Content developed by Brooke Wolford adapted from Richard Born. Original lesson plan found online.
- Two Ozobots
- Two smartphone/tablets with Ozobot Evo application
- Two tracks printed in color (This file prints fine as 11 by 17 or 8.5 by 11)
- Loaded and standard die (optional)
Log in to your account at and upload .ozocode files. Download Ozobot Evo application to your smartphone. Log in and connect your Ozobot to your account. You can then have your Ozobot execute the code from your smartphone. Have one Ozobot execute UnfairCoin and the other execute FairCoin on the tracks. You might want to callibrate your Ozobot first.
Previews of the .ozocode files with corresponding JavaScript:
- Experiment instructions for faciliators. Includes objectives, extensions, concepts and definitions, and answers to discussion questions.
- Simulations for Ozobot UnfairCoin and FairCoin code in R