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Flávio Freitas edited this page Aug 22, 2021 · 2 revisions

5. My window disappeared! I start ParsecSoda and nothing shows up anymore!

Be not afraid. 👁👁👁👄👁👁👁

For our convenience, ParsecSoda caches window size and position. BUT. Sometimes (rarely) Windows fails to render the window or some error occurs and ParsecSoda accidentaly saves an invalid window size - like (0, 0) - or an invalid window position - like (32767, 32767).

If that is the case, you can manually edit your preferences at {user folder}/AppData/Roaming/ParsecSoda/preferences.json.

These settings should work fine:

	"windowX": 0,
	"windowY": 0,
	"windowW": 1280,
	"windowH": 720

I've been trying to fix that issue, but it is complicated due to so many possible setups.