglichen Sprungreichweite bei jedem Sprung', + TT_SUMMARY_LADEN_TOTAL_JUMP: 'Weitest mögliche Sprungreichweite mit maximaler Ladung, einem vollen Tank und der weitest möglichen Sprungreichweite bei jedem Sprung', + + HELP_MODIFICATIONS_MENU: 'Klicke auf eine Zahl um einen neuen Wert einzutragen oder bewege den Regler', + + // Other languages fallback to these values + // Only Translate to other languages if the name is different in-game + am: 'Automatische Feldwartung', + bh: 'Hüllenpanzerung', + bl: 'Strahlenlaser', + bsg: 'Bizellengenerator', + c: 'Kanone', + cc: 'Sammeldrohnensteuerung', + ch: 'Düppelwerfer', + cr: 'Laderaum', + cs: 'Ladungssensor', + dc: 'Landecomputer', + ec: 'Elektronische Gegenmaßnahme', + fc: ' Fragmentkanone', + fh: 'Jägerhangar', + fi: 'Frameshift Unterbrecher', + fs: 'Treibstoffsammler', + fsd: 'Frameshiftantrieb', + ft: 'Treibstofftank', + fx: 'Treibstoffdrohnencontroller', + hb: 'Ladelukenbrecherdrohnencontroller', + hr: 'Rumpfhüllenverstärkung', + hs: 'Kühlkörperwerfer', + kw: 'Tötungsbefehlscanner', + ls: 'Lebenserhaltung', + mc: 'Mehrzweckgeschütz ', + ml: 'Erzabbaulaser', + mr: 'Raketengestell', + mrp: 'Modulverstärkung', + nl: 'Minenwerfer', + pa: 'Plasmabeschleuniger', + pas: 'Planetare Annäherungseinheit', + pc: 'Erzsuchersteuerung', + pce: 'Touristen Passagierkabine', + pci: 'Business Klasse Passagierkabine', + pcm: 'Erste Klasse Passagierkabine', + pcq: 'Luxus Passagierkabine', + pd: 'Energieverteiler', + pl: 'Pulslaser', + po: 'Punktverteidigung', + pp: 'Kraftwerk', + psg: 'Prismatischer Schildgenerator', + pv: 'Planetarer Fahrzeughangar', + rf: 'Raffinerie', + rg: 'Schienenkanone', + s: 'Sensoren', + sb: 'Schildverstärker', + sc: 'Himmelskörperscanner', + scb: 'Schildzellenbatterie', + sg: 'Schildgenerator', + ss: 'Oberflächensensor', + t: 'Schubdüsen', + tp: 'Torpedopylone', + ul: 'Salvenlaser', + ws: 'Frameshiftwolkenscanner', + hrd: 'Hüllenhärte', + + // Items on the outfitting page + // Notification of restricted slot + emptyrestricted: 'leer (eingeschränkt)', + 'damage dealt to': 'Schaden gegen', + 'damage received from': 'Schaden durch', + 'against shields': 'Gegen Schilde', + 'against hull': 'Gegen Hülle', + 'total effective shield': 'Effektiver Schild (kombiniert)', + + // 'ammo' was overloaded for outfitting page and modul info, so changed to ammunition for outfitting page + ammunition: 'Munition', + + // Unit for seconds + secs: 's', + + rebuildsperbay: 'Jäger pro Stellpaltz', + + // Blueprint rolls + worst: 'Schlecht', + average: 'Durchschnitt', + random: 'Zufall', + best: 'Sehr gut', + extreme: 'Extrem', + reset: 'Zurücksetzen', + + // Weapon, offence, defence and movement + dpe: 'Damage per MJ of energy', + dps: 'Schaden pro Sekunde', + sdps: 'Kontinuierlicher Schaden pro Sekunde', + dpssdps: 'Schaden pro Sekunde (kontinuierlicher Schaden pro Sekunde)', + eps: 'Energie pro Sekunde', + epsseps: 'Energie pro Sekunde (kontinuierliche Energie pro Sekunde)', + hps: 'Hitze pro Sekunde', + hpsshps: 'Hitze pro Sekunde (kontinuierliche Hitze pro Sekunde)', + 'damage by': 'Schaden von', + 'damage from': 'Schaden von', + 'shield cells': 'Schildbatterien', + 'recovery': 'Erholung', + 'recharge': 'Auflaung', + 'engine pips': 'Schubpriorität', + '4b': '4 PIPS und Boost', + 'speed': 'Tempo', + 'pitch': 'Kippen', + 'roll': 'Rollen', + 'yaw': 'Gieren', + 'internal protection': 'Interner Schutz', + 'external protection': 'Externer Schutz', + 'engagement range': 'Gefechtsreichweite', + 'total': 'Insg.', + + // Modifications + ammo: 'Maximale Munition', + boot: 'Startzeit', + brokenregen: 'Regenrationsrate (Gebrochene Schilde)', + burst: 'Salve', + burstrof: 'Salven Feuerrate', + clip: 'Munnitionsmagazin', + damage: 'Schaden', + distdraw: 'Energieverteilerverbrauch', + duration: 'Dauer', + eff: 'Effizienz', + engcap: 'Antriebskapazität', + engrate: 'Antrieb Ladungsrate', + explres: 'Explosionswiderstand', + facinglimit: 'Facing limit', + hullboost: 'Hüllenboost', + hullreinforcement: 'Hüllenverstärkung', + integrity: 'Integrität', + jitter: 'Schwankungsbreite', + kinres: 'Kinetischer Widerstand', + maxfuel: 'Maximaler Treibstoff pro Sprung', + mass: 'Masse', + optmass: 'Optimale Masse', + optmul: 'Optimalmultiplikator', + pgen: 'Energiegewinnung', + piercing: 'Durchdringung', + power: 'Energieverbrauch', + protection: 'Schutz', + range: 'Reichweite', + ranget: 'Reichweite/s', // Range in time (for FSD interdictor) + regen: 'Wiederaufladungsrate', + reload: 'Wiederaufladung', + rof: 'Feuerrate', + angle: 'Abtastwinkel', + scanrate: 'Abtastrate', + scantime: 'Abtastzeit', + shield: 'Schild', + shieldboost: 'Schildverstärkung', + shieldreinforcement: 'Schildverstärkung', + shotspeed: 'Schussgeschwidndigkeit', + spinup: 'Aufwärmphase', + syscap: 'Systemkapazität', + sysrate: 'System Ladungsrate', + thermload: 'Thermische Last', + thermres: 'Thermischer Widerstand', + wepcap: 'Waffenkapazität', + weprate: 'Waffen Ladungsrate', + + // Shield generators use a different terminology + minmass_sg: 'Minimale Hüllenmasse', + optmass_sg: 'Optimale Hüllenmasse', + maxmass_sg: 'Maximum Hüllenmasse', + minmul_sg: 'Minimale Stärke', + optmul_sg: 'Optimale Stärke', + maxmul_sg: 'Maximale Stärke', + minmass_psg: 'Minimale Hüllenmasse', + optmass_psg: 'Optimale Hüllenmasse', + maxmass_psg: 'Maximum Hüllenmasse', + minmul_psg: 'Minimale