diff --git a/libs/lospecs/hlaig.ml b/libs/lospecs/hlaig.ml
index bd8e56c0f..94c9473ef 100644
--- a/libs/lospecs/hlaig.ml
+++ b/libs/lospecs/hlaig.ml
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ end
 (* Assumes circuit inputs have already been appropriately renamed *)
 module MakeSMTInterface(SMT: SMTInstance) : SMTInterface = struct
   let circ_equiv (r1 : Aig.reg) (r2 : Aig.reg) (pcond : Aig.node) (inps: (int * int) list) : bool =
-    assert ((List.compare_length_with r1 0 > 0) && (List.compare_length_with r2 0 > 0));
+    if not ((List.compare_length_with r1 0 > 0) && (List.compare_length_with r2 0 > 0)) then
+      (Format.eprintf "Sizes differ in circ_equiv"; false)
+    else
     let bvvars : SMT.bvterm Map.String.t ref = ref Map.String.empty in
     let rec bvterm_of_node : Aig.node -> SMT.bvterm =
diff --git a/src/ecCircuits.ml b/src/ecCircuits.ml
index 307e4876e..5cadf6d70 100644
--- a/src/ecCircuits.ml
+++ b/src/ecCircuits.ml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open EcAst
 open EcCoreFol
 open EcIdent
 open LDecl
+open EcCoreGoal
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 module Map = Batteries.Map
@@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ let size_of_asize (sz : asize) : int =
 let size_of_tpsize (sz : tpsize) : int =
   sz.wordsize * sz.npos
+exception CircError of string
 (* type deps = ((int * int) * int C.VarRange.t) list *)
 (* Inputs to circuit functions: 
    Either bitstring of fixed size
@@ -87,11 +90,15 @@ let is_bwainput = function
 let destr_bwinput = function
   | BWInput (idn, w) -> (idn, w)
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "destr_bwinput")
 let destr_bwainput = function
   | BWAInput (idn, sz) -> (idn, sz)
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "destr_bwainput")
+let destr_tpinput = function
+  | BWTInput (idn, sz) -> (idn, sz)
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "destr_tpinput")
 let bwinput_of_size (w : width) : cinput =
   let name = "bw_input" in
@@ -101,6 +108,10 @@ let bwainput_of_size ~(nelements : width) ~(wordsize : width) : cinput =
   let name = "arr_input" in
   BWAInput (create name, { nelements; wordsize; })
+let bwtpinput_of_size ~(npos : width) ~(wordsize : width) : cinput =
+  let name = "arr_input" in
+  BWTInput (create name, { npos; wordsize; })
 (* # of total bits of input *)
 let size_of_cinput = function
   | BWInput (_, w) -> w
@@ -133,15 +144,15 @@ let is_bwtuple = function
 let destr_bwcirc = function
   | BWCirc r -> r
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "destr_bwcirc")
 let destr_bwarray = function
   | BWArray a -> a
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "destr_bwarray")
 let destr_bwtuple = function
   | BWTuple tp -> tp
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "destr_bwtuple")
 (* # of total bits of output *)
 let size_of_circ = function
@@ -246,17 +257,20 @@ let match_arg (inp: cinput) (val_: circ) : bool =
    Fully applies a function to a list of constant arguments
    returning a constant value
+   THROWS: CircError on failure, should always be caught
 let apply (f: circuit) (args: circ list) : circ = 
   let () = try
     assert (List.compare_lengths f.inps args = 0);
     assert (List.for_all2 match_arg f.inps args);
-  with Assert_failure _ as e -> 
-    Format.eprintf "%s@." (Printexc.get_backtrace ());
-    Format.eprintf "Error applying on %s@." (circuit_to_string f);
-    Format.eprintf "Arguments: @.";
-    List.iter (Format.eprintf "%s@.") (List.map circ_to_string args);
-    raise e
+  with Assert_failure _ as _e -> 
+    let err = Format.asprintf 
+      "Backtrace: %s@.\
+       Error applying on %s@.\
+       Arguments: @.%a@." (Printexc.get_backtrace ())
+    (circuit_to_string f)
+    (fun fmt args -> List.iter (Format.fprintf fmt "%s@.") args) (List.map circ_to_string args) in
+    raise (CircError err)
   let args = List.combine f.inps args in
   let map_ = fun (id, i) ->
@@ -279,7 +293,16 @@ let apply (f: circuit) (args: circ list) : circ =
       | BWTInput (_, sz), BWTuple tp ->
         let it, iw = (i / sz.wordsize), (i mod sz.wordsize) in
         Option.bind (List.at_opt tp it) (fun l -> List.at_opt l iw) 
-      | _ -> assert false
+      | _ -> 
+        let err = Format.asprintf "Backtrace: %s@.\
+          Error applying on %s@.\
+          Arguments: @.%a@.\
+          Mismatch between argument types.@." 
+          (Printexc.get_backtrace ())
+          (circuit_to_string f)
+          (fun fmt args -> List.iter (Format.fprintf fmt "%s@.") args) 
+          (List.map circ_to_string (List.snd args)) 
+        in raise (CircError err)
   match f.circ with
@@ -321,7 +344,6 @@ let dist_inputs (c: circuit list) : circuit list =
   | c::cs -> c::(doit cs (Set.of_list c.inps))
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-exception CircError of string
 let width_of_type (env: env) (t: ty) : int =
   match EcEnv.Circuit.lookup_array_and_bitstring env t with
@@ -343,9 +365,15 @@ let shape_of_array_type (env: env) (t: ty) : (int * int) =
   | Tconstr (p, [et]) -> 
     begin match EcEnv.Circuit.lookup_array_path env p with
     | Some {size; _} -> size, width_of_type env et
-    | None -> assert false
+    | None -> 
+      let err = Format.asprintf "Failed to lookup shape of array type %a@."
+      (EcPrinting.pp_type (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env)) t in
+      raise (CircError err)
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> 
+    let err = Format.asprintf "Failed to lookup shape of array type %a@."
