diff --git a/Sources/KosherSwift/ComplexZmanimCalendar.swift b/Sources/KosherSwift/ComplexZmanimCalendar.swift
index 6663781..3abdfff 100644
--- a/Sources/KosherSwift/ComplexZmanimCalendar.swift
+++ b/Sources/KosherSwift/ComplexZmanimCalendar.swift
@@ -498,6 +498,23 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
return getShaahZmanisMGA();
+ /**
+ * Method to return a shaah zmanis (solar hour) according to the opinion of the Magen Avraham (MGA). This calculation divides the day
+ * based on the opinion of the MGA that the day runs from dawn to dusk. Dawn for this calculation is 72 zmaniyos minutes
+ * before sunrise and dusk is 72 zmaniyos minutes after sunset. This day is split into 12 equal parts with each part
+ * being a shaah zmanis. Alternate methods of calculating a shaah zmanis are available in the
+ * subclass `` ComplexZmanimCalendar``
+ *
+ * @return the long
millisecond length of a shaah zmanis. If the calculation can't be computed
+ * such as in the Arctic Circle where there is at least one day a year where the sun does not rise, and one
+ * where it does not set, a ``Int64.min`` will be returned. See detailed explanation on top of the
+ * ``AstronomicalCalendar`` documentation.
+ */
+ public func getShaahZmanisMGAZmanis() -> Int64 {
+ return getTemporalHour(startOfDay: getAlos72Zmanis(), endOfDay: getTzais72Zmanis());
+ }
* Method to return a shaah zmanis (temporal hour) according to the opinion of the Magen Avraham (MGA) based on alos being
@@ -4217,7 +4234,7 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
* Yalkut Yosef holds that the time for Plag Hamincha is calculated by taking 1.25 "seasonal hours" (Sha'ot Zmaniot) from tzait hacochavim.
* This is how Rabbi Dahan calculates Plag Hamincha in his Amudei Horaah calendar with his own algorithm for tzait hacochavim.
* Note: The Amudei Horaah calendar provides both the Yalkut Yosef and Halacha Berurah times for Plag Hamincha. (No elevation adjustment is used)
- * - Warning: This zman should NOT be used in Israel.
+ * - Warning: This zman should NOT be used in Israel! The regular ``getPlagHaminchaYalkutYosef()`` method is preferred in Israel.
* @return the time for Plag Hamincha as calculated by the Amudei Horaah calendar and Yalkut Yosef.
public func getPlagHaminchaYalkutYosefAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
@@ -4347,22 +4364,31 @@ public class ComplexZmanimCalendar : ZmanimCalendar {
return ComplexZmanimCalendar.getTimeOffset(time: getSeaLevelSunset(), offset: percentage * shaahZmanit);
- public func getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
- return getSunsetOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith: ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 7.14)
+ public func getTzaisShabbosAmudeiHoraah() -> Date? {
+ let tzait = getSunsetOffsetByDegrees(offsetZenith: ComplexZmanimCalendar.GEOMETRIC_ZENITH + 7.14);
+ if tzait != nil && getTzaisAteretTorah(minutes: 20) != nil {
+ if getTzaisAteretTorah(minutes: 20)!.timeIntervalSince1970 > tzait!.timeIntervalSince1970 { // if shabbat ends before 20 minutes after sunset, use 20 minutes
+ return getTzaisAteretTorah(minutes: 20)
+ }
+ if (getSolarMidnight()!.timeIntervalSince1970 < tzait!.timeIntervalSince1970) { // if chatzot is before when shabbat ends, just use chatzot
+ return getSolarMidnight();
+ }
+ }
+ return tzait
This is only for display purposes, it should not be used to calculate zmanim.
- - Returns: The earlier of ``getTzaisAteretTorah()`` or ``getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah()``
+ - Returns: The earlier of ``getTzaisAteretTorah()`` or ``getTzaisShabbosAmudeiHoraah()``
- public func getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraahLesserThan40() -> Date? {
- if getTzaisAteretTorah() == nil || getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah() == nil {
+ public func getTzaisShabbosAmudeiHoraahLesserThan40() -> Date? {
+ if getTzaisAteretTorah() == nil || getTzaisShabbosAmudeiHoraah() == nil {
return nil
- if getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah()?.compare(getTzaisAteretTorah()!) == .orderedDescending {
+ if getTzaisShabbosAmudeiHoraah()?.compare(getTzaisAteretTorah()!) == .orderedDescending {
return getTzaisAteretTorah()
} else {
- return getTzaisShabbatAmudeiHoraah()
+ return getTzaisShabbosAmudeiHoraah()