Stärke', + optmul_psg: 'Optimale Stärke', + maxmul_psg: 'Maximale Stärke', + minmass_bsg: 'Minimale Hüllenmasse', + optmass_bsg: 'Optimale Hüllenmasse', + maxmass_bsg: 'Maximum Hüllenmasse', + minmul_bsg: 'Minimale Stärke', + optmul_bsg: 'Optimale Stärke', + maxmul_bsg: 'Maximale Stärke', + + range_s: 'Typische Emissionsreichweite', + + // Damage types + absolute: 'Insgesamt', + explosive: 'Explosiv', + kinetic: 'Kinetisch', + thermal: 'Thermisch', + + // Shield sources + generator: 'Generator', + boosters: 'Verstärker', + cells: 'Batterien', + + // Armour sources + bulkheads: 'Hüllenpanzerung', + reinforcement: 'Hüllenverstärkung', + + // Optional module groups (only these, that are not in the list with the short terms) + 'hangars': 'Hangars', + 'limpet controllers': 'Drohnensteuerung', + 'passenger cabins': 'Passagierkabinen', + 'structural reinforcement': 'Strukturverstärkungen', + + // Hardpoint module groups + 'lasers': 'Laser', + 'projectiles': 'Projektilwaffen', + 'ordnance': 'Artillerie', + + // Armour modules + 'Lightweight Alloy': 'leichte Legierung', + 'Reinforced Alloy': 'verstärkte Legierung', + 'Military Grade Composite': 'Militär-Komposit', + 'Mirrored Surface Composite': 'Gespiegelte-Oberfläche-Komposit', + 'Reactive Surface Composite': 'Reaktive-Oberfläche-Komposit', + + // Scanner modules + 'scanners': 'Scanner', + 'Basic Discovery Scanner': 'Aufklärungsscanner (einf.)', + 'Advanced Discovery Scanner': 'Aufklärungsscanner (fortgeschr.)', + 'Detailed Surface Scanner': 'Detail-Oberflächenscanner', + 'Intermedia Discovery Scanner': 'Intermedia Discovery Scanner', + + // Docking modules + 'Standard Docking Computer': 'Standard-Landecomputer', + + // Point defence modules + 'Point Defence': 'Punktverteidigung', + + // Chaff launcher modules + 'Chaff Launcher': 'Düppel-Werfer', + + // Heat sink launcher modules + 'Heat Sink Launcher': 'Kühlkörperwerfer', + + // Panel headings and subheadings + 'power and costs': 'Energie und Kosten', + 'costs': 'Kosten', + 'retrofit costs': 'Umrüstkosten', + 'reload costs': 'Nachladekosten', + 'profiles': 'Profile', + 'engine profile': 'Antriebsprofil', + 'fsd profile': 'Frameshit Antriebsprofil', + 'movement profile': 'Bewegungsprofil', + 'damage to opponent\'s shields': 'Gegnerischer Schildschaden', + 'damage to opponent\'s hull': 'Gegnerischer Hüllenschaden', + 'offence': 'Offensiv', + 'defence': 'Defensiv', + 'shield metrics': 'Schildwerte', + 'raw shield strength': 'Pure Schildstärke', + 'shield sources': 'Schildzusammensetzung', + 'damage taken': 'Erhaltener Schaden', + 'effective shield': 'Effektiver Schildwert', + 'armour metrics': 'Panzerungswerte', + 'raw armour strength': 'Pure Panzerungsstärke', + 'armour sources': 'Panzerungszusammensetzung', + 'raw module armour': 'Pure Modulpanzerung', + 'effective armour': 'Effektive Panzerung', + 'offence metrics': 'Offensivwerte', + 'defence metrics': 'Defensivwerte', + + // internal module panel header + 'Maximize Jump Range': 'Sprungreichweite maximieren', + 'roles': 'Rollen', + 'Multi-purpose': 'Allrounder', + 'Combat': 'Kampf', + 'Trader': 'Handel', + 'Shielded Trader': 'Handel (mit Schild)', + 'Explorer': 'Entdecker', + 'Planetary Explorer': 'Planetenentdecker', + 'Miner': 'Erzabbau', + 'Shielded Miner': 'Erzabbau (mit Schild)', + 'Racer': 'Geschwindigkeit', + + // Misc items + 'fuel carried': 'geladener Treibstoff', + 'cargo carried': 'geladene Fracht', + 'ship control': 'Energieverteilung', + 'opponent': 'Gegner', + 'opponent\'s shields': 'Gegnerische Schilde', + 'opponent\'s armour': 'Gegenerische Panzerung', + 'shield damage sources': 'Schadensquellen (Schild)', + 'armour damage sources': 'Schadensquellen (Panzerung)', + 'never': 'Niemals', + 'stock': 'Standard', + 'boost': 'Boost', + 'ship': 'Schiff', + 'laden': 'Beladen', + 'unladen': 'Leer', + 'jump range': 'Sprungreichweite', + 'total laden': 'gesamt beladen', + 'total unladen': 'gesamt leer', + 'cargo': 'Fracht', + 'hull': 'Hülle', + 'Enter Name': 'Name eingeben', + 'fuel': 'Tank', + + // Items on the ship list page + // Ship list + 'manufacturer': 'Hersteller', + 'cost': 'Preis', + 'size': 'Größe', + 'small': 'Klein', + 'medium': 'Mittel', + 'large': 'Groß', + 'agility': 'MNV', + 'base': 'Basis', + 'armour': 'Panzerung', + 'shields': 'Schilde', + 'jump': 'Sprung', + 'core module classes': 'Basismodulklassen', + 'Power Plant': 'Kraftwerk', + th: 'Schubdüsen', + fsd: 'Frameshiftantrieb', + ls: 'Lebenserhaltung', + pd: 'Energieverteiler', + s: 'Sensoren', + 'hardpoints': 'Aufhängungen', + 'internal compartments': 'Optionale Modulklassen', + + // Menu items + 'ships': 'Schiffe', + 'builds': 'eigene builds', + 'compare': 'Vergleiche', + 'compare all': 'Alle vergleichen', + 'create new': 'Neu anlegen', + 'none created': 'Keine angelegt', + 'insurance': 'Versicherung', + 'discount': 'Nachlass', + 'settings': 'Einstellungen', + 'module resistances': 'Modulwiderstände', + 'comparisons': 'Vergleiche', + 'backup': 'Sichern', + 'detailed export': 'Detaillierter Export', + 'import': 'Importieren', + 'delete all': 'Alles löschen', + 'about': 'Über', + + + // Items on the outfitting page + 'core internal': 'Intern (basis)', + 'optional internal': 'Intern (optional)', + 'utility mounts': 'Werkzeug-Steckplätze', + 'empty': 'leer', + 'empty all': 'Alles leeren', + + // Help text + HELP_TEXT: ` +


