Learn about the basics of Redux, here's a good basic example, you should understand what is a reducer
, action
and store
Also important is the combineReducers function.
Learn about mapStateToProps
& mapDispatchToProps
- Define an
for eachactionType
in actions.ts. - Define your reducers in reducers.ts.
- Combine Reducers in reducers.ts.
- Map state to props in Redux-app.tsx.
- Map dispatch to props in Redux-app.tsx.
- Reset the follower batch index after getting new user in stalk-form.tsx.
- Set the user in stalk-form.tsx.
- You can now uncomment the marked lines in follower-list.tsx.
- Implement the call to init followers in follower-list.tsx.
- Implement the call to add more followers in follower-list.tsx.
- Implement the correct values for the needed consts in follower-list.tsx.
- Implement the sorting functions in stalk-form.tsx.
- Verify that the app works as expected :) Good job!