This assignment is designed to simulate EEPROM file system for embedded system with some random sensor data input.It's working algorithm is same as your Lab practical "RFID based Data Logger" with some minor changes.Simulator will generate 100 samples of timestamp and RFID tag ID.There are only Five different Tag ID, so you will get same scenario as discussed in the lab. Please refer our RFID lab practical.
Here, sensor simulator is generating time and tag ID which is possibly detected on our RFID reader , as of now we don't have any RFID reader hardware, We need to use readymade tagID and time generated by simulator.
So, sensor simulator will generate total 100 entries (time and tagID) , you need to just store it on EEPROM ,but with proper format.That's it.
THIS LAB ASSIGNMENT IS having SIMPLY Structure read/write operations. Nothing else.I have already provided diagram of EEPROM, that show you how to store FileSystem Components.
INPUT : Time and TagID (genetarated by simulator)
OUTPUT : EEPROM data , stored in defined format