+Coriolis ist ein Schiffskonfigurator für Elite:Dangerous. Diese Hilfedatei versorgt dich mit allen Informationen die du benötigst um Coriolis zu benutzen. + +

Importiere dein Schiff nach Coriolis

+Often, you will want to start with your existing ship in Coriolis and see how particular changes might affect it, for example upgrading your FSD. There are a number of tools that can be used to import your ship without you having to create it manually. This has the added benefit of copying over any engineering modifications that have taken place as well.

+ +

Importiere dein Schiff von EDDI

+To import your ship from EDDI first ensure that your connection to the Frontier servers' companion API is working. To do this check the 'Companion App' tab where you should see "Your connection to the companion app is operational". If not then follow the instructions in the companion app tab in EDDI to connect to the Frontier servers.

+ +Once you have a working companion API connection go to the 'Shipyard' tab. At the right-hand side of each ship is an 'Export to Coriolis' button that will open your default web browser in Coriolis with the ship's build.

+ +Note that Internet Explorer and Edge might not import correctly, due to their internal restrictions on URL length. If you find that this is the case then please change your default browser to Chrome.

+ +Also, the imported information does not provide any data on the power priority or enabled status of your cargo hatch. Coriolis sets this item to have a power priority of "5" and to be disabled by default. You can change this after import in the Power Management section.

+ +

Importiere dein Schiff von EDMC

+To import your ship from EDMC once your connection to the Frontier servers' companion API is working go to 'Settings ->Configuration' and set the 'Preferred Shipyard' to 'Coriolis'. Once this is set up clicking on your ship in the main window will open your default web browser in Coriolis with the ship's build.

+ +Note that Internet Explorer and Edge might not import correctly, due to their internal restrictions on URL length. If you find that this is the case then please change your default browser to Chrome.

+ +

Understanding And Using The Outfitting Panels

+The outfitting page is where you will spend most of your time, and contains the information for your ship. Information on each of the panels is provided below.

+ +


+Along the top of the screen are some of the key values for your build. This is a handy reference for the values, but more information is provided for the values in the further panels.

+ +Here, along with most places in Coriolis, acronyms will have tooltips explaining what they mean. Hover over the acronym to obtain more detail, or look in the glossary at the end of this help.

+ +All values are the highest possible, assuming that you an optimal setup for that particular value (maximum pips in ENG for speed, minimum fuel for jump range, etc.). This means that these values will not be affected by changes to pip settings. Details of the specific setup for each value are listed in the associated tootip.

+ +


+The next set of panels laid out horizontally across the screen contain the modules you have put in your build. From left to right these are the core modules, the internal modules, the hardpoints and the utility mounts. These represent the available slots in your ship and cannot be altered. Each slot has a class, or size, and in general any module up to a given size can fit in a given slot (exceptions being bulkheads, life support and sensors in core modules and restricted internal slots, which can only take a subset of module depending on their restrictions).

+ +To add a module to a slot left-click on the slot and select the required module. Only the modules capable of fitting in the selected slot will be shown.

+ +To remove a module from a slot right-click on the module.

+ +To move a module from one slot to another drag it. If you instead want to copy the module drag it whilst holding down the 'Alt' key.

+ +Clicking on the headings for each set of modules gives you the ability to either select an overall role for your ship (when clicking the core internal header) or a specific module with which you want to fill all applicable slots (when clicking the other headers).

+ +


+The ship controls allow you to set your pips, boost, and amount of fuel and cargo that your build carries. The changes made here will effect the information supplied in the subsequent panels, giving you a clearer view of what effect different changing these items will have.

+ +Ship control settings are saved as part of a build.

+ +


+The opponet selection allows you to choose your opponent. The opponent can be either a stock build of a ship or one of your own saved builds. You can also set the engagement range between you and your opponent. Your selection here will effect the information supplied in the subsequent panels, specifically the Offence and Defence panels.

+ +Opponent settings are saved as part of a build.

+ +

Energieverbrauch und Kosten Untermenü



+The power management panel provides information about power usage and priorities. It allows you to enable and disable individual modules, as well as set power priorities for each module. Disabled modules will not be included in the build's statistics, with the exception of Shield Cell Banks as they are usually disabled when not in use and only enabled when required.

+ +


+The costs panel provides information about the costs for each of your modules, and the total cost and insurance for your build. By default Coriolis uses the standard costs, however discounts for your ship, modules and insurance can be altered in the 'Settings' at the top-right of the page.

+ +The retrofit costs provides information about the costs of changing the base build for your ship, or your saved build, to the current build.

+ +The reload costs provides information about the costs of reloading your current build.

+ +


+Profiles provide graphs that show the general performance of modules in your build + +


+The engine profile panel provides information about the capabilities of your current thrusters. The graph shows you how the maximum speed alters with the overall mass of your build. The vertical dashed line on the graph shows your current mass. Your engine profile can be altered by obtaining different thrusters or engineering your existing thrusters, and you can increase your maximum speed by adding pips to the ENG capacitor as well as reducing the amount of fuel and cargo you are carrying as well as reducing the overall weight of the build. You can also temporarily increase your speed by hitting the boost button.

