- Tune CSS & force settings etc.
- Add functionality for listing and fetching children of any node
- Redesign and restore crosslinks between template-tree and terminology -- Generalize 'active'-marking for crosslinks etc -- Reintroduce and give crosslink-source-nodes zero charge (and perhaps don't make links longer)
- Put ID on node-tree DOM nodes
- Make configuration options visible/editable (and possible to save/load) to the user using JSON, YAML and/or http://worrydream.com/Tangle/
- Make CSS visible/editable
- Change textarea/button layout
- Extract SCT codes from template/tree
- filter away duplicates from focus set
- Change snomed input format
- Test SCT server connection
- Make Links active -- (out-in) -- on mouseover (+attached nodes) -- Color links
- Add license info
- Move to github