+    (EcPrinting.pp_type (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env)) t in
+    raise (CircError err)
 (* Given an EC type with the correct bindings returns a circuit input
    matching the shape of that type *)
@@ -355,10 +383,9 @@ let cinput_of_type ?(idn: ident option) (env: env) (t: ty) : cinput =
   | Some idn -> idn
   | None -> create name 
-  match destr_array_type env t with
+  match EcEnv.Circuit.lookup_array_and_bitstring env t with
   | None -> BWInput (idn, width_of_type env t)
-  | Some (nelements, t) ->
-    let wordsize = width_of_type env t in
+  | Some ({size=nelements}, {size=wordsize}) ->
     BWAInput (idn, { nelements; wordsize })
 (* given f(inps1), g(inps2) returns h(inps1,inps2) = f(a) @ g(b)
@@ -368,13 +395,13 @@ let circuit_concat (c: circuit) (d: circuit) : circuit =
     match c.circ, d.circ with
     | BWCirc ccirc, BWCirc dcirc -> 
       {circ=BWCirc(ccirc @ dcirc); inps=c.inps}
-    | _ -> assert false
+    | _ -> raise (CircError "concat")
     let d = if inputs_indep [c;d] then d else fresh_inputs d in
     match c.circ, d.circ with
     | BWCirc ccirc, BWCirc dcirc -> 
       {circ=BWCirc(ccirc @ dcirc); inps=c.inps @ d.inps}
-    | _ -> assert false
+    | _ -> raise (CircError "concat")
 (* Same as above but concatenates arrays of bitwords *)
 let circuit_array_concat (c: circuit) (d: circuit) : circuit =
@@ -382,7 +409,7 @@ let circuit_array_concat (c: circuit) (d: circuit) : circuit =
   match c.circ, d.circ with
   | BWArray carr, BWArray darr -> 
     {circ=BWArray(Array.concat [carr; darr]); inps=c.inps @ d.inps}
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "array concat")
 let (++) : circuit -> circuit -> circuit = circuit_concat
 let (+@) : circuit -> circuit -> circuit = circuit_array_concat
@@ -399,7 +426,8 @@ let circuit_array_aggregate (c: circuit list) : circuit =
 (* To be removed and replaced by a combination of other operations *)
 let circuit_bwarray_set ~(nelements : width) ~(wordsize : width) (i: int) : circuit =
-  assert (nelements > i);
+  (* Index guarantee should come from EC *)
+  (* assert (nelements > i); *)
   let arr_inp = BWAInput (create "arr_input", { nelements; wordsize; }) in
   let bw_inp = BWInput (create "bw_input", wordsize) in
   let arr_id = (ident_of_cinput arr_inp).id_tag in
@@ -411,7 +439,7 @@ let circuit_bwarray_set ~(nelements : width) ~(wordsize : width) (i: int) : circ
 (* Same as above *)
 let circuit_bwarray_get ~(nelements : width) ~(wordsize : width) (i: int) : circuit =
-  assert (nelements > i);
+  (* assert (nelements > i); *)
   let arr_inp = BWAInput (create "arr_input", { nelements; wordsize; }) in
   let out = List.init wordsize (fun j -> C.input ((ident_of_cinput arr_inp).id_tag, j + wordsize*i)) in
   {circ=BWCirc (out); inps=[arr_inp]}
@@ -420,18 +448,33 @@ let circuit_bwarray_get ~(nelements : width) ~(wordsize : width) (i: int) : circ
 (* Function composition for circuits *)
 (* Reduces to application if arguments are 0-ary *)
+  THROWS: CircError on failure (from apply calls)
 let compose (f: circuit) (args: circuit list) : circuit = 
   (* assert (List.compare_lengths f.inps args = 0); *)
   (* Length comparison should be done in apply *)
   let args = 
     dist_inputs args
-  {circ=apply f (List.map (fun c -> c.circ) args); 
-  inps=List.fold_right (@) (List.map (fun c -> c.inps) args) []} 
+  try 
+    {circ=apply f (List.map (fun c -> c.circ) args); 
+    inps=List.fold_right (@) (List.map (fun c -> c.inps) args) []} 
+  with CircError err ->
+    raise (CircError ("On compose call, apply failed with err:\n" ^ err) )
 (* FIXME: convert computation to return BI.zint *)
 let compute ~(sign:bool) (f: circuit) (r: BI.zint list) : int = 
-  assert (List.compare_lengths f.inps r = 0);
+  (* FIXME: can we remove the parenthesis around the try/with block? *)
+  (try
+    assert (List.compare_lengths f.inps r = 0)
+  with Assert_failure _ -> 
+    let err = Format.asprintf 
+    "Wrong # of arguments (%d provided, %d expected) for compute"
+    (List.length r)
+    (List.length f.inps)
+    in 
+    raise (CircError err));
   let vs = List.map2 (fun inp r -> 
     let _, size = destr_bwinput inp in
     BWCirc(C.of_bigint_all ~size (BI.to_zt r))
@@ -441,8 +484,9 @@ let compute ~(sign:bool) (f: circuit) (r: BI.zint list) : int =
   let res = List.map (function | {C.gate = C.False; C.id = id} -> 
     if id >= 0 then false
     else true
-    | _ -> assert false
+    | _ -> raise (CircError "Non-constant result in compute (not fully applied?)")
