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siposl edited this page Apr 25, 2022 · 6 revisions

Human-centered Data Science - Summer Term 2022

This wiki contains everything regarding the Human-centered Data Science course during the summer term 2022. We will update the exercise notes for each session as we go. Please use the sidebar to the right to navigate to specific exercises 👉.

Best, Claudia Müller-Birn and Lars


We will use the Github Issues for answering questions, so please use them, and ask a question. You are definitely not the only one with a question in mind. Everybody is invited to answer and help!

Exercise Notes

In the exercise notes, you find all material related to each exercise session. We update as we go. Usually, you find (1) topic and goals of the session, (2) session agenda and material we use/need during each session (e.g. slides, worksheets, etc.), (3) material we produce during each session, (4) instructions and templates for assignments.


We use many tools during this course, e.g. Python, Jupyter Notebooks, etc. You can find some information on how to use them on the tools wiki page.

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