diff --git a/src/compiler/interpreter.jl b/src/compiler/interpreter.jl
index 2d02604eda..38aeaf9cc4 100644
--- a/src/compiler/interpreter.jl
+++ b/src/compiler/interpreter.jl
@@ -173,6 +173,60 @@ end
+struct EnzymeCache
+    inactive::Bool
+    has_rule::Bool
+if VERSION >= v"1.11.0-"
+function CC.ipo_dataflow_analysis!(interp::EnzymeInterpreter, ir::Core.Compiler.IRCode,
+                                   caller::Core.Compiler.InferenceResult)
+    mi = caller.linfo
+    specTypes = simplify_kw(mi.specTypes)
+    inactive = false
+    has_rule = false
+    if is_inactive_from_sig(interp, specTypes, mi)
+        inactive = true
+    else
+        # 2. Check if rule is defined
+        if interp.forward_rules && has_frule_from_sig(interp, specTypes, mi)
+            has_rule = true
+        elseif interp.reverse_rules && has_rrule_from_sig(interp, specTypes, mi)
+            has_rule = true
+        end
+    end
+    CC.stack_analysis_result!(caller, EnzymeCache(inactive, has_rule))
+    @invoke CC.ipo_dataflow_analysis!(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter, ir::Core.Compiler.IRCode,
+                                      caller::Core.Compiler.InferenceResult)
+else # v1.10
+# 1.10 doesn't have stack_analysis_result or ipo_dataflow_analysis
+function Core.Compiler.finish(interp::EnzymeInterpreter, opt::Core.Compiler.OptimizationState, ir::Core.Compiler.IRCode,
+                   caller::Core.Compiler.InferenceResult)
+    (; src, linfo) = opt
+    specTypes = simplify_kw(linfo.specTypes)
+    inactive = false
+    has_rule = false
+    if is_inactive_from_sig(interp, specTypes, linfo)
+        inactive = true
+    else
+        # 2. Check if rule is defined
+        if interp.forward_rules && has_frule_from_sig(interp, specTypes, linfo)
+            has_rule = true
+        elseif interp.reverse_rules && has_rrule_from_sig(interp, specTypes, linfo)
+            has_rule = true
+        end
+    end
+    @invoke Core.Compiler.finish(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter, opt::Core.Compiler.OptimizationState,
+                      ir::Core.Compiler.IRCode, caller::Core.Compiler.InferenceResult)
+    # Must happen afterwards
+    if inactive || has_rule
+        Core.Compiler.set_inlineable!(src, false)
+    end
 import Core.Compiler: CallInfo
 struct NoInlineCallInfo <: CallInfo
     info::CallInfo # wrapped call
@@ -224,25 +278,6 @@ function Core.Compiler.abstract_call_gf_by_type(
         callinfo = NoInlineCallInfo(callinfo, atype, :primitive)
     elseif is_alwaysinline_func(specTypes)
         callinfo = AlwaysInlineCallInfo(callinfo, atype)
-    else
-        # 1. Check if function is inactive
-        if is_inactive_from_sig(interp, specTypes, sv)
-            callinfo = NoInlineCallInfo(callinfo, atype, :inactive)
-        else
-            # 2. Check if rule is defined
-            has_rule = get!(interp.rules_cache, specTypes) do
-                if interp.forward_rules && has_frule_from_sig(interp, specTypes, sv)
-                    return true
-                elseif interp.reverse_rules && has_rrule_from_sig(interp, specTypes, sv)
-                    return true
-                else
-                    return false
-                end
-            end
-            if has_rule
-                callinfo = NoInlineCallInfo(callinfo, atype, interp.forward_rules ? :frule : :rrule)
-            end            
-        end
     @static if VERSION ≥ v"1.11-"
         return Core.Compiler.CallMeta(ret.rt, ret.exct, ret.effects, callinfo)
diff --git a/src/compiler/tfunc.jl b/src/compiler/tfunc.jl
index 701cfa8107..b8bd262dc6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/tfunc.jl
+++ b/src/compiler/tfunc.jl
@@ -1,31 +1,42 @@
 import EnzymeCore: Annotation
 import EnzymeCore.EnzymeRules: FwdConfig, RevConfig, forward, augmented_primal, inactive, _annotate_tt
+function add_backedge!(caller::Core.MethodInstance, callee::Core.MethodInstance, @nospecialize(sig))
+    ccall(:jl_method_instance_add_backedge, Cvoid, (Any, Any, Any), callee, sig, caller)
+    return nothing
+function add_mt_backedge!(caller::Core.MethodInstance, mt::Core.MethodTable, @nospecialize(sig))
+    ccall(:jl_method_table_add_backedge, Cvoid, (Any, Any, Any), mt, sig, caller)
+    return nothing
 function has_frule_from_sig(@nospecialize(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter),
-    @nospecialize(TT), sv::Core.Compiler.AbsIntState)::Bool
+    @nospecialize(TT), caller::MethodInstance)::Bool
     ft, tt = _annotate_tt(TT)
     TT = Tuple{<:FwdConfig,<:Annotation{ft},Type{<:Annotation},tt...}
-    return isapplicable(interp, forward, TT, sv)
+    return isapplicable(interp, forward, TT, caller)
 function has_rrule_from_sig(@nospecialize(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter),
-    @nospecialize(TT), sv::Core.Compiler.AbsIntState)::Bool
+    @nospecialize(TT), caller::MethodInstance)::Bool
     ft, tt = _annotate_tt(TT)
     TT = Tuple{<:RevConfig,<:Annotation{ft},Type{<:Annotation},tt...}
-    return isapplicable(interp, augmented_primal, TT, sv)
+    return isapplicable(interp, augmented_primal, TT, caller)
 function is_inactive_from_sig(@nospecialize(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter),
-    @nospecialize(TT), sv::Core.Compiler.AbsIntState)
-    return isapplicable(interp, inactive, TT, sv)
+    @nospecialize(TT), caller::MethodInstance)
+    return isapplicable(interp, inactive, TT, caller)
 # `hasmethod` is a precise match using `Core.Compiler.findsup`,
 # but here we want the broader query using `Core.Compiler.findall`.
 # Also add appropriate backedges to the caller `MethodInstance` if given.
 function isapplicable(@nospecialize(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter),
-    @nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(TT), sv::Core.Compiler.AbsIntState)::Bool
+    @nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(TT), caller::MethodInstance)::Bool
     tt = Base.to_tuple_type(TT)
     sig = Base.signature_type(f, tt)
     mt = ccall(:jl_method_table_for, Any, (Any,), sig)
@@ -41,7 +52,7 @@ function isapplicable(@nospecialize(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter),
     # added that did not intersect with any existing method
     fullmatch = Core.Compiler._any(match::Core.MethodMatch -> match.fully_covers, matches)
     if !fullmatch
-        Core.Compiler.add_mt_backedge!(sv, mt, sig)
+        add_mt_backedge!(caller, mt, sig)
     if Core.Compiler.isempty(matches)
         return false
@@ -49,7 +60,7 @@ function isapplicable(@nospecialize(interp::Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter),
         for i = 1:Core.Compiler.length(matches)
             match = Core.Compiler.getindex(matches, i)::Core.MethodMatch
             edge = Core.Compiler.specialize_method(match)::Core.MethodInstance
-            Core.Compiler.add_backedge!(sv, edge)
+            add_backedge!(caller, edge, sig)
         return true