   ) res in
+  (* conversion functions need to be reworked FIXME *)
   if sign then 
   C.sint_of_bools res
@@ -479,22 +523,26 @@ let circuit_flatten (c: circuit) : circuit =
   | BWCirc _ -> c
   | BWArray a -> 
     {circ=BWCirc(Array.fold_right (@) a []); inps=c.inps}
-  | BWTuple _ -> assert false
+  | BWTuple _ -> raise (CircError "Cannot flatten tuple")
 (* Chunks a bitstring into an array of bitstrings, each of size w *)
 let circuit_bw_split (c: circuit) (w: int) : circuit = 
   match c.circ with
-  | BWArray _ -> assert false
-  | BWTuple _ -> assert false
+  | BWArray _ -> raise (CircError "Cannot chunk array")
+  | BWTuple _ -> raise (CircError "Cannot chunk tuple")
   | BWCirc r -> 
     let nk = List.length r in
-    assert (nk mod w = 0);
-    let rs = List.chunkify w r |> Array.of_list in
-    {circ=BWArray rs; inps = c.inps}
+    if (nk mod w = 0) then
+      let rs = List.chunkify w r |> Array.of_list in
+      {circ=BWArray rs; inps = c.inps}
+    else
+      let err = Format.asprintf "Size of circ (%d) not evenly divided by chunk size (%d)" nk w in
+      raise (CircError err)
 (* Zero-extends a bitstring *)
 let circuit_bw_zeroextend (c: circuit) (w: int) : circuit = 
-  assert(size_of_circ c.circ <= w);
+  (* FIXME: default behaviour when size of extenion < cur size or EC catches that case? *)
+  (* assert(size_of_circ c.circ <= w); *)
   let r = destr_bwcirc c.circ in
   let zs = List.init (w - size_of_circ c.circ) (fun _ -> C.true_) in
   {c with circ = BWCirc(r @ zs)}
@@ -509,14 +557,17 @@ let bus_of_cinputs (inps: cinput list) : circ list * cinput =
   let rec doit (r: C.reg) (cs: cinput list) : circ list =
     match r, cs with
     | [], [] -> []
-    | [], _ -> assert false
+    | [], _ 
     | _, [] -> assert false
-    | _, BWInput (_, w)::cs -> let r1, r2 = List.takedrop w r in
+    | r, BWInput (_, w)::cs -> let r1, r2 = List.takedrop w r in
       (BWCirc r1)::(doit r2 cs)
-    | _, BWAInput (_, sz)::cs -> let r1, r2 = List.takedrop (size_of_asize sz) r in
+    | r, BWAInput (_, sz)::cs -> let r1, r2 = List.takedrop (size_of_asize sz) r in
       let r1 = List.chunkify sz.wordsize r1 |> Array.of_list in
       (BWArray r1)::(doit r2 cs)
-    | _ -> assert false (* FIXME: This catches the tuple case, check if doesnt cause issues *)
+    | r, BWTInput (_, sz)::cs ->
+      let r1, r2 = List.takedrop (size_of_tpsize sz) r in
+      let r1 = List.chunkify sz.wordsize r1 in
+      (BWTuple r1)::(doit r2 cs)
   doit r inps, BWInput (idn, bsize)
@@ -525,12 +576,8 @@ let bus_of_cinputs (inps: cinput list) : circ list * cinput =
 let circuit_aggregate_inps (c: circuit) : circuit = 
   match c.inps with
   | [] -> c
-  | _inps -> 
-    (* Format.eprintf "Previous inputs: "; *)
-    (* List.iter (Format.eprintf "%s |") (List.map (cinput_to_string) inps); *)
-    (* Format.eprintf "@."; *)
-    let circs, inp = bus_of_cinputs c.inps in
-    (* Format.eprintf "Aggregating inputs to input: %s@." (cinput_to_string inp); *)
+  | inps -> 
+    let circs, inp = bus_of_cinputs inps in
     {circ=apply c circs; inps=[inp]}
@@ -539,7 +586,8 @@ let circuit_aggregate_inps (c: circuit) : circuit =
   i = start_index
 let circuit_array_sliceget ~(wordsize : width) (arr_sz : width) (out_sz: width) (i: int) : circuit = 
-  assert (arr_sz >= out_sz + i);
+  (* FIXME: Should be caught on EC side *)
+  (* assert (arr_sz >= out_sz + i); *)
   let arr_inp = bwainput_of_size ~nelements:arr_sz ~wordsize in
   let arr_id = (ident_of_cinput arr_inp).id_tag in
   let out = Array.init out_sz (fun ja ->
@@ -555,7 +603,8 @@ let circuit_array_sliceget ~(wordsize : width) (arr_sz : width) (out_sz: width)
   i = start_index
 let circuit_array_sliceset ~(wordsize : width) (arr_sz : width) (out_sz: width) (i: int) : circuit = 
-  assert (arr_sz >= out_sz + i);
+  (* FIXME: Should be caught on EC side *)
+  (* assert (arr_sz >= out_sz + i); *)
   let arr_inp = bwainput_of_size ~nelements:arr_sz ~wordsize in
   let arr_id = (ident_of_cinput arr_inp).id_tag in
   let new_arr_inp = bwainput_of_size ~nelements:out_sz ~wordsize in
@@ -570,7 +619,8 @@ let circuit_array_sliceset ~(wordsize : width) (arr_sz : width) (out_sz: width)
 (* To be removed when we have external op bindings *)
 let circuit_bwarray_slice_get (arr_sz: width) (el_sz: width) (acc_sz: int) (i: int) : circuit =
-  assert (arr_sz*el_sz >= i + acc_sz);
+  (* FIXME: Should be caught on EC side *)
+  (* assert (arr_sz*el_sz >= i + acc_sz); *)
   let arr_inp = bwainput_of_size ~nelements:arr_sz ~wordsize:el_sz in
   let arr_id = (ident_of_cinput arr_inp).id_tag in
   let out = List.init acc_sz (fun j -> C.input (arr_id, i+j)) in
@@ -578,7 +628,8 @@ let circuit_bwarray_slice_get (arr_sz: width) (el_sz: width) (acc_sz: int) (i: i
 (* To be removed when we have external op bindings *)
 let circuit_bwarray_slice_set (arr_sz: width) (el_sz: width) (acc_sz: int) (i: int) : circuit =
-  assert (arr_sz*el_sz >= i + acc_sz);
+  (* FIXME: Should be caught on EC side *)
+  (* assert (arr_sz*el_sz >= i + acc_sz); *)
   let bw_inp = bwinput_of_size acc_sz in
   let bw_id = (ident_of_cinput bw_inp).id_tag in
   let arr_inp = bwainput_of_size ~nelements:arr_sz ~wordsize:el_sz in
@@ -599,30 +650,19 @@ let circuit_tuple_proj (c: circuit) (i: int) : circuit =
   | BWTuple tp -> begin try
     {c with circ=BWCirc (List.at tp i)}
     with Invalid_argument e -> 
-      Format.eprintf "Proj outside tuple size (should never happen)@.";
-      assert false