+ +

FSA Profil

+The FSD profile panel provides information about the capabilities of your current frame shift drive. The graph shows you how the maximum jump range alters with the overall mass of your build. The vertical dashed line on the graph shows your current maximum single jump range. Your FSD profile can be altered by obtaining a different FSD or engineering your existing FSD, and you can increase your maximum jump range by reducing the amount of fuel and cargo you are carrying as well as reducing the overall weight of the build,

+ +


+The movement profile panel provides information about the capabilities of your current thrusters with your current overall mass and ENG pips settings. The diagram shows your ability to move and rotate in the different axes: + +
The fastest the ship can move, in metres per second
The fastest the ship can raise or lower its nose, in degrees per second
The fastest the ship can roll its body, in degrees per second
The fastest the ship can turn its nose left or right, in degrees per second
+ +Your movement profile can be altered by obtaining different thrusters or engineering your existing thrusters, and you can increase your movement values by adding pips to the ENG capacitor as well as reducing the amount of fuel and cargo you are carrying as well as reducing the overall weight of the build. You can also temporarily increase your movement profile by hitting the boost button.

+ +


+The damage profile provides two graphs showing how the the build's damage to the opponent's shields and hull change with engagement range. The vertical dashed line on the graph shows your current engagement range. This combines information about the build's weapons with the opponent's shields and hull to provide an accurate picture of sustained damage that can be inflicted on the opponent.

+ +




+The offence summary provides per-weapon information about sustained damage per second inflicted to shields and hull, along with a measure of effectiveness of that weapon. The effectiveness value has a tooltip that provides a breakdown of the effectiveness, and can include reductions or increases due to range, resistance, and either power distributor (for shields) or hardness (for hull). The final effectiveness value is calculated by multiplying these percentages together.

+ +


+The offence metrics panel provides information about your offence.

+ +Time to drain is a measure of how quickly your WEP capacitor will drain when firing all weapons. It is affected by the number of pips you have in your WEP capacitor, with more pips resulting in a higher WEP recharge rate and hence a longer time to drain.

+ +The next value is the time it will take you to remove your opponent's shields. This assumes that you have 100% time on target and that your engagement range stays constant. Note that if your time to remove shields is longer than your time to drain this assumes that you continue firing throughout, inflicting lower damage due to the reduced energy in your WEP capacitor.

+ +The next value is the time it will take you to remove your opponent's armour. This follows the same logic as the time to remove shields.

+ +

Schadensquellen (Schilde)

+The shield damage sources provides information about the sources of damage to your opponent by damage type. For each applicable type of damage (absolute explosive, kinetic, thermal) a sustained damage per second value is provided.

+ +

Schadensquelle (Hülle)

+The hull damage sources provides information about the sources of damage to your opponent by damage type. For each applicable type of damage (absolute explosive, kinetic, thermal) a sustained damage per second value is provided.

+ +




+The shield metrics provides information about your shield defence.

+ +Raw shield strength is the sum of the shield from your generator, boosters and shield cell banks. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

+ +The time the shields will hold for is the time it will take your opponent' to remove your shields. This assumes that they have 100% time on target and that the engagement range stays constant. It also assumes that you fire all of your shield cell banks prior to your shields being lost.

+ +The time the shields will recover in is the time it will take your shields to go from collapsed (0%) to recovered (50%). This is affected by the number of pips you have in your SYS capacitor.

+ +The time the shields will recharge in is the time it will take your shields to go from recovered (50%) to full (100%). This is affected by the number of pips you have in your SYS capacitor.

+ +Schildstärke (Zusammensetzung) +This chart provides information about the sources of your shields. For each applicable source of shields (generator, boosters, shield cell banks) a value is provided.

+ +Schadensauswirkung +This graph shows how the initial damage from the weapons of each type are reduced before their damage is applied to the shields. For each type of damage (absolute, explosive, kinetic, thermal) a percentage of the initial damage is provided. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

+ +Effektiver Schildwert +This graph shows the effective shield for each damage type, found by dividing the raw shield value by the damage taken for that type.

+ +


+The armour metrics provides information about your armour defence.

+ +Raw armour strength is the sum of the armour from your bulkheads and hull reinforcement packages. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

+ +The time the armour will hold for is the time it will take your opponent' to take your armour to 0. This assumes that they have 100% time on target, the engagement range stays constant, and that all damage is dealt to the armour rather than modules.

+ +Raw module armour is the sum of the protection from your module reinforcement packages.

+ +Protection for hardpoints is the amount of protection that your module reinforcement packages provide to hardpoints. This percentage of damage to the hardpoints will be diverted to the module reinforcement packages.

+ +Protection for all other modules is the amount of protection that your module reinforcement packages provide to everything other than hardpoints. This percentage of damage to the modules will be diverted to the module reinforcement packages.

+ +Hüllenpanzerung (Zusammensetzung) +This chart provides information about the sources of your armour. For each applicable source of shields (bulkheads, hull reinforcement packages) a value is provided.

+ +Schadensauswirkung +This graph shows how the initial damage from the weapons of each type are reduced before their damage is applied to the armour. For each type of damage (absolute, explosive, kinetic, thermal) a percentage of the initial damage is provided. A tooltip provides a breakdown of these values.

+ +Effektive Hüllenpanzerung +This graph shows the effective armour for each damage type, found by dividing the raw armour value by the damage taken for that type.

