Minecraft Login Intergration for Flarum, a extend provider based on FoF/OAuth.
composer require gbcl/minecraft-oauth:"*"
php flarum cache:clear
composer update gbcl/minecraft-oauth
php flarum cache:clear
composer remove gbcl/minecraft-oauth
php flarum cache:clear
- Create a new SPA application in Azure Active Directory (Azure Entra ID) and restrict users to "Microsoft personal accounts only", then copy the Application (Client) ID as the
Client ID
- Configure the callback path, find the Client Password column in Management -> Certificate and Password/Secret, create a new client secret and copy the content in the value, saving as the
Client Secret
- According to this document, you need to apply for Minecraft API access from Mojang
- Configure and enable this provider in FoF/OAuth
- Full OAuth2 Support.
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