+      let err = Format.sprintf "Projection at component %d outside tuple size (%d)@." i (List.length tp) in
+      raise (CircError err)
-  | _ -> assert false
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "Projection on non-tuple type")
 let circuit_ueq (c: circuit) (d: circuit) : circuit =
   match c.circ, d.circ with
   | BWCirc r1, BWCirc r2 -> {circ= BWCirc[C.bvueq r1 r2]; inps=c.inps @ d.inps}
-  | _ -> failwith "Implement other cases for circuit_ueq"
-(* Input for splitting function w.r.t. dependencies *)
-let input_of_tdep (n: int) (bs: int Set.t) : _ * cinput = 
-  let temp_symbol = "tdep_ident" in
-  let m = Set.cardinal bs in
-  let id = create temp_symbol in
-  let map_ = Set.to_seq bs |> List.of_seq in
-  let map_ = List.map (fun a -> (n, a)) map_ in
-  let map_ = List.combine map_ (List.init m (fun i -> C.input (id.id_tag, i))) in
-  let map_ = Map.of_seq (List.to_seq map_) in
-  map_, BWInput (id, m)
-let inputs_of_tdep (td: HL.tdeps) :  _ * cinput list =
-  Map.foldi (fun n bs (map_, inps) -> let map_2, inp = input_of_tdep n bs in
-    (Map.union map_ map_2, inp::inps)) td (Map.empty, [])   
+  | BWArray a1, BWArray a2 -> let elems = Array.map2 C.bvueq a1 a2 in
+    {circ= BWCirc[C.ands (Array.to_list elems)]; inps=c.inps @ d.inps}
+  | BWTuple t1, BWTuple t2 -> let elems = List.map2 C.bvueq t1 t2 in
+    {circ= BWCirc[C.ands elems]; inps=c.inps @ d.inps}
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "Mismatched types for ueq")
   f : BV1 -> BV2 
@@ -630,35 +670,50 @@ let inputs_of_tdep (td: HL.tdeps) :  _ * cinput list =
   returns: BV2 Array = mapping f over a
 let circuit_map (f: circuit) (a: circuit) : circuit =
-  let a, inps = destr_bwarray a.circ, a.inps in
+  let a, inps = try 
+    destr_bwarray a.circ, a.inps 
+  with CircError _ ->
+    raise (CircError "Argument to circuit map is not bwarray")
+  in
   let r = Array.map (fun r -> apply f [BWCirc r]) a in
   let r = Array.map (destr_bwcirc) r in
   {circ = BWArray r; inps}
 let circuit_split ?(perm: (int -> int) option) (f: circuit) (lane_in_w: int) (lane_out_w: int) : circuit list =
-  assert (List.length f.inps = 1);
-  let r = destr_bwcirc f.circ in
-  let inp_t, inp_w = List.hd f.inps |> destr_bwinput in 
-  (*assert ((inp_w mod lane_in_w = 0) && (List.length r mod lane_out_w = 0));*)
-  let rs = List.chunkify (lane_out_w) r in
-  let rs = match perm with
-    | Some perm -> List.filteri_map (fun i _ -> let idx = (perm i) in
-      if idx < 0 || idx > (List.length rs) then None else
-      Some (List.nth rs (idx))) rs
-    | None -> rs
-  in
-  let rs = List.mapi (fun lane_idx lane_circ -> 
-    let id = create ("split_" ^ (string_of_int lane_idx)) in
-    let map_ = (function 
-      | (v, j) when v = inp_t.id_tag 
-          && (0 <= (j - (lane_idx*lane_in_w)) && (j-(lane_in_w*lane_idx)) < lane_in_w) 
-          -> Some (C.input (id.id_tag, j - (lane_idx*lane_in_w))) 
-      | _ -> None
-      ) in
-    let circ = BWCirc(C.maps map_ lane_circ) in
-    {circ; inps=[BWInput(id, lane_in_w)]}
-  ) rs in
-  rs
+  (* FIXME: Allow bdep for multiple inputs? *)
+  if (List.length f.inps <> 1) 
+  then raise (CircError "Multi input circuit split not supported")
+  else
+  try
+    let r = destr_bwcirc f.circ in
+    let inp_t, inp_w = List.hd f.inps |> destr_bwinput in 
+    (*assert ((inp_w mod lane_in_w = 0) && (List.length r mod lane_out_w = 0));*)
+    let rs = List.chunkify (lane_out_w) r in
+    let rs = match perm with
+      | Some perm -> List.filteri_map (fun i _ -> let idx = (perm i) in
+        if idx < 0 || idx > (List.length rs) then None else
+        Some (List.nth rs (idx))) rs
+      | None -> rs
+    in
+    let rs = List.mapi (fun lane_idx lane_circ -> 
+      let id = create ("split_" ^ (string_of_int lane_idx)) in
+      let map_ = (function 
+        | (v, j) when v = inp_t.id_tag 
+            && (0 <= (j - (lane_idx*lane_in_w)) && (j-(lane_in_w*lane_idx)) < lane_in_w) 
+            -> Some (C.input (id.id_tag, j - (lane_idx*lane_in_w))) 
+        | _ -> None
+        ) in
+      let circ = BWCirc(C.maps map_ lane_circ) in
+      {circ; inps=[BWInput(id, lane_in_w)]}
+    ) rs in
+    rs
+  with 
+  | CircError "destr_bwcirc" ->
+    raise (CircError "Cannot split array or tuple")
+  | CircError "destr_bwinput" ->
+    raise (CircError "Cannot split non bitstring input")
 (* Partitions into blocks of type n -> m *)
 let circuit_mapreduce ?(perm: (int -> int) option) (c: circuit) (n:int) (m:int) : circuit list =
@@ -673,15 +728,19 @@ let circuit_mapreduce ?(perm: (int -> int) option) (c: circuit) (n:int) (m:int)
     circuit_aggregate_inps c 
     else c
-  let r = destr_bwcirc c.circ in
+  let r = try destr_bwcirc c.circ 
+    with CircError _ -> raise (CircError "Cannot mapreduce on non-bitstring return type") 
+  in
   let deps = HL.deps r in
   let deps = HL.split_deps m deps in
-  Format.eprintf "%d@." (List.length deps);
+  (* Format.eprintf "%d@." (List.length deps); *)
   (* Format.eprintf "%a@." (fun fmt -> HL.pp_bdeps fmt) deps; *)
-  assert (HL.block_list_indep deps);
-  assert (List.for_all (HL.check_dep_width n) (List.snd deps));
+  if not ((HL.block_list_indep deps) && (List.for_all (HL.check_dep_width n) (List.snd deps)))
+  then
+    raise (CircError "Failed mapreduce split (dependency split condition not true)")
+  else
 (*  assert ((List.sum (List.map size_of_cinput c.inps)) mod n = 0);*)
   Format.eprintf "[W] Dependency analysis complete after %f seconds@."