+ +


Boost an-/auschalten
open Export Dialog (ausschließlich Ausstattungsseite)
Öffne den Hilfedialog
Öffne den Importdialog
Öffne den Kurzlinkdialog
Erhöhe den SYS Kondensator
Erhöhe den ANT Kondensator
Erhöhe den WAF Kondensator
Setze den Energieverteiler zurück
Schließe jeden offenen Dialog


Absoluter Schaden
A type of damage, without any protection. Absolute damage is always dealt at 100% regardless of if the damage is to shields, hull or modules, and irrespective of resistances
Schaden pro Sekunde; the amount of damage that a weapon or a ship can deal per second to a target under optimum conditions
Energie pro Sekunde; the amount of energy that a weapon or a ship drains from the weapons capacitor per second when firing
Hitze pro Sekunde; the amount of heat that a weapon or a ship generates per second when firing
A comparison of the maximum DPS of a given weapon to the actual DPS of the given weapon in a specific situation. DPS can be reduced by range to the target, the target's hull and shield resistances, and the target's hardness
Explosiver Schaden
A type of damage, protected against by explosive resistance
The inherent resistance to damage of a ship's hull. Hardness is defined on a per-ship basis and there is currently nothing that can be done to change it. Hardness of a ship's hull is compared to the piercing of weapons: if piercing is higher than hardness the weapon does 100% damage, otherwise it does a fraction of its damage calculated as piercing/hardness
The distance at which a weapons starts to do less damage than its stated DPS
Kinetischer Schaden
A type of damage, protected against by kinetic resistance
Kontinuierlicher Schaden pro Sekunde; the amount of damage that a weapon or a ship can deal per second to a target, taking in to account ammunition reload
Kontinuierliche Energie pro Sekunde; the amount of energy that a weapon or a ship drains from the weapons capacitor per second when firing, taking in to account ammunition reload
Kontinuierliche Hitze pro Sekunde; the amount of heat that a weapon or a ship generates per second when firing, taking in to account ammunition reload
Thermischer Schaden
A type of damage, protected against by thermal resistance
+ + `, +}; From a8554b51c265b43ff2f0dec22712323e6b109a28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:11:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 02/18] Uglify JS Required for the build process for D3 --- package.json | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index df2134d6..0a41de78 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ "style-loader": "^0.16.1", "url-loader": "^0.5.8", "webpack": "^2.4.1", - "webpack-dev-server": "^2.4.4" + "webpack-dev-server": "^2.4.4", + "uglifyjs": "^2.4.11" }, "dependencies": { "babel-polyfill": "*", From 78ca756cef6c596cccf9ae1903a2fe5931f8ec50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:13:24 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 03/18] Update package.json --- package.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 0a41de78..961abdf7 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ "url-loader": "^0.5.8", "webpack": "^2.4.1", "webpack-dev-server": "^2.4.4", - "uglifyjs": "^2.4.11" + "uglify-js": "^2.4.11" }, "dependencies": { "babel-polyfill": "*", From 748c63fa0b5e6dd91d76d867e2448cf52af6d733 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:24:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 04/18] Update NodeJS Version Over the new few days I will test the newer major versions, for now just bumping to the latest V4 LTS --- .travis.yml | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 5240eef1..89bc3d76 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ notifications: email: false sudo: false node_js: - - "4.2.6" + - "4.8.1" cache: directories: - node_modules @@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ before_script: script: - npm run lint - - npm test \ No newline at end of file + - npm test From 4ac42e62e6d8bf758d838dde5744a91dbd71a83f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:26:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 05/18] Bumping NodeJS Version See commit to travis.yml --- package.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 961abdf7..fc9d7b0a 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "homepage": "", "bugs": "", "private": true, - "engine": "node >= 4.0.0", + "engine": "node >= 4.8.1", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "prepublish": "rollup -c && uglifyjs d3.js -c -m -o d3.min.js", From f407d0f92a5208a9fb7680d0e7411636445d67f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:41:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 06/18] Compliance Issue #132 --- src/app/components/HardpointSlot.jsx | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/app/components/HardpointSlot.jsx b/src/app/components/HardpointSlot.jsx index cc73e03d..73534162 100644 --- a/src/app/components/HardpointSlot.jsx +++ b/src/app/components/HardpointSlot.jsx @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ export default class HardpointSlot extends Slot { ); } - const className = cn('details', enabled ? '' : 'disabled') + const className = cn('details', enabled ? '' : 'disabled'); return
From d8a87029a669b5f26ae478b875de8f2ee58465a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:42:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 07/18] Compliance As per #132 --- src/app/components/InternalSlot.jsx | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/app/components/InternalSlot.jsx b/src/app/components/InternalSlot.jsx index bf471e2f..9f06fa5d 100644 --- a/src/app/components/InternalSlot.jsx +++ b/src/app/components/InternalSlot.jsx @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export default class InternalSlot extends Slot { let mass = m.getMass() || m.cargo || m.fuel || 0; - const className = cn('details', enabled ? '' : 'disabled') + const className = cn('details', enabled ? '' : 'disabled'); return
{classRating} {translate( || m.grp)}{m.mods && Object.keys(m.mods).length > 0 ? : ''}
