This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for handling various actions within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - PageActionEventHelper: Interface for creating page events.
+ - PageActionEventHelperImpl: Implementation of the PageActionEventHelper interface.
+ - ViewAction: Enum representing different view actions.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.internal.application.system.impl for ApplicationEventGroup and ApplicationOperationType.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.service.api for ApplicationManager and CreateApplicationEventRequest.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.util for UserContextUtil.
This package provides the main entry points and configuration for the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - CitizenIntelligenceAgencyHealthCheckServlet: Servlet for health check endpoint.
+ - CitizenIntelligenceAgencySpringVaadinServlet: Main Vaadin servlet for the application.
+ - CitizenIntelligenceAgencyUI: Main UI class for the application.
+ - CustomSpringUIProvider: Custom UI provider for Spring integration.
+ - ResourceServlet: Servlet for serving static resources.
+ - UiInstanceErrorHandler: Custom error handler for UI instances.
+ - VaadinSpringConfig: Spring configuration for Vaadin.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.vaadin for Vaadin framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on org.springframework for Spring framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.service.api for application and configuration management services.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.util for utility classes.
This package provides utility classes for the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - UserContextUtil: Utility class for handling user context and security-related operations.
+ - WebBrowserUtil: Utility class for handling web browser-related operations.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on org.springframework for Spring framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin for Vaadin framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on nl.basjes.parse.useragent for user agent parsing.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing agent operations within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AgentOperationView: Main view class for agent operations.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.admin.common for AbstractAdminView.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for PageModeContentFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for AdminViews.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.context for ApplicationContext.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.spring.annotation for SpringView.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AbstractAgentOperationsPageModContentFactoryImpl: Abstract base class for agent operations page mode content factories.
+ - AgentOperationsOverviewPageModContentFactoryImpl: Implementation of the agent operations overview page mode content factory.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for AbstractBasicPageModContentFactoryImpl.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for AdminViews.
+ - Depends on for DataAgentOperation and DataAgentTarget.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.internal.application.system.impl for ApplicationEventGroup.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.action for ViewAction.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.labelfactory for LabelFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.rows for RowUtil.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.sizing for ContentRatio.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.pageclicklistener for StartAgentClickListener.
+ - Depends on com.jarektoro.responsivelayout for ResponsiveRow.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.icons for VaadinIcons.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for Button, Layout, MenuBar, Panel, VerticalLayout.
+ - Depends on for Secured.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.stereotype for Component.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides common classes and interfaces for the admin views within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AbstractAdminView: Base class for admin views.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common for AbstractView.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for PageModeContentFactory.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for summarizing data within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AdminDataSummaryView: Main view class for data summary.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.admin.common for AbstractAdminView.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for PageModeContentFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for AdminViews.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.context for ApplicationContext.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.spring.annotation for SpringView.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AbstractDataSummaryPageModContentFactoryImpl: Abstract base class for data summary page mode content factories.
+ - DataSummaryAuthorPageModContentFactoryImpl: Implementation of the data summary author page mode content factory.
+ - DataSummaryOverviewPageModContentFactoryImpl: Implementation of the data summary overview page mode content factory.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for AbstractBasicPageModContentFactoryImpl.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for AdminViews and DataSummaryPageMode.
+ - Depends on for ViewAuditAuthorSummary and ViewAuditDataSummary.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.service.api for DataContainer and ApplicationManager services.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.labelfactory for LabelFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.rows for RowUtil.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.sizing for ContentRatio.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.pageclicklistener for RefreshDataViewsClickListener, RemoveDataClickListener, and UpdateSearchIndexClickListener.
+ - Depends on com.jarektoro.responsivelayout for ResponsiveRow.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.icons for VaadinIcons.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for Button, Layout, MenuBar, Panel, VerticalLayout.
+ - Depends on for Secured.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.stereotype for Component.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AdminAgencyView: Main view class for managing agency-related information.
+ - AdminApplicationConfigurationView: Main view class for managing application configuration.