@@ -702,15 +761,20 @@ let circuit_mapreduce ?(perm: (int -> int) option) (c: circuit) (n:int) (m:int)
       -> {circ=BWCirc (C.uextend ~size:m r); inps=[BWInput (idn, n)]}
     | {circ=BWCirc r; inps=[]}
       -> {circ=BWCirc (C.uextend ~size:m r); inps=[const_inp]}
-    | c -> Format.eprintf "Failed for %s@." (circuit_to_string c) ; assert false)
+    | c -> let err = Format.sprintf "Failed for %s@." (circuit_to_string c) in 
+      raise (CircError err))
 (* Build a circuit function that takes an input n bits wide and permutes 
   it in blocks of w bits by the permutation given by f 
   Expects that w | n and that f|[n/w] is a bijection *)
 let circuit_permutation (n: int) (w: int) (f: int -> int) : circuit = 
-  assert (n mod w = 0);
-  assert ( List.init (n/w) f |> Set.of_list |> Set.map f |> Set.cardinal = (n/w));
+  if (n mod w <> 0) then
+    let err = Format.sprintf "In circuit permutation, block size (%d) does not divide circuit size (%d)@." w n in
+    raise (CircError err)
+  else
+  (* FIXME: Permutation check should come from EC *)
+  (* assert ( List.init (n/w) f |> Set.of_list |> Set.map f |> Set.cardinal = (n/w)); *)
   let inp = bwinput_of_size n in
   let inp_circ = circ_ident inp in
   let cblocks = destr_bwcirc inp_circ.circ in 
@@ -739,9 +803,9 @@ let circuit_from_spec_ (env: env) (p : path) : C.reg list -> C.reg  =
   match EcEnv.Circuit.lookup_circuit_path env p with
   | Some circuit ->
     (fun regs -> C.circuit_of_specification regs circuit) 
-  | None -> Format.eprintf "No operator for path: %s@."
-    (let a,b = EcPath.toqsymbol p in List.fold_right (fun a b -> a ^ "." ^ b) a b);
-    assert false 
+  | None -> let err = Format.sprintf "No operator for path: %s@."
+    (let a,b = EcPath.toqsymbol p in List.fold_right (fun a b -> a ^ "." ^ b) a b) in
+    raise (CircError err)
 let circuit_from_spec (env: env) (p : path) : circuit = 
@@ -783,6 +847,7 @@ module BaseOps = struct
       let c1 = C.reg ~size ~name:id1.id_tag in
       let c2 = C.reg ~size ~name:id2.id_tag in
       {circ = BWCirc(C.add_dropc c1 c2); inps = [BWInput(id1, size); BWInput(id2, size)]}
     | Some { kind = `Sub size } ->
       let id1 = EcIdent.create (temp_symbol) in
       let id2 = EcIdent.create (temp_symbol) in
@@ -915,25 +980,25 @@ module BaseOps = struct
       { circ = BWCirc([C.sge c2 c1]); inps=[BWInput(id1, size); BWInput(id2, size)]}    
     | Some { kind = `Extend (size, out_size, false) } ->
-      assert (size <= out_size);
+      (* assert (size <= out_size); *)
       let id1 = EcIdent.create (temp_symbol) in
       let c1 = C.reg ~size ~name:id1.id_tag in
       {circ = BWCirc(C.uextend ~size:out_size c1); inps = [BWInput (id1, size)]}
     | Some { kind = `Extend (size, out_size, true) } ->
-      assert (size <= out_size);  
+      (* assert (size <= out_size); *)  
       let id1 = EcIdent.create (temp_symbol) in
       let c1 = C.reg ~size ~name:id1.id_tag in
       {circ = BWCirc(C.sextend ~size:out_size c1); inps = [BWInput (id1, size)]}
     | Some { kind = `Truncate (size, out_sz) } ->
-      assert (size >= out_sz);
+      (* assert (size >= out_sz); *)
       let id1 = EcIdent.create (temp_symbol) in
       let c1 = C.reg ~size:out_sz ~name:id1.id_tag in
       { circ = BWCirc(c1); inps=[BWInput (id1, size)]}
     | Some { kind = `Concat (sz1, sz2, szo) } ->
-      assert (sz1 + sz2 = szo);
+      (* assert (sz1 + sz2 = szo); *)
       let id1 = EcIdent.create (temp_symbol) in
       let c1 = C.reg ~size:sz1 ~name:id1.id_tag in
       let id2 = EcIdent.create (temp_symbol) in
@@ -941,13 +1006,13 @@ module BaseOps = struct
       { circ = BWCirc(c1 @ c2); inps=[BWInput (id1, sz1); BWInput (id2, sz2)]}
     | Some { kind = `A2B ((w, n), m)} ->
-      assert (n * w = m);
+      (* assert (n * w = m); *)
       let id1 = EcIdent.create temp_symbol in
       let c1 = C.reg ~size:m ~name:id1.id_tag in
       { circ = BWCirc(c1); inps = [BWAInput (id1, { nelements = n; wordsize = w })]}
     | Some { kind = `B2A (m, (w, n))} ->
-      assert (n * w = m);
+      (* assert (n * w = m); *)
       let id1 = EcIdent.create temp_symbol in
       let c1 = C.reg ~size:m ~name:id1.id_tag in
       let c1 = List.chunkify w c1 |> Array.of_list in
@@ -969,22 +1034,18 @@ module ArrayOps = struct
 let circ_equiv ?(strict=false) (f: circuit) (g: circuit) (pcond: circuit option) : bool = 
-  let f, g = 
-    if strict then (assert(circ_shape_equal f.circ g.circ); f, g)
+  let fg = 
+    if strict then begin
+      if circ_shape_equal f.circ g.circ then Some (f, g)
+      else None
+    end
     else if size_of_circ f.circ < size_of_circ g.circ then
-      circuit_bw_zeroextend f (size_of_circ g.circ), g else
-      f, circuit_bw_zeroextend g (size_of_circ f.circ)
+      Some (circuit_bw_zeroextend f (size_of_circ g.circ), g) else
+      Some (f, circuit_bw_zeroextend g (size_of_circ f.circ))
-  (* if (List.is_empty f.inps) || (List.is_empty g.inps) then *)
-    (* if (List.is_empty f.inps) && (List.is_empty g.inps) then *)
-      (* match f.circ, g.circ with *)
-      (* | BWCirc r1, BWCirc r2 -> r1 = r2 *)
-      (* | BWArray a1,BWArray a2 -> a1 = a2 *)      
-      (* | BWTuple t1, BWTuple t2 -> t1 = t2 *)
-      (* | _ -> false *)
-    (* else *)
-    (* false *)
-  (* else *)
+  if Option.is_none fg then false
+  else
+  let f, g = Option.get fg in
   (* FIXME: more general input unification procedure *)  
   let pcond = match pcond with
   | Some pcond -> pcond
