This document describes how to install the latest version of B2SAFE with iRODS4.1.X on a Ubunutu 14.04 system.
Ubuntu 14.04 server, iRODS 4.1 with postgresql 9.3. You will need to have root rights on an iRODS server, a handle prefix and the respective credentials to configure B2SAFE. To test B2SAFE in a federation you will also need to setup a federation between this iRODS server and another one.
For a comprehensive documentation please refer to
- Install git:
sudo apt-get install git
- Obtain a (test) prefix to create PIDs.
- For a prefix for the Handle server v7 you will be provided with a prefix and a password. (legacy)
- When working with Handle server v8 you will be provided with certficates (private key and certificate) and a password for the reverse lookup servelet. You will also need to install the B2HANDLE library (see section below).
- Clone the github repository of B2SAFE and create the debian package
git clone
cd ~/B2SAFE-core/packaging
- PID configuration with (legacy) If you do not want to add the trusted CA of the epic server to your trusted CAs you need to edit the B2SAFE-core/cmd/
self.http = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True)
PID configuration with The SSL verfication is given as a parameter in the credentials file (see below CRED_FILE_PATH). Set this flag to 'false'.
Install the created package as root
sudo dpkg -i /home/alice/debbuild/irods-eudat-b2safe_3.1-1.deb
The package b2safe has been installed in /opt/eudat/b2safe.
To install/configure it in iRODS do following as the user who runs iRODS :
# update install.conf with correct parameters with your favorite editor
sudo vi /opt/eudat/b2safe/packaging/install.conf
# install/configure it as the user who runs iRODS
source /etc/irods/service_account.config
sudo su - $IRODS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME -s "/bin/bash" -c "cd /opt/eudat/b2safe/packaging/ ; ./"
We need to pass some parameters that B2SAFE will use to craete the credentials json file to connect to the Handle server to create PIDs
For working with Handle v8, the B2HANDLE library and you need to fill in the following:
- PRIVATE_KEY: Path to the respective pem-file
- CERTIFICATE_ONLY: Path to the respective pem-file (make sure the linux user irods has access to these files)
- REVERSELOOKUP_USERNAME: Usually your prefix
- HTTPS_VERIFY: If you did not install the handle servers certificates, set this variable to "False".
The resulting config file should look like this:
#REVERSELOOKUP_PASSWORD="" <-- the script will ask for the password upon execution
If you added the trusted CA of the epic server to your trusted CAs you can set HTTPS_VERIFY="True"
After running the configuration script the resulting json file /opt/eudat/b2safe/conf/credentials should look like this:
"handle_server_url": "",
"private_key": "/<path>/<to>/308_21.T12995_USER01_privkey.pem",
"certificate_only": "/<path>/<to>/308_21.T12995_USER01_certificate_only.pem",
"prefix": "21.T12995",
"handleowner": "200:0.NA/21.T12995",
"reverselookup_username": "21.T12995",
"reverselookup_password": "XXX",
"HTTPS_verify": "False"
For a testing server you might want to set AUTHZ_ENABLED and MSG_QUEUE_ENABLED to false.
By default B2SAFE uses the python script which does not make use of the B2HANDLE python library. Copy to
cp /opt/eudat/b2safe/cmd/ /opt/eudat/b2safe/cmd/epicclient.py_backup
cp /opt/eudat/b2safe/cmd/ /opt/eudat/b2safe/cmd/
Legacy documentation
When working with the you need to fill in the following parameters:
- SERVER_ID: The fully qualified name of your server or IP address. Note, that when you also plan to install B2STAGE, the server ID has to match the known hostname of your gridFTP instance.
- BASE_URI: The handle server that hosts your handle prefix. Here we use
- USERNAME: This is your handle prefix
- PREFIX: This is also your handle prefix
- CRED_FILE_PATH: The json credentials file to connect to the Handle server
The resulting json file after the configuration should look like this:
"handle_server_url": "",
"prefix": "841",
"handleowner": "200:0.NA/841",
"reverse_username": "841",
"reverse_password": "XXX",
"HTTPS_verify": "False",
"overwrite": "True"
- Check dependencies
cd /opt/eudat/b2safe/cmd
./ -h
./ -h
./ -h
./ -h
./ --help
./ --help
you can check whether all additional modules are available.
- Known dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install queuelib
sudo pip install dweepy
sudo apt-get install python-lxml
sudo apt-get install python-defusedxml
sudo apt-get install python-httplib2
sudo apt-get install python-simplejson
- B2HANDLE python library
Install as user with sudo rights
git clone
python bdist_egg
cd dist/
sudo easy_install b2handle-1.0.3-py2.7.egg
cd ~/B2SAFE-core/rules
irule -vF eudatGetV.r
should return
*version = 4.X-X
- Test the
sudo su - irods
/opt/eudat/b2safe/cmd/ os /opt/eudat/b2safe/conf/credentials create
- Test the
sudo su - irods
/opt/eudat/b2safe/cmd/ os /opt/eudat/b2safe/conf/credentials create
In the folder B2SAFE-core/rules you will find some test rules that
- Create some PIDs with your installed prefix and deletes them again:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ irule -F rules/eudatCreatePid.r
userNameClient: rods
rodsZoneClient: aliceZone
Object /aliceZone/home/rods/test_data.txt written with success!
Object contents:
Hello World!
The Object /aliceZone/home/rods/test_data.txt has PID = 21.T12995/4412d58a-0cd1-11e7-bdac-040091643b25
PID 21.T12995/4412d58a-0cd1-11e7-bdac-040091643b25 removed
Object /aliceZone/home/rods/test_data.txt removed
- Create a collection with a file, attache some PIDs, replicate the collection to another colletion on the same iRODS server
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ irule -F rules/eudatRepl_coll.r
userNameClient: rods
rodsZoneClient: aliceZone
Created collection /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll
Object /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll/test_data.txt written with success!
Object contents:
Hello World!
The Collection /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll has PID = 21.T12995/7dee7516-0cd1-11e7-ae28-040091643b25
Collection /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll replicated to Collection /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll2!
The content of the replicated collection is: /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll2/test_data.txt
The content of the replicated object /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll2/test_data.txt is:
Hello World!
PIDs for data:
The Original /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll/test_data.txt has PID = 21.T12995/7ec3c5c2-0cd1-11e7-b1d1-040091643b25
The Replica /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll2/test_data.txt has PID = 21.T12995/7f3ddf88-0cd1-11e7-8084-040091643b25
Remove replicated data object
PID 21.T12995/7f3ddf88-0cd1-11e7-8084-040091643b25 removed
Replicated object removed
PIDs for collections:
The Original /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll has PID = 21.T12995/7dee7516-0cd1-11e7-ae28-040091643b25
The Replica /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll2 has PID = 21.T12995/7e75fe32-0cd1-11e7-84e2-040091643b25
Remove replica Collection and PID.
PID 21.T12995/7e75fe32-0cd1-11e7-84e2-040091643b25 removed
Replicated collection removed
Remove original data and their PIDs
PID 21.T12995/7ec3c5c2-0cd1-11e7-b1d1-040091643b25 removed
Object /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll/test_data.txt removed
PID 21.T12995/7dee7516-0cd1-11e7-ae28-040091643b25 removed
Removed collection /aliceZone/home/rods/t_coll
(For this exercise you will first need to follow the part on iRODS rule writing.)
Alter the test rules in rules such that a real folder is assigned with PIDs and replicated to another folder on that iRODS instance. Do not remove files, folders and PIDs and verify the correct linking in the iCAT metadata catalogue (imeta ls) and the handle system (<PID>?noredirect)
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