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Trent Monahan edited this page Mar 27, 2015 · 9 revisions

#Welcome to the GetDotaStats wiki for StatsCollectionRPG

Install Guide

  1. Copy statrpg/resource/flash3/StatsCollectionRPG.swf to your addons resource/flash3/ folder.
  2. Add an entry for StatsCollectionRPG.swf in your addon's resource/flash3/custom_ui.txt folder. You can find an example custom_ui.txt here.
  3. Copy statrpg/scripts/stat_collection_rpg.kv to your addon's scripts/ folder and modify it to be "live" "1"
  4. in your addons scripts/custom_events.txt make sure it has stat_collection_steamID defined, if it doesn't, copy it from here.
  5. When all players are fully connected (in Lua) run the code listed below
-- Stats Collection (RPG, Highscores, Achievements)
-- This is for Flash to know its steamID
j = {}
for i=0,9 do
	j[i+1] = tostring(PlayerResource:GetSteamAccountID(i))
local result = table.concat(j, ",")
j = {ids=result}
FireGameEvent("stat_collection_steamID", j)

Scaleform API

All the API calls to StatsCollectionRPG have the same variable names, and will be used in this document, they are as follows:

Name Datatype Example value Explanation
modID String d8a3135487c608c370026ddea7fdd2c4 The unique ModID from GetDotaStats
(the example is from Test Mod #1)
saveID int 5 The unique saveID for this save
saveID's are per user, per mod.
jsonData Object { level : 25 } This is where you would store all your info for this save
metaData Object or String { name : "Bob"} This is where you would store the info for the user to identify which save is which
callback Function functionName This is the function that will be called when the API call is finished.
  • jsonData and metaData can be pretty much anything as long as it can fit inside json
  • callback will be explained on a per-function basis below
//This will be used in the rest of the Documentation to save time and make it look neater
var statsRPG:MovieClip = globals.Loader_StatsCollectionRPG.movieClip;


This function sets the jsonData and metaData of saveID, for this user NOTE: jsonData and metaData needs to be an object that can be JSON, but metaData optionally can also be a String

statsRPG.SaveData(modID, saveID, jsonData, metaData, callback);

//success is somewhat self explanatory, if this call worked, it will be true  
public function callback(success:Boolean) {
	if (success) {


This function will delete saveID for this user

statsRPG.DeleteSave(modID, saveID, callback);
//success is somewhat self explanatory, if this call worked, it will be true  
public function callback(success:Boolean) {
	if (success) {


This function will retrieve the jsonData of saveID, for this user

statsRPG.GetSave(modID, saveID, callback);

//jsonData is the jsonData of the save you requested
//Will be null if the request failed somehow
public function callback(jsonData:Object) {


This function will retrieve the 10 most recent mods metaData as an Array for this user

statsRPG.GetList(modID, callback);

//metaArray is an array of metadata
//Will be an empty array if it failed somehow
public function callback(metaArray:Array) {
	for (metaData in metaArray) {
		//This will vary wildly depending on what metadata you store, this is from the example above.


This function will retrieve an available saveID to be used for a new save, for this user.

statsRPG.CreateSave(modID, callback);

//saveID is the current available saveID for this user (for this mod)
//Will be null if the request failed somehow
public function callback(saveID:int) {
	//saveID here will be used when you are creating a new save, and would feed this number into
	//statsRPG.CreateSave(modID, saveID, jsonData, metaData);


N/A If you feel like this is required feel free to message SinZ on #getdotastats over at

Protocol Specs

Check the README for this

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