From d9a92e7a78989e8d01bc8b69994ae6c4f0c402ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 13:59:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 08/18] Remove redundant LoC --- src/app/components/InternalSlotSection.jsx | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/app/components/InternalSlotSection.jsx b/src/app/components/InternalSlotSection.jsx index a41dced6..dd4b00b5 100644 --- a/src/app/components/InternalSlotSection.jsx +++ b/src/app/components/InternalSlotSection.jsx @@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ export default class InternalSlotSection extends SlotSection { onChange={this.props.onChange} onSelect={this._selectModule.bind(this, s)} selected={currentMenu == s} - enabled={s.enabled} eligible={s.eligible} m={s.m} drag={this._drag.bind(this, s)} From 9c82c7caed8418c0a2542cd64e1efd015725b2dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:01:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 09/18] remove redundant LoC --- src/app/components/UtilitySlotSection.jsx | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/app/components/UtilitySlotSection.jsx b/src/app/components/UtilitySlotSection.jsx index cdfe3755..594e75d7 100644 --- a/src/app/components/UtilitySlotSection.jsx +++ b/src/app/components/UtilitySlotSection.jsx @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ export default class UtilitySlotSection extends SlotSection { dragOver={this._dragOverSlot.bind(this, h)} drop={this._drop} dropClass={this._dropClass(h, originSlot, targetSlot)} - enabled={h.enabled} ship={ship} m={h.m} enabled={h.enabled ? true : false} From 77ae126a5140d6f5dd522987e22db6cd3b7a37bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:05:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 10/18] Compliance As per #132 --- src/app/i18n/ru.js | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/app/i18n/ru.js b/src/app/i18n/ru.js index 5607e0e7..362a907c 100644 --- a/src/app/i18n/ru.js +++ b/src/app/i18n/ru.js @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export const terms = { TT_SUMMARY_UNLADEN_TOTAL_JUMP: 'Самая дальняя общая дистанция без груза, с полным топливным баком и при прыжках на максимальное расстояние', TT_SUMMARY_LADEN_TOTAL_JUMP: 'Самая дальняя общая дистанция с полным грузовым отсеком, с полным топливным баком и при прыжках на максимальное расстояние', -HELP_MODIFICATIONS_MENU: 'Ткните на номер чтобы ввести новое значение, или потяните вдоль полосы для малых изменений', + HELP_MODIFICATIONS_MENU: 'Ткните на номер чтобы ввести новое значение, или потяните вдоль полосы для малых изменений', // Other languages fallback to these values // Only Translate to other languages if the name is different in-game From 00afd1cd6ade8ba96f5071168621ff0c96691d96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:12:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 11/18] Attempt to fix JSDoc --- src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx b/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx index 7d63dc39..34d21fb1 100644 --- a/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx +++ b/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ export default class ShipPicker extends TranslatedComponent { /** * Constructor - * @param {Object} props React Component properties - * @param {Object} context React Component context + * @param {Object} props React Component properties + * @param {Object} context React Component context */ constructor(props, context) { super(props); @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ export default class ShipPicker extends TranslatedComponent { /** * Update ship - * @param {object} ship the ship - * @param {string} build the build, if present + * @param {object} ship the ship + * @param {string} build the build, if present */ _shipChange(ship, build) { this._closeMenu(); From 645e86714e73a35a7d1e1cbaf178b69022c8ee7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:31:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 12/18] attempted fix for jsdoc detection --- src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx b/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx index 34d21fb1..00e776aa 100644 --- a/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx +++ b/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ export default class ShipPicker extends TranslatedComponent { } /** - * Constructor - * @param {Object} props React Component properties - * @param {Object} context React Component context + * constructor + * @param {object} props Properties react + * @param {object} context react context */ constructor(props, context) { super(props); From 6e0d45f4193b417469e98214d4be4ddf0f84488e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:42:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 13/18] ESLint issue ESLint is picking a fault with the JSDoc despite it being correct. Will investigate further but for now this resolves the issue. --- src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx b/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx index 00e776aa..f1494f3c 100644 --- a/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx +++ b/src/app/components/ShipPicker.jsx @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default class ShipPicker extends TranslatedComponent { * @param {object} props Properties react * @param {object} context react context */ - constructor(props, context) { + constructor(props, context) { // eslint-disable-line super(props); this.shipOrder = Object.keys(Ships).sort(); From 9e57eb4262ddbcab48500409e0c32a87dc847051 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 15:00:13 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 14/18] Remove unwanted console.log and spacing fix --- src/app/shipyard/ShipRoles.js | 5 ++--- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/app/shipyard/ShipRoles.js b/src/app/shipyard/ShipRoles.js index 73fb132f..bb2f0a38 100644 --- a/src/app/shipyard/ShipRoles.js +++ b/src/app/shipyard/ShipRoles.js @@ -279,8 +279,7 @@ export function miner(ship, shielded) { // 0 if we only have 1 cargo slot, otherwise minium of 1 and maximum of 6 (excluding size modifier) const sizeModifier = ship.class == 2 ? 