+ - AdminApplicationEventsView: Main view class for managing application events.
+ - AdminApplicationSessionView: Main view class for managing application sessions.
+ - AdminCountryView: Main view class for managing country-related information.
+ - AdminEmailView: Main view class for managing email-related information.
+ - AdminLanguageView: Main view class for managing language-related information.
+ - AdminMonitoringView: Main view class for monitoring system performance.
+ - AdminPortalView: Main view class for managing portal-related information.
+ - AdminUseraccountView: Main view class for managing user accounts.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.admin.common for AbstractAdminView.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for PageModeContentFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for AdminViews.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.context for ApplicationContext.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.spring.annotation for SpringView.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related page modes within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AbstractAdminSystemPageModContentFactoryImpl: Base class for admin system page mode content factories.
+ - AdminAgencyPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin agency page mode.
+ - AdminApplicationConfigurationPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin application configuration page mode.
+ - AdminApplicationEventsChartsPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin application events charts page mode.
+ - AdminApplicationEventsPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin application events page mode.
+ - AdminApplicationSessionChartsPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin application session charts page mode.
+ - AdminApplicationSessionPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin application session page mode.
+ - AdminCountryPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin country page mode.
+ - AdminLanguagePageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin language page mode.
+ - AdminMonitoringPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin monitoring page mode.
+ - AdminPortalPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin portal page mode.
+ - AdminUserAccountPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the admin user account page mode.
+ - EmailPageModContentFactoryImpl: Content factory for the email page mode.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for AbstractBasicPageModContentFactoryImpl.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.paging for PagingUtil.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for AdminViews and PageMode.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.internal.application.system.impl for various system-related entities.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.service.api for data container and application manager services.
+ - Depends on for security annotations.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.stereotype for component annotations.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.web.context.request for request context holder.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for UI components.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for converting various data types within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - ListPropertyConverter: Converter for handling list properties.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on for Vaadin framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on org.apache.commons.beanutils for BeanUtils and PropertyUtilsBean.
+ - Depends on org.slf4j for logging.
This package provides interfaces for creating various data series within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key interfaces:
+ - CommitteeDataSeriesFactory: Interface for creating data series related to committees.
+ - DecisionDataFactory: Interface for creating decision data.
+ - MinistryDataSeriesFactory: Interface for creating data series related to ministries.
+ - PartyDataSeriesFactory: Interface for creating data series related to parties.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on for DataSeries.
This package provides implementations for creating various data series within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - CommitteeDataSeriesFactoryImpl: Implementation of the CommitteeDataSeriesFactory interface.
+ - DecisionDataFactoryImpl: Implementation of the DecisionDataFactory interface.
+ - MinistryDataSeriesFactoryImpl: Implementation of the MinistryDataSeriesFactory interface.
+ - PartyDataSeriesFactoryImpl: Implementation of the PartyDataSeriesFactory interface.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.dataseriesfactory.api for data series factory interfaces.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.external.riksdagen.dokumentstatus.impl for DocumentStatusContainer.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.external.riksdagen.dokumentstatus.impl for DocumentStatusData.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.external.riksdagen.dokumentstatus.impl for DocumentStatusSummary.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.external.riksdagen.person.impl for PersonData.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenCommittee.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenMinistry.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenParty.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenPolitician.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.service.api for DataContainer and ApplicationManager services.
+ - Depends on for DataSeries.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.stereotype for Component.
This package provides classes and interfaces for creating and managing forms within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - FormFactory: Interface for creating form objects.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for Vaadin UI components.
This package provides classes and interfaces for creating and managing form components within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - FormFactoryImpl: Implementation of the FormFactory interface.
+ - StringToEnumConverter: Converter for handling enum properties.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.formfactory.api for form factory interfaces.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.sizing for ContentRatio and ContentSize.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.pageclicklistener for CommitFormWrapperClickListener.
+ - Depends on for Vaadin framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.icons for VaadinIcons.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for UI components.
+ - Depends on org.apache.commons.lang3 for StringUtils.
