:flag_us: Server Rules
Respect all members
Treat others how you wish to be treated and never commence any personal attacks on someone. We are all humans made by human by our differences, embrace and respect them because they make us who we are.
Spam and Advertising
Any and all forms of spam or advertising are not permitted in the server, whether it is demonstrated in messages, nicknames or usernames.
Off-topic content and international discussions
Keep all content on-topic, i.e. don't use random commands in general, use it in dedicated channels. If you do not speak English, please move over to #international instead as well.
Doxxing and blackmailing
Never share any personal information about yourself or others, nor blackmail anyone.
Politics, drama and debates
Drama is outright not allowed, do not bring your drama into this server - we don't care, use direct messages instead, that's what they're for. Friendly debates and political discussions are allowed, however, please keep it to a constructive and respectful level.
Minimodding and false reports
We have a staff team for a reason, please do not minimod or tell our staff what to do in a certain situation, we have our staff guidelines that we follow all the time. If you think staff is handling a situation inappropriately, contact higher-ups instead. False reports are also not permitted, depending on the situation you might get banned for it.
NSFW/NSFL content
NSFL (Not Safe For Life) is STRICTLY prohibited, do not post anything NSFL in the chat, however NSFW (Not Safe For Work) can be posted, but only in NSFW marked channels :nsfw:
Ear rapes, epileptic emojis/videos/gifs
Do not send nor play anything that would have a potential of giving person a seizure.
Common sense
Always use common sense, it's not that hard.