@@ -998,9 +1059,14 @@ let circ_equiv ?(strict=false) (f: circuit) (g: circuit) (pcond: circuit option)
       (List.for_all2 (==) fcirc gcirc) ||
       let module B = (val HL.makeBWZinterface ()) in
-      B.circ_equiv fcirc gcirc (List.hd pccirc) 
-      (List.map (fun inp -> let a, b = destr_bwinput inp in
-      (a.id_tag, b)) f.inps)
+      begin
+      try 
+        B.circ_equiv fcirc gcirc (List.hd pccirc) 
+        (List.map (fun inp -> let a, b = destr_bwinput inp in
+        (a.id_tag, b)) f.inps)
+      with CircError "destr_bwinput" ->
+        raise (CircError "Non-bitstring input in equiv call")  
+      end
       (* Assuming no array inputs for now *)
   | _ -> assert false
@@ -1061,23 +1127,33 @@ let circuit_of_form
     let int_of_form (f: form) : zint = 
       match f.f_node with 
       | Fint i -> i
-      | _ -> destr_int @@ EcCallbyValue.norm_cbv EcReduction.full_red hyps f
+      | _ -> begin 
+        try destr_int @@ EcCallbyValue.norm_cbv EcReduction.full_red hyps f
+        with DestrError "int" ->
+          let err = Format.asprintf "Failed to reduce form | %a | to integer"
+            (EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env)) f in
+          raise (CircError err)
+        end
     match f_.f_node with
-    (* hardcoding size for now FIXME *)
-    | Fint z -> assert false
-      (* env, {circ = BWCirc(C.of_bigint ~size:256 (to_zt z)); inps = []} *)
-      (* failwith "Add logic to deal with ints (maybe force conversion?)" *)
-      (* hlenv, C.of_bigint ~size:256 (EcAst.BI.to_zt z) *)
+    | Fint z -> raise (CircError "Translation encountered unexpected integer value")
+    (* Assumes no quantifier bindings/new inputs within if *)
     | Fif (c_f, t_f, f_f) -> 
         let hyps, c_c = doit cache hyps c_f in
         let hyps, t_c = doit cache hyps t_f in
         let hyps, f_c = doit cache hyps f_f in
-        let () = assert (List.length (destr_bwcirc c_c.circ) = 1) in
-        let () = assert (List.is_empty c_c.inps) in
-        let () = assert (List.is_empty t_c.inps) in
-        let () = assert (List.is_empty f_c.inps) in
+        if (try (List.length (destr_bwcirc c_c.circ) <> 1) 
+          with CircError "destr_bwcirc" ->
+            raise (CircError "Condition circuit should output a bitstring of size 1")
+        ) then raise (CircError "Condition circuit output size too big")
+        else
+        (* let () = assert (List.is_empty c_c.inps) in *)
+        (* let () = assert (List.is_empty t_c.inps) in *)
+        (* let () = assert (List.is_empty f_c.inps) in *)
         let c_c = List.hd (destr_bwcirc c_c.circ) in
         match t_c.circ, f_c.circ with
@@ -1089,16 +1165,16 @@ let circuit_of_form
         | BWArray t_cs, BWArray f_cs when (Array.length t_cs = Array.length f_cs) ->
           hyps, {
             circ = BWArray (Array.map2 (C.ite c_c) t_cs f_cs);
-            inps = []; (* FIXME: check if we want to allow bindings inside ifs *)
+            inps = []; 
         | BWTuple t_tp, BWTuple f_tp when (List.compare_lengths t_tp f_tp = 0) ->
             hyps, {
             circ = BWTuple (List.map2 (C.ite c_c) t_tp f_tp);
             inps = [];
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> raise (CircError "Type mismatch between conditional arms")
+        (* EC should prevent this as equal EC types ==> equal circuit types *)
-      (* Assumes no quantifier bindings/new inputs within if *)
     | Flocal idn -> 
       begin match Map.find_opt idn cache with
       | Some (inp, circ) -> 
@@ -1139,7 +1215,8 @@ let circuit_of_form
           | Some `False ->
             hyps, {circ = BWCirc([C.false_]); inps=[]}
           | _ -> 
-            Format.eprintf "%s@." (EcPath.tostring pth); failwith "Unsupported op kind"
+            let err = Format.sprintf "Unsupported op kind%s@." (EcPath.tostring pth) in
+            raise (CircError err)
         op_cache := Mp.add pth circ !op_cache;
@@ -1150,13 +1227,13 @@ let circuit_of_form
     let (f, fs) = EcCoreFol.destr_app f_ in
     let hyps, res = 
       (* Assuming correct types coming from EC *)
-      (* FIXME: add typechecking here ? *)
+      (* FIXME: Add some extra info about errors when something here throws *)
       match EcEnv.Circuit.reverse_operator env @@ (EcCoreFol.destr_op f |> fst) with
       | `Array ({ size }, `Get) :: _ -> let hyps, res = 
         match fs with
         | [arr; i] ->
           let i = int_of_form i in
-          let (_, t) = destr_array_type env arr.f_ty |> Option.get in
+          let (_, t) = Option.get_exn (destr_array_type env arr.f_ty) (CircError "Array get type error") in
           let w = width_of_type env t in
           let hyps, arr = doit cache hyps arr in
           hyps, compose (circuit_bwarray_get ~nelements:size ~wordsize:w (BI.to_int i)) [arr]
@@ -1173,50 +1250,72 @@ let circuit_of_form
         | _ -> raise (CircError "set")
         in hyps, res
       | `Array ({ size }, `OfList) :: _->
-        let _, { nelements = n; wordsize = w } = destr_bwainput @@ cinput_of_type env f_.f_ty in
-        assert (n = size);
-        (* FIXME: have an actual way to get sizes without creating new idents *)
-        let wtn, vs = match fs with
-          | [wtn; vs] -> wtn, vs 
-          | _ -> assert false (* should only be two arguments to of_list *)
+        let n, w = 
+          match EcEnv.Circuit.lookup_array_and_bitstring env f_.f_ty with
+          | Some ({size=asize}, {size=bwsize}) -> asize, bwsize
+          | None -> raise (CircError "Array of_list type error (wrong binding?)")