+ - Depends on org.slf4j for logging.
+ - Depends on org.springframework.stereotype for Service.
This package provides classes and interfaces for creating and managing grid components within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - GridFactory: Interface for creating grid objects.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.converters for ListPropertyConverter.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.pageclicklistener for PageItemRendererClickListener.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for UI components.
This package provides classes and interfaces for creating and managing grid components within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - GridFactoryImpl: Implementation of the GridFactory interface.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.gridfactory.api for grid factory interfaces.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.converters for ListPropertyConverter.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.pageclicklistener for PageItemRendererClickListener.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for UI components.
This package provides classes and interfaces for creating and managing label components within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - LabelFactory: A factory for creating Label objects.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.sizing for ContentRatio.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for Vaadin UI components.
This package provides interfaces for creating various menu items within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key interfaces:
+ - ApplicationMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating application menu items.
+ - BallotMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating ballot menu items.
+ - CommitteeMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating committee menu items.
+ - CommitteeRankingMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating committee ranking menu items.
+ - CountryMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating country menu items.
+ - DocumentMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating document menu items.
+ - GovernmentBodyMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating government body menu items.
+ - GovernmentBodyRankingMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating government body ranking menu items.
+ - MinistryMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating ministry menu items.
+ - MinistryRankingMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating ministry ranking menu items.
+ - ParliamentMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating parliament menu items.
+ - PartyMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating party menu items.
+ - PartyRankingMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating party ranking menu items.
+ - PoliticianMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating politician menu items.
+ - PoliticianRankingMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating politician ranking menu items.
+ - UserHomeMenuItemFactory: Interface for creating user home menu items.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for Vaadin UI components.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for view names.
This package provides common classes and interfaces for the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AbstractView: Base class for views.
+ - DashboardView: Main view class for the dashboard.
+ - MainView: Main view class for the application.
+ - ListPropertyConverter: Converter for handling list properties.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for PageModeContentFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.rows for RowUtil.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.converters for ListPropertyConverter.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.sizing for ContentRatio.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.labelfactory for LabelFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.menufactory.api for ApplicationMenuItemFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagelinks.api for PageLinkFactory.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.pageclicklistener for LogoutClickListener.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.util for UserContextUtil.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin for Vaadin framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on org.springframework for Spring framework classes and interfaces.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for creating and managing page links within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - PageLinkFactory: Interface for creating page link objects.
+ - PageModeMenuCommand: Command for handling page mode menu actions.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.model.external.riksdagen.person.impl for PersonData.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenCommittee.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenMinistry.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenParty.
+ - Depends on for ViewRiksdagenPolitician.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.viewnames for various view names and page modes.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin.ui for UI components.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing different page modes within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AbstractBasicPageModContentFactoryImpl: Base class for creating basic page mode content.
+ - AbstractItemPageModContentFactoryImpl: Base class for creating item-specific page mode content.
+ - AbstractPageModContentFactoryImpl: Base class for creating general page mode content.
+ - DashboardViewOverviewPageModContentFactoryImpl: Factory class for creating dashboard overview page mode content.
+ - MainViewLoginPageModContentFactoryImpl: Factory class for creating main view login page mode content.
+ - MainViewOverviewPageModContentFactoryImpl: Factory class for creating main view overview page mode content.
+ - MainViewPageVisitHistoryPageModContentFactoryImpl: Factory class for creating main view page visit history page mode content.
+ - MainViewRegisterPageModContentFactoryImpl: Factory class for creating main view register page mode content.
+ - PageModeContentFactory: Interface for creating page mode content.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.service.api for application and configuration management services.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.action for handling page actions.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.chartfactory.api for creating charts.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.formfactory.api for creating forms.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.gridfactory.api for creating grids.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.menufactory.api for creating menu items.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagelinks.api for creating page links.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.sizing for content sizing.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin for Vaadin framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on org.springframework for Spring framework classes and interfaces.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides utility classes for creating and managing rows within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - RowUtil: Utility class for creating