#clojure #language #programming #functions
The main function of Collection Abstraction is into
, that catch elements from one collection (second) and add to
another one (first):
(map identity {:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"})
; => ([:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"])
(into {} (map identity {:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"}))
; => {:sunlight-reaction "Glitter!"}
It does the same as into
but with scalar
. It is common two functions do the same in Clojure
, however one with scalar
another one with collections
(conj [0] 1)
; => [0 1]
Explode the elements of a sequence and apply the function on it
(apply max[0 1 2])
; => 2
Return a new function with part of it filled with values
(def add 10 (partial +10))
(add10 3)
; => 13
(defn my-partial
[partialized-fn & args]
(fn [& more-args]
(apply partialized-fn (into args more-args))))
(def add20 (my-partial + 20))
(add20 3)
; => 23
The example above, the value of add20 is the anonymous function returned by my-partial.
;; Define a predicate function that checks if a number is even
(defn even? [n]
(zero? (mod n 2)))
;; Use complement to create a predicate that checks if a number is not even (i.e., odd)
(def odd? (complement even?))
;; Test the complement function
; =>(println (even? 4)) ;; Output: true
; =>(println (odd? 4)) ;; Output: false
; =>(println (even? 5)) ;; Output: false
; =>(println (odd? 5)) ;; Output: true
- Higginbotham, 2015, p88-93