Discord support server: https://discord.gg/vBDzZAq3AF.
Please always post your KSP.log file when reporting issues.
- SteamVR updated to 2.8. You MUST install the KSP_x64_Data folder from this release.
- Newer versions of Scatterer and Volumetric Clouds v4 are now supported. See the readme file in Optional Mods or the installation guide for details.
- #145 PAW does not update or display properly when the game does not have focus
- Fixed softlock on startup caused by an apparent change in SteamVR behavior when enumerating devices
- #145 PAW does not update or display properly when the game does not have focus
- FreeIva or later is now required
- Exploration Rover System is now fully supported
- ALCOR is now fully supported
- Artemis Construction Kit is now fully supported (with KSA IVA Upgrade)
- Fixed coffee mug interaction in ProbeControlRoom
- Fixed issues with external command chair
- Fixed Near Future Props hatch issues
- Fixed far side hatch handles
- New steering yoke prop used in ERS, mk2 lander can, and probe control room
- Turning in place in EVA now works
- Quick load and revert buttons now work properly from VR
- Restored cover animations to most props so they can still be used with the mouse
- #145 PAW does not update or display properly when the game does not have focus
- Physical prop modules have been moved to FreeIva. KerbalVR now requires FreeIva version or later.
- Duplicate experiment data is now automatically dumped when boarding a pod from EVA. This fixes an issue where the kerbal would get flung off into space.
- Added a disableTwist optional patch. This removes the ability to twist the flightstick (for people that have rudder pedals etc)
- Swapping kerbals is more reliable and no longer exits to the flight camera
- Added support for ASET switch_b_button props (used in SOCK)
- Better Vive controls
- #145 PAW does not update or display properly when the game does not have focus
- Near Future Props and HabTech Props are now supported. That means Near Future Spacecraft (including Vexarp!), Stockalike Station Parts Expansion, HabTech2, Planetside, SOCK, ACK, etc should all mostly work.
- Added breakable props - careful with those beakers!
- Restock is now supported
- Kerbal eye position is now defined in the settings.cfg file
- Fixed dialing wand getting stuck active
- Fixed lots of stuff with ProbeControlRoom
- Grab & pull movement should be much less flaky
- Grabbing the flightstick with both hands no longer breaks the world
- PAW can be summoned even when the HUD is hidden
- Physical props now work for the MAS versions of ASET props
- #145 PAW does not update or display properly when the game does not have focus
- FreeIva must be updated to at least
- RasterPropMonitor must be updated to at least
- Added support for the ALCOR pod.
- You can now grab ladders, railings, and the interior walls of the spacecraft to move yourself around. WARNING: this is a little flaky, and if you find yourself flung out into space just hit C on the keyboard to return to your seat.
- Physical Props: Many objects in the cockpits can be grabbed and moved around. Some even have special interactions when you press the PinchIndex or the PinchThumb button while holding them. The ALCOR pod is a great testbed for this.
- Added a dialing wand: activate the pinch action (PinchIndex and PinchThumb together) to summon a narrow stick you can use to push buttons and flick switches when your fingers are too big for the job.
- Fixed hand skew when grabbing things that are non-uniformly scaled
- Improved kerbal head hiding logic
- Fixed hiding the kerbal arms when using non-default suits
- Fixed abnormal world scaling for good this time (I hope!)
- Fixed the up/down animations on the ASET HUD prop
- Fixed crashes caused by internal cameras (this was actually fixed in RasterPropMonitor)
- #145 PAW does not update or display properly when the game does not have focus
- Fixed scaling issues
- Update dependencies and installcheck for MAS and RPM: As of MAS 1.3.6, you no longer need to manually copy KerbalVR-MAS to the plugins directory.
- Bundled EVE binaries for new volumetric clouds: if you have installed the new volumetric clouds from blackrack, install the EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements directory from the
Optional Mods
folder into your gamedata directory. DO NOT install the scatterer folder.
- FreeIva version 0.2.4 is now required
- FreeIva support (see controls page for details)
- Fixed a bug where the hands could disappear if you loaded a save while holding something
- Fixed a bug that could break throttle control if you were holding the throttle and crashed the ship
- #170 Game crashes when using external cameras
- #145 PAW does not update or display properly when the game does not have focus