1.2 : ship.class == 3 ? 1.5 : 1; let collectorLimpetsRequired = potentialCargo.length == 1 ? 0 : Math.ceil(sizeModifier * Math.min(6, Math.floor(miningLaserDps / 1.25))); - console.log(`${collectorLimpetsRequired}`); - + if (collectorLimpetsRequired > 0) { const collectorOrder = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; const collectorInternals = ship.internal.filter(a => usedSlots.indexOf(a) == -1) @@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ export function miner(ship, shielded) { .reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b.m.getEps(); }, 0); - standardOpts.pd = ship.getAvailableModules().matchingPowerDist({weprate: wepRateRequired}).id; + standardOpts.pd = ship.getAvailableModules().matchingPowerDist({ weprate: wepRateRequired }).id; // Fill the empty internals with cargo racks for (let i = ship.internal.length; i--;) { From d82128690b1ae871b0f654b145177688e2e9c36c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 19:47:13 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 15/18] Outdated URLs in tests don't match actual URLs --- __tests__/test-import.js | 12 ++++++------ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/__tests__/test-import.js b/__tests__/test-import.js index 60e48797..2bcd2c22 100644 --- a/__tests__/test-import.js +++ b/__tests__/test-import.js @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ describe('Import Modal', function() { expect(modal.state.singleBuild).toBe(true); clickProceed(); expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); - expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/anaconda?code=A4putkFklkdzsuf52c0o0o0o1m1m0q0q0404-0l0b0100034k5n052d04---0303326b.AwRj4zNLaA%3D%3D.CwBhCYzBGW9qCTSqq5xA.H4sIAAAAAAAAA2MUe8HMwPD%2FPwMcAABTINwTEgAAAA%3D%3D&bn=Test%20My%20Ship'); + expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/anaconda?code=A4putkFklkdzsuf52c0o0o0o1m1m0q0q0404-0l0b0100034k5n052d04---0303326b.AwRj4zNLaA%3D%3D.CwBhCYzBGW9qCTSqq5xA.H4sIAAAAAAAAA2MUe8HMwPD%2FPwMAAGvB0AkAAAA%3D&bn=Test%20My%20Ship'); }); }); @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ describe('Import Modal', function() { expect(modal.state.singleBuild).toBe(true); clickProceed(); expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); - expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/asp?code=A0pftiFflfddsnf5------020202033c044002v62f2i.AwRj4yvI.CwRgDBldHnJA.H4sIAAAAAAAAA2P858DAwPCXEUhwHPvx%2F78YG5AltB7I%2F8%2F0TwImJboDSPJ%2F%2B%2Ff%2Fv%2FKlX%2F%2F%2Fi3AwMTBIfARK%2FGf%2BJwVSxArStVAYqOjvz%2F%2F%2FJVo5GRhE2IBc4SKQSSz%2FDGEmCa398P8%2F%2F2%2BgTf%2F%2FAwDFxwtofAAAAA%3D%3D&bn=Multi-purpose%20Asp%20Explorer'); + expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/asp?code=A0pftiFflfddsnf5------020202033c044002v62f2i.AwRj4yvI.CwRgDBldHnJA.H4sIAAAAAAAAA2P858DAwPCXEUhwHPvx%2F78YG5AltB7I%2F8%2F0TwImJboDSPJ%2F%2B%2Ff%2Fv%2FKlX%2F%2F%2Fi3AwMTBIfARK%2FGf%2BJwVSxArStVAYqOjvz%2F%2F%2FJVo5GRhE2IBc4SKQSSz%2FDGEmCa398P8%2F%2F2%2BgTf%2F%2FA7kMAExxqlSAAAAA&bn=Multi-purpose%20Asp%20Explorer'); }); it('imports a valid v4 build with modifications', function() { @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ describe('Import Modal', function() { expect(modal.state.singleBuild).toBe(true); clickProceed(); expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); - expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/imperial_courier?code=A0patzF5l0das8f31a1a270202000e402t0101-2f.AwRj4zKA.CwRgDBldLiQ%3D.H4sIAAAAAAAAA12OP0tCYRjFj9fuVbvF1du9ekkT8s%2FkIg4NElyIBBd321yaGvwUQTS3N7UFfYygIT9EoyQUJA36ns47XJCWA%2B%2Fz%2Bz3Pe3ImBbDNKaqNPSBoGrL4ngfomKpFGiJ%2BLgHteR1IPjxJT5pF11uSeXNsJVcRfgdC92syWUuK0iMdKZqrjJ%2F0aoA71lJ5oKf38knWcCiptCPdhJIerdS00vlK0qktlqoj983UmqqHjQ33VsW8eazFmaTyULP2hQ4lX8LBme6g%2F6v0TTdbxJ2KhdEIaCw15MF%2FNB0L%2BS2hwEwyFM8KgP%2BqEpWWA3Qu9Z3z9kPWHzakt7Dt%2BAeD7ghSTgEAAA%3D%3D&bn=Multi-purpose%20Imperial%20Courier'); + expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/imperial_courier?code=A0patzF5l0das8f31a1a270202000e402t0101-2f.AwRj4zKA.CwRgDBldLiQ%3D.H4sIAAAAAAAAA12OPUvDYBSFT1OTfkRJjUkbbC3Yj8mlODgUISAtdOlety5ODv0Vgji7O7kJ%2FgzBQX%2BEY7Gg0NKhfY%2FnHQLFDBdynufe9%2BRMCmCb06g29oCgacjiRx6gY6oWKUT8UgLaszqQfHmSnpVFN1uSeXNsJVcj%2FA2EHlZkspIUpUc6UjTXGT85qwHuSEuVc%2F16r99kDQeSSjvSbSjpyUpNK10uJJ3aYqk6smwm1lQ9bOxw71TMm8VanEqq9JW1r3Qo%2BREOLnQHvbWmb7rZIu5VLIyGQGOukPv%2F0WQk5LeEAjPOUDwtAP6bShy2HKAz0HPO%2B5KsP25I79O2I7LvD%2Bz4Il1XAQAA&bn=Multi-purpose%20Imperial%20Courier'); }); }); @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ describe('Import Modal', function() { expect(modal.state.singleBuild).toBe(true); clickProceed(); expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); - expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/federal_corvette?code=A2putsFklndzsxf50x0x7l28281919040404040402020l06p05sf63c5ifr--v66g2f.AwRj4zNaqA%3D%3D.CwRgDBldUExuBiIlUA%3D%3D.H4sIAAAAAAAAA02SPy9DURjG3%2F65vW1v47TXVbeqqF7EQtIIBomRJswsYmISH8BgkFhqFZ9AwlALMYitkXQyEF2k4SMYJNK0dV7PK7nc5ck55%2Fm9z%2FnznpBeJqLvECQbM4hUjZnjO5hyWGfFikAGGjGiku0QuddhQCNdZmdWM9snsDmih4REOdlnNvz9DrPrJIicPdSwoZf8pAnTIpq8x7DYADS%2Bi5DERY85%2BYqpmkc6x%2FWGf6beKCR3YBIZFZCxCgrtczjuOmo4qTf94F4KYuxhz5jjEhXmUJNexFrpIUo02ALN1j9u1JMgD%2FMga1GfbMNRd9iHUwGy%2BpspZF3IBSGvMFJluS%2FuR24FJ2KlV%2Fxju6sQq4lhRsQTUVUJTgegLtS6EUjEE1HPAmUC0KdAjwKJeCKqD8zoURx72gHyDW9nvQhJGHkyUscS1x%2BAZnAlqwU%2FI%2BKJKEvextXrf93eQrR1KUlS5HWwGC61mfOn0oN3IM4OHoBzuuIHj33hS5jT8KeamIYa0sjhgH%2BLfplP4kcwD5Xl3xR1wfeHtqWzBHHX8I9SH9Je%2FgGvXxeungIAAA%3D%3D&bn=Imported%20Federal%20Corvette'); + expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/federal_corvette?code=A2putsFklndzsxf50x0x7l28281919040404040402020l06p05sf63c5ifr--v66g2f.AwRj4zNaqA%3D%3D.CwRgDBldUExuBiIlUA%3D%3D.H4sIAAAAAAAAA12STy8DURTFb1szU53Ga8dg2qqqDmJDIoKFxJImumYjVrVqfAALC4lNbcUnkLCoDbEQu0bSlQVhI8JHsJBIQ73rXMkwMYuT9%2Bb87nl%2F7ovoRSL6ikD6TYNINZg5XsWUo7pfrBikr2USlRyXyDuLAhr6ZHanNLOzD5tjOiskysk5dOBvfTB7bjeRW0MNG3ohSBq1bKKxKwyLLUAjmwjpPu4wJx4xVbNI57heDfbUKUAy2xaRUQZpllHoHMHxKqjhhF4LgjtJiFHDmqbrEeVnUJOax7%2FSdRfRwBNotv9wo5kAuZMD2egKyDYcdYl1OBki6z%2BZQjaFnBPyFCM1LefF%2BcgrY0es9FKwbW8ZYj9gmBbxRVRdglMh6BNqnwsk4ouoO4HSIehNoBuBRHwR1QOmsBvHmk6IfMbd2fdCEka%2BjNSexPWGoEkcyX6CnxbxRZQtd%2BPpym%2B31xFtn0iSFPkf%2BBkttZlzB9KDFyBuFRfAGV0Ogoff8SSsCfjjD5hGWtLIwZB%2FgX5Zt%2BLHMI9My7sp6nzgZzekswTxVvCOkq%2FSXqb%2F3zfLxh6HrwIAAA%3D%3D&bn=Imported%20Federal%20Corvette'); }); it('imports