The "front" (package front
) is a different layer that is being developed in this project.
It depends on the kernel and aims to be a more convenient interface for the end user (see Front DSL).
The concepts of terms, formulas and sequents are exactly the same as in the kernel.
The difference comes from the representation of proofs.
In the kernel, a proof is represented as a DAG (directed acyclic graph). The following example illustrates the structure of such a proof (this syntax is fictitious):
0 a |- a
1 a |- (a \/ a) by 0
2 (a \/ a) |- a by 0
3 |- (a ==> (a \/ a)) by 1
4 |- ((a \/ a) ==> a) by 2
5 |- (a <=> (a \/ a)) by 3, 4
Each step depends on zero or more previous steps (premises).
The conclusion of a proof corresponds to the conclusion (sequent) of the last step,
here |- f <=> (f \/ f)
In the front, proofs are represented in backward mode. The user must initially state the conclusion (a sequent) and show that all the branches of the proof are closed.
- Proof state: a collection of independent proof goals
- Proof goal: a sequent that needs to be proven
- Tactic: a function that takes a proof goal and returns a sequence of new proof goals
- [name tbd] (state-level tactic): a function that takes a proof state a returns a new proof state
- [name tbd] (proof-level tactic): a function that takes a proof tree and returns a new proof tree
The objective is thus to apply the correct rules to eventually eliminate all proof goals.
If a proof state initially contains a sequent, then that sequent is said to be proven if a certain sequence of tactics reduces the proof state to an empty state.
A key property of the front is its ability to reconstruct a kernel proof from any front proof. This is crucial because to guarantee the correctness of a proof that was written in the front, we only need to trust the kernel. That way the implementation of the kernel remains lightweight, while the front can be as sophisticated as desired.
To achieve that, every tactic must return (in addition to the new proof state) a function that describes the reconstruction in terms of kernel steps. In proof mode, the front keeps track of the evolution of the proof state. Once the proof is finished, it works its way backwards by joining the different kernel steps fragments together.
Of course the front may contain bugs and allow the creation of false proofs, or fail to perform the reconstruction altogether. This is clearly not desirable, however we can only provide guarantees regarding the proofs that can be reconstructed and be verified by the kernel. In practice, we can set some safeguards such as limiting the ability to create tactics that can return arbitrary (and potentially incorrect) kernel proofs steps. We can also perform local checks to let the failure happen as early as possible.
Rules are a special class of functions that can produce tactics.
They are described by three pieces of information:
- Hypotheses: any number of partial sequents
- Conclusion: one partial sequent
- Reconstruction: a way to reconstruct an application of this rule into kernel proof steps
The rule below is an example of a rule (the reconstruction is shown later):
... |- ?a, ... ... |- ?b, ...
... |- ?a /\ ?b, ...
The intended (forward) semantic is the following:
- Provided two sequents having a formula on the right
- Infer a new sequent containing the conjunction of the two formulas on the right
In backward mode, the behavior is the opposite: the hypotheses are derived from the conclusion.
The schemas (symbols starting with ?
) can match any tree.
The wildcards ...
are expected to match any number of formulas, and not modify them.
Moreover, the wildcards at the bottom should be the union of the ones are the top.
The reason rules do not directly inherit from tactics is because they need additional parameters to be applied. For instance, we need to know which formulas correspond to what pattern, and the assignment of the schemas. Sometimes, these parameters can be inferred implicitly.
The reconstruction scheme of the previous example is the following:
RightAnd(bot, Seq(-1, -2), Seq(ctx(a), ctx(b)))
Where a
, b
are the schematic labels and ctx
the resolution function.
The indices -1
and -2
respectively match the first and second subgoals created by this rule.
It's possible to return more than one step, although in practice we should avoid inlining long proofs but rather factor parts of them into intermediate theorems that can be later instantiated.
The next logical step was to integrate schemas with arbitrary arity. This allows us to write the remaining rules of sequent calculus, such as right substitution:
... |- ?f(?a), ... ... |- ?a <-> ?b, ...
... |- ?f(?b), ...
Currently rules do not automatically infer schemas of higher order; the user must specify them explicitly.
One of the benefit of describing rules using this declarative syntax is that it's concise, and versatile (no need to implement specialized code, everything is handled by the same procedure).
That said, the main advantage of rules is that they can be applied in both directions. This is explained later.
The previous parts mostly focused on what happens in proof mode.
In order to reduce the length of proofs and repetition of proof steps, we introduce the concept of justifications. This concept is very similar to what is implemented in the LISA kernel, which is itself borrowed from LCF. Namely, a justification is a statement (= sequent) that can be used as a justification step in a proof. They come in three flavours:
- Axioms: these are statements that are assumed as part of a theory.
- Theorems: any valid proof can be converted into a theorem
- Definitions: needed to define and use new symbols
Axioms are required to define theories. Theorems and definitions play an important role in making the system more usable and reducing the length of proofs. For example, once a theorem is used, we don't need to reconstruct the underlying proof more than once, since all the usages will rely on its conclusion alone.
Proofs can therefore depend on other justifications. For that, a special tactic
is provided and is going to eliminate a goal assuming it corresponds
to an existing justification in the theory.
The front provides the guarantee that any instance of Jutified
has a valid counterpart
instance in the kernel, and thus that the proof is valid.
Tactics come in different flavours.
At the proof goal level:
- Regular tactics: this is the kind of tactics that is created by rules. Solvers can be implemented through these as well.
- Theorem application: as explained previously, this tactic eliminates the goal if it is considered to be a valid justification.
At the proof state level:
- Focus proof goal: to prove a different goal than the one currently select.
At the proof tree level:
- Cancel the last step: in case the user made mistake, this command restores the proof state to its original state prior to the last step.
Moreover, the following should also be possible (but are not currently implemented):
- Repeated tactic: we should have a tactic that repeats another tactic until it fails. Similarly, we should also provide the ability to apply a tactic on all formulas of a sequent (this might be tricky).
- Composed tactic: tactics should be composable with each other (chained). This may seem trivial at first, but there are various problems that need to be overcome in order to make the feature practical.
Until now, we have only described the backward mode. However, it is also possible given a justification to produce a new theorem. This is what we call forward mode.
Fundamentally, both modes are equally powerful and thus equivalent. In practice, it is sometimes easier to use a combination of both.
For example, if we want to show a particular case of the symmetry of equality, then it would be much more natural to first prove the general case and then instantiate it with respect to our needs:
?s = ?t |- ?t = ?s ===> {} = {{}} |- {{}} = {}
This example showed schema instantiation.
In general, any rule can be used in forward mode, for free. On the other hand, tactics are implemented for backward mode only. If the user desires to have additional forward mode procedures, they should define these themselves.