+        in
+        let dfl, vs = match fs with
+          | [dfl; vs] -> dfl, vs 
+          | _ -> assert false 
+          (* This should be caught by the EC typecheck/bindings so never actually happens *)
+        in
+        let vs = try EcCoreFol.destr_list vs 
+          with DestrError _ -> raise (CircError "Failed to destructure list argument to array of_list")
-        let vs = EcCoreFol.destr_list vs in
         let hyps, vs = List.fold_left_map (doit cache) hyps vs in
-        begin match EcCoreFol.is_witness wtn with
+        begin match EcCoreFol.is_witness dfl with
         | false -> 
-          let hyps, wtn = doit cache hyps wtn in
-          assert(List.is_empty wtn.inps && List.for_all (fun c -> List.is_empty c.inps) vs);
-          let vs = List.map (fun c -> destr_bwcirc c.circ) vs in
-          let wtn = destr_bwcirc wtn.circ in
-          let r = Array.init n (fun i -> List.nth_opt vs i |> Option.default wtn) in
-          hyps, {circ = BWArray r; inps = []}
+          let hyps, dfl = doit cache hyps dfl in
+          if not (List.is_empty dfl.inps && List.for_all (fun c -> List.is_empty c.inps) vs) then
+            raise (CircError "Non-constant circuits in of_list not supported")
+          else
+          begin try 
+            let vs = List.map (fun c -> destr_bwcirc c.circ) vs in
+            let dfl = destr_bwcirc dfl.circ in
+            let r = Array.init n (fun i -> List.nth_opt vs i |> Option.default dfl) in
+            hyps, {circ = BWArray r; inps = []}
+          with CircError "destr_bwcirc" _ ->
+            raise (CircError "BWCirc destruct error in array of_list ")
+          end
         | true -> 
-          assert (List.compare_length_with vs n = 0);
-          assert (List.for_all (fun c -> List.is_empty c.inps) vs);
-          let vs = List.map (fun c -> destr_bwcirc c.circ) vs in
-          let r = Array.of_list vs in
-          hyps, {circ=BWArray r; inps=[]}
+          if not (List.compare_length_with vs n = 0) then
+            raise (CircError "Insufficient list length for of_list with default = witness")
+          else
+          if not (List.for_all (fun c -> List.is_empty c.inps) vs) then
+            raise (CircError "Non-constant circuits in of_list not supported")
+          else
+          begin try
+            let vs = List.map (fun c -> destr_bwcirc c.circ) vs in
+            let r = Array.of_list vs in
+            hyps, {circ=BWArray r; inps=[]}
+          with CircError _ ->
+            raise (CircError "BWCirc destruct error in array of_list ")
+          end
       | `Bitstring ({ size }, `OfInt) :: _ ->
         let i = match fs with
         | f :: _ -> int_of_form f
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         hyps, { circ = BWCirc (C.of_bigint_all ~size (to_zt i)); inps = [] }
       | `BvOperator ({ kind = `Extract (size, out_sz) }) :: _ ->
-        assert (size >= out_sz);
+        (* assert (size >= out_sz); *)
+        (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)        
         let c1, b = match fs with
         | [c; f] -> c, int_of_form f
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         let hyps, c1 = doit cache hyps c1 in
-        let c = destr_bwcirc c1.circ in
+        let c = try destr_bwcirc c1.circ 
+          with CircError _ -> raise "BWCirc destr error at bvextract"
+        in
         let c = List.take out_sz (List.drop (to_int b) c) in
         hyps, { circ = BWCirc(c); inps=c1.inps }
       | `BvOperator ({kind = `Init (size)}) :: _ ->
         let f = match fs with
         | [f] -> f
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         let fs = List.init size (fun i -> fapply_safe f [f_int (of_int i)]) in
         (* List.iter (Format.eprintf "|%a@." (EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env))) fs; *)
@@ -1225,35 +1324,36 @@ let circuit_of_form
       | `BvOperator ({kind = `Get (size)}) :: _ ->
         let bv, i = match fs with
         | [bv; i] -> bv, int_of_form i |> to_int
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
-        assert (i < size);
+        (* assert (i < size); *)
+        (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         let hyps, bv = doit cache hyps bv in
-        let bv_base = destr_bwcirc bv.circ in
+        let bv_base = try destr_bwcirc bv.circ 
+          with CircError _ -> raise (CircError "BWCirc destr error at bvget") 
+        in
         hyps, {bv with circ = BWCirc([List.nth bv_base i])}
       | `BvOperator ({kind = `AInit (arr_sz, bw_sz)}) :: _ ->
         let f = match fs with
         | [f] -> f
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         let fs = List.init arr_sz (fun i -> fapply_safe f [f_int (of_int i)]) in
         (* List.iter (Format.eprintf "|%a@." (EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env))) fs; *)
         let hyps, fs = List.fold_left_map (doit cache) hyps fs in
-        assert (List.for_all (fun c -> List.is_empty c.inps) fs);
+        if not (List.for_all (fun c -> List.is_empty c.inps) fs) then
+          raise (CircError "Circut Input problem at array init")
+        else
+        begin try 
         hyps, {circ = BWArray(Array.of_list (List.map (fun c -> destr_bwcirc c.circ) fs)); inps=[]}
+          with CircError _ -> raise (CircError "Array elements in init should be bitstrings")
+        end
-        (* begin *)
-        (* match f.f_node with *)
-        (* | Fapp _ -> Format.eprintf "Its an Fapp@."; assert false *)
-        (* | Fquant (Llambda, _, _) -> Format.eprintf "Its an Flambda@."; assert false *)
-        (* | Fop _ -> Format.eprintf "Its an Fop@."; assert false *)
-        (* | _ -> Format.eprintf "Its something else @."; assert false *)
-        (* end *)
       | `BvOperator ({kind = `Map (sz1, sz2, asz)}) :: _ -> 
         let f, a = match fs with
         | [f; a] -> f, a
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         let hyps, f = doit cache hyps f in
         let hyps, a = doit cache hyps a in
@@ -1262,7 +1362,7 @@ let circuit_of_form
       | `BvOperator ({kind = `ASliceGet ((arr_sz, sz1), sz2)}) :: _ ->
         let arr, i = match fs with
         | [arr; i] -> arr, int_of_form i
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         let op = circuit_bwarray_slice_get arr_sz sz1 sz2 (to_int i) in
         let hyps, arr = doit cache hyps arr in
@@ -1271,7 +1371,7 @@ let circuit_of_form
       | `BvOperator ({kind = `ASliceSet ((arr_sz, sz1), sz2)}) :: _ ->
