Releases: GEOS-ESM/GEOSldas
v17.9.0-beta.5 - Pre-release towards SMAP L4_SM Version 5
Pre-release meant for use under SLES12 at NCCS. Still works for SLES11.
- Forecast error covariance inflation with scalar (globally constant) factor.
- Support for GEOS FP forcing with generic ("seamless") file names.
- Resource parameter changes:
- Renamed NUM_ENSEMBLE to NUM_LDAS_ENSEMBLE in "exeinp" file to be consistent with LDAS.rc.
- Updated utilities to MAPL v2.1.3, ESMA_env v2.1.3+intel19.1.0.
Bug fixes and other minor changes:
- Added basic protections for concatenation of sub-daily into daily nc4 files and for generation of monthly-mean nc4 files.
- Write ObsFcstAna and smapL4SMaup files into ./scratch, then move to ana/ens_avg/year/month dir in postprocessing.
- Some cleanup of obsolete LDASsa code.
v17.9.0-beta.4-SLES12 - Pre-release towards SMAP L4_SM Version 5
Pre-release meant for use under SLES12 at NCCS, otherwise identical to v17.9.0-beta.4-SLES11.
Works under SLES12 using the Intel-19 compiler.
Also works under SLES11 using the Intel-18 compiler but is not zero-diff across compilers/operating systems.
v17.9.0-beta.4-SLES11 - Pre-release towards SMAP L4_SM Version 5
Pre-release meant for use under SLES11 at NCCS. Under SLES12, use v17.9.0-beta.4-SLES12 (or newer).
Uses the Intel-18 compiler and also appears to work under SLES12. However, LDASsa with Intel-18 under SLES12 was found to create bad Fortran sequential binary files out of a subroutine that is very similar in LDASsa and GEOSldas.
Zero-diff vs. v17.9.0-beta.3 for Catchment only (except SMAP L1C Tb fore-minus-aft check).
Not zero-diff for CatchCN (via v1.8.3 of GEOS_GCMGridComp).
- Resurrected SMAP L1C Tb fore-minus-aft check.
- Updated utilities to MAPL v2.1.1, ESMA_env v2.1.1., ESMA_cmake v3.0.1.
- New GEOS_SurfaceGridComp.rc file (via v1.8.3 of GEOS_GCMGridComp).
- Parallel post-processing.
- Cross-stream support for FP f525_p5 forcing.
- “sbatch” submission for pre-processing of restarts to comply with SLES12 requirements.
- Subdaily-to-daily concatenation processes before month is complete. [DOES NOT WORK. FIXED IN NEXT RELEASE.]
- Temporary solution to create directories for ObsFcstAna files to enable extending an existing GEOSldas run without going through setup.
- Updated
Bug fixes:
- “obspertrseed” restart file name when restarting from existing run.
- Subdaily-to-daily nc4 concatenation (indent error).
- Fixes for GNU compiler in debug mode.
- Fixed “landpert” checkpoint output when on cube-sphere tiles.
v17.9.0-beta.3 - Pre-release towards SMAP L4_SM Version 5
- Additional RESTART options, incl. from re-tiling MERRA-2, FP, or other restarts on different tile space or with different boundary conditions.
- Bug fixes.
v17.9.0-beta.2 - Pre-release towards SMAP L4_SM Version 5
New/Updated Science Functionality:
- Assimilation when running on cube-sphere tiles.
- Read forcing from cube-sphere grid when running on matching cube-sphere tiles.
- Output of Catchment analysis increments of model prognostics via HISTORY.
- Added FP-5.25 upgrade (30 Jan 2020) to "cross-stream" forcing option.
- Functionality to create regional (non-global) nc4 vegdyn restart file.
- Configuration option to add extra variables into catch restart files (as needed by GCM).
- Allows processing of (assimilation) observations for innovations output without perturbations turned on.
New/Updated Infrastructure:
- Support for SLES 12 in addition to SLES11 (ESMA_env v2.0.2).
- Updated to MAPL v2.0.
- Removed dycore and FMS
- Conforms to GNU compiler (gcc-9.1).
- Post-processing compression (gzip) of landpert restart files (except final time).
- Added LDAS_app/mk_GEOSldasRestarts.F90 (adapted from GCM GridComp's mk_LDASsaRestarts.F90 in preparation for re-tiling changes).
- Fixed output log file name and location.
Bug Fixes and Other Minor Changes:
- Bug fix in update_type=9 (abs(deltaT)>0.)
- Bug fix for local mwRTM and time dimension restart.
- Replaced copy ("cp") with link ("ln") for catparam and mwrtm diagnostic output files.
Still missing:
- Fixes to re-tiling of restart files.
- Covariance inflation.
- Update of
v17.9.0-beta.1 - Pre-release towards SMAP L4_SM Version 5
Removed check of Catchment prognostics after applying perturbations.
v17.9.0-beta.0 - Pre-release towards SMAP L4_SM Version 5
- Catchment model now consistent with current GEOS FPP system ("f525land_fpp"):
- changed default Z0_FORMULATION to 4 (incl. addition of simple tree SAI)
- to be used with Icarus-NLv3 as default BCs; reverting to look-up veg heights
- Changes to time stepping for sun angle
- Fixed PAR perturbations bug (affecting assimilation)
- Fixed GEOS forcing stream boundaries bug (incl. MERRA, MERRA-2, FPIT and FP)
Still missing:
- functioning make_bcs
- restart regridding fixes
- surface meteorological forcing on cube-sphere grid
- assimilation on cube-sphere tiles
- covariance inflation
v17.8.0 - First stable Git Release
This is the first stable tag on Git, and is the closest functional match to reichle-LDASsa_m3-16_6_p2
, the LDASsa CVS tag currently used for generating the SMAP Version 4 L4 product.
is also a debugged version of GEOSldas_m4-17_8
, the last GEOSldas tag in CVS.
Important Notes:
- make_bcs is not yet functional in this tag, a fix will be in the next future release.
- There's a known restart regridding bug that will be fixed in the next future version. Users should take more than the usual care that their restarts are sufficiently spunup for scientific results.
- Unlike previous beta tags, there is no
To get the latest experimental version of LDAS, simply checkout the develop branch. See the README for details
v17.8.0-beta.2 - First functional git release
GEOSldas is now using the same develop
branch of @GEOSgcm_GridComp
as GEOSgcm.
Some differences between @GEOSgcm_GridComp
's branches feature/ldas-surface
have been left out, put are being planned on being manually merged.
Initial Release
This is the initial pre-release of the GEOSldas
code. It corresponds to the CVS GEOSadas-5_25_0
for most code loaded through Externals.cfg
save @GEOSgcm_GridComp
and its own Components and Applications.
in @GEOSgcm_GridComp
and the code local to this fixture are based on the CVS tag JP_GEOSldas_forGit2019-07-11
provided by @JustinPerket. It is slightly ahead of GEOSldas_m4-17_8beta2019-07-10
and equivalent to GEOSldas_m4-17_UNSTABLE
as of 2019-Jul-26