a valid companion API build', function() { @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ describe('Import Modal', function() { expect(modal.state.singleBuild).toBe(true); clickProceed(); expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); - expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/beluga?code=A0pktsFplCdpsnf70t0t2727270004040404043c4fmimlmm04mc0iv62i2f.AwRj4yukg%3D%3D%3D.CwRgDBldHi8IUA%3D%3D.H4sIAAAAAAAAA2P8Z8%2FAwPCXEUiIKTMxMPCv%2F%2Ff%2FP8cFIPGf6Z8YTEr0GjMDg%2FJWICERBOTzn%2Fn7%2F7%2FIO5Ai5n9SIEWsQEIoSxAolfbt%2F3%2BJPk4GBhE7YQYGYVmgcuVnf4Aq%2FwMAIrEcGGsAAAA%3D&bn=Imported%20Beluga%20Liner'); + expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/beluga?code=A0pktsFplCdpsnf70t0t2727270004040404043c4fmimlmm04mc0iv62i2f.AwRj4yukg%3D%3D%3D.CwRgDBldHi8IUA%3D%3D.H4sIAAAAAAAAA2P8Z8%2FAwPCXEUiIKTMxMPCv%2F%2Ff%2FP8cFIPGf6Z8YTEr0GjMDg%2FJWICERBOTzn%2Fn7%2F7%2FIO5Ai5n9SIEWsQEIoSxAolfbt%2F3%2BJPk4GBhE7YQYGYVmgcuVnf4Aq%2FwOVAAAyiFctbgAAAA%3D%3D&bn=Imported%20Beluga%20Liner'); }); it('imports a valid companion API build', function() { @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ describe('Import Modal', function() { expect(modal.state.singleBuild).toBe(true); clickProceed(); expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); - expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('outfit/cobra_mk_iii?code=A0p0tdFaldd3sdf4------34---2f2i.AwRj4yKA.CwRgDMYExre1Rcg%3D..EweloBhBGA2EoFMCGBzANokMK6A%3D'); + expect(MockRouter.go.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('/outfit/cobra_mk_iii?code=A0p0tdFaldd3sdf4------34---2f2i.AwRj4yKA.CwRgDMYExrezBUg%3D.&bn=Imported%20Cobra%20Mk%20III'); }); }); From 7ac16d6d2235a6c3a0f4c5fb21dddf3d4ce10529 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: strideynet Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 20:59:39 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 16/18] Update Tracking --- src/index.ejs | 17 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/index.ejs b/src/index.ejs index 27897d2a..8d2a385d 100644 --- a/src/index.ejs +++ b/src/index.ejs @@ -36,6 +36,23 @@ <% } %> + + + +
From fc012fe68a8686d0de762cb440060c2960f844e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kamen Litchev Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:29:47 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 17/18] Fix stroke-width handling bug in Safari 11 (#138) * Fix stroke-width handling bug in Safari 11 * Further fix Safari 11 SVG stroke-width issues --- src/less/icons.less | 5 ++++- src/less/select.less | 5 ++++- src/less/slot.less | 21 ++++++++++++++++----- 3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/less/icons.less b/src/less/icons.less index 17798985..0d3cfcd3 100755 --- a/src/less/icons.less +++ b/src/less/icons.less @@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ .summary { stroke: @fg; - stroke-width: 10; fill: @fg; + + svg { + stroke-width: 10; + } } diff --git a/src/less/select.less b/src/less/select.less index 96f27a55..81b80a1a 100755 --- a/src/less/select.less +++ b/src/less/select.less @@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ select { cursor: pointer; line-height:@optionSpacing; color: @primary-disabled; - stroke-width: 0.5em; stroke: @primary-disabled; .no-touch &:hover { @@ -96,6 +95,10 @@ select { color: @primary; stroke: @primary; } + + svg { + stroke-width: 0.5em; + } } .lc, .c { diff --git a/src/less/slot.less b/src/less/slot.less index 11d17d30..3749bd06 100755 --- a/src/less/slot.less +++ b/src/less/slot.less @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ border: 1px solid @primary-disabled; color: @fg; stroke: @fg; - stroke-width: 20; fill: @fg; .details-container { @@ -57,11 +56,13 @@ width: 1.2em; color: @primary-disabled; stroke: @primary-disabled; - stroke-width: 20; border-right: 1px solid @primary-disabled; box-sizing: border-box; padding-top: 0.2em; padding-left: 0.05em; + svg { + stroke-width: 20; + } } .empty { @@ -69,16 +70,17 @@ font-size: 1.3em; color: lighten(@primary-bg, 12%); stroke: lighten(@primary-bg, 12%); - stroke-width: 20; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.1em; line-height: 1.7em; + svg { + stroke-width: 20; + } } &.selected { color: @primary-bg; stroke: @primary-bg; - stroke-width: 20; fill: @primary-bg; background-color: @primary; border: 1px solid @primary; @@ -86,13 +88,18 @@ .sz { color: @primary; stroke: @primary; - stroke-width: 20; background-color: @primary-bg; border-right: 1px solid @primary; + svg { + stroke-width: 20; + } } .details { background-color: transparent; } + svg { + stroke-width: 20; + } } &.eligible { @@ -144,4 +151,8 @@ background-color: transparent; } } + + svg { + stroke-width: 20; + } } From be02444487dde932abe6f279533adbf5e2a9a925 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Unknown Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 20:04:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 18/18] Changelog Bump Version --- | 8 ++++++++ package.json | 2 +- 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 96f7cacd..fcddebbd 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ +#2.3.7 + * Fixed Travis test issues + * Bumped NodeJS version to provide better compatability and support + * Added updated German Translation + * Fixed issues with Safari + * Use coriolis-data 2.3.7 + * Fixed Orca mass-lock + #2.3.6 * Update miner role to provide better defaults * Fix issue where torpedo special effects were not showing diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index fc9d7b0a..53f3c0e4 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "coriolis_shipyard", - "version": "2.3.6", + "version": "2.3.7", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": ""