         let arr, i, bv = match fs with
         | [arr; i; bv] -> arr, int_of_form i, bv
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> assert false (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
         let op = circuit_bwarray_slice_set arr_sz sz1 sz2 (to_int i) in
         let hyps, arr = doit cache hyps arr in
@@ -1284,11 +1384,15 @@ let circuit_of_form
           let hyps, c2 = doit cache hyps f2 in
           begin match c1.circ, c2.circ with
           | BWCirc r1, BWCirc r2 -> 
-            assert (List.compare_lengths r1 r2 = 0);
+            (* assert (List.compare_lengths r1 r2 = 0); *)
+            (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
             hyps, {circ = BWCirc([C.bvueq r1 r2]); inps=c1.inps @ c2.inps} (* FIXME: check inps here *)
           | BWArray a1, BWArray a2 -> 
-            assert (Array.length a1 = Array.length a2);
-            assert (Array.for_all2 (fun a b -> (List.compare_lengths a b) = 0) a1 a2);
+            (* assert (Array.for_all2 (fun a b -> (List.compare_lengths a b) = 0) a1 a2); *)
+            (* Should never happen, caught in EC typecheck/bindings *)
+            if not (Array.length a1 = Array.length a2) then
+              raise (CircError "Comparison between arrays of different size")
+            else
             let rs = Array.map2 C.bvueq a1 a2 in
             hyps, {circ = BWCirc([C.ands (Array.to_list rs)]); inps = c1.inps @ c2.inps}
           | _ -> assert false
@@ -1322,18 +1426,13 @@ let circuit_of_form
       begin match qnt with
       | Llambda -> hyps, {circ with inps=binds @ circ.inps} (* FIXME: check input order *)
       | Lforall 
-      | Lexists -> assert false
+      | Lexists -> raise (CircError "Universal/Existential quantification not supported ")
       (* TODO: figure out how to handle quantifiers *)
     | Fproj (f, i) ->
         let hyps, ftp = doit cache hyps f in
         hyps, circuit_tuple_proj ftp i
-        (* begin match f.f_node with *)
-        (* | Ftuple tp -> *)
-          (* doit cache hyps (tp |> List.drop (i-1) |> List.hd) *)
-        (* | _ -> failwith "Don't handle projections on non-tuples" *)
-        (* end *)
-    | Fmatch  (f, fs, ty) -> assert false
+    | Fmatch  (f, fs, ty) -> raise (CircError "Match not supported")
     | Flet    (lpat, v, f) -> 
       begin match lpat with
       | LSymbol (idn, ty) -> 
@@ -1346,7 +1445,7 @@ let circuit_of_form
         let hyps, tp = doit cache hyps v in
         let comps = if is_bwtuple tp.circ 
           then circuits_of_circuit tp
-          else raise (CircError "tuple let")
+          else raise (CircError "tuple let type error")
         (* Assuming types match coming from EC *)
@@ -1356,22 +1455,21 @@ let circuit_of_form
         doit cache hyps f
-      | LRecord (pth, osymbs) -> assert false
+      | LRecord (pth, osymbs) -> raise (CircError "record types not supported")
     | Fpvar   (pv, mem) -> 
       let v = match pv with
       | PVloc v -> v
-      | _ -> failwith "No global vars yet"
+      | _ -> raise (CircError "Global vars not supported")
+      (* FIXME: Should globals be supported? *)
       let res = match Map.find_opt v pstate with
         | Some circ -> circ
         | None -> raise (CircError (Format.sprintf "Uninitialized program variable %s" v))
-        (* | None -> let circ = circ_ident (cinput_of_type ~idn:(create "uninit") env f_.f_ty) in *)
-          (* {circ with inps=[]} *)
-      (* EXPERIMENTAL: allowing unitialized values *)
-          (* failwith ("No value for var " ^ v) *)
+        (* FIXME: Do we add support for initialized PVs? With a check at the end that 
+                  the result does not depend on their value *)
       in hyps, res
-    | Fglob   (id, mem) -> assert false
+    | Fglob   (id, mem) -> raise (CircError "glob not supported")
     | Ftuple  comps -> 
       let hyps, comps = 
         List.fold_left_map (fun hyps comp -> doit cache hyps comp) hyps comps 
@@ -1379,7 +1477,7 @@ let circuit_of_form
       let inps = List.fold_right (@) (List.map (fun c -> c.inps) comps) [] in
       let comps = List.map (fun c -> destr_bwcirc c.circ) comps in
       hyps, {circ= BWTuple comps; inps}
-    | _ -> failwith "Not yet implemented"
+    | _ -> raise (CircError "Unsupported form kind in translation")
@@ -1391,7 +1489,7 @@ let circuit_of_path (hyps: hyps) (p: path) : circuit =
   let f = EcEnv.Op.by_path p (toenv hyps) in
   let f = match f.op_kind with
   | OB_oper (Some (OP_Plain f)) -> f
-  | _ -> failwith "Invalid operator type"
+  | _ -> raise (CircError "Invalid operator type")
   circuit_of_form hyps f
@@ -1437,29 +1535,16 @@ let process_instr (hyps: hyps) (mem: memory) ?(cache: cache = Map.empty) (pstate
       let pstate = List.fold_left2 (fun pstate (pv, _ty) c -> 
         let v = match pv with
         | PVloc v -> v
-        | _ -> assert false
+        | _ -> raise (CircError "Global variables not supported")
         Map.add v c pstate
         ) pstate vs comps
-      (* begin match e.e_node with *)
-      (* | Etuple (es) -> List.fold_left2 (fun pstate (v, t) e -> *)
-        (* let v = match v with | PVloc v -> v | _ -> assert false in *)
-        (* Map.add v (form_of_expr mem e |> circuit_of_form ~pstate ~cache hyps) pstate) pstate vs es *)
-      (* | _ -> let c = (form_of_expr mem e |> circuit_of_form ~pstate ~cache hyps) in *)
-        (* assert (is_bwtuple c.circ); *)
-        (* let circs = circuits_of_circuit c in *)
-        (* assert (List.compare_lengths circs vs = 0); *)
-        (* let pstate = List.fold_left2 (fun pstate pv c -> *) 
-          (* match pv with *)
-          (* | PVloc v -> Map.add v c pstate *)
-          (* | _ -> assert false *)
-        (* ) pstate (List.fst vs) circs in *)
-        (* pstate *)
-      (* end *)
-    | _ -> failwith "Case not implemented yet"
+    | _ -> 
+      let err = Format.asprintf "Instruction not supported: %a@." 
+      (EcPrinting.pp_instr (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env)) inst in
+      raise (CircError err)
   | e ->
       let bt = Printexc.get_backtrace () in
@@ -1498,7 +1583,7 @@ let instrs_equiv
     let vs = EcPV.PV.elements pv |> fst in
     let vs = List.map (function 
       | (PVloc v, ty) -> (v, ty)
-      | _ -> assert false
+      | _ -> raise (CircError "global variables not supported")
       ) vs 
     in List.for_all (fun (var, ty) -> 
       let circ1 = Map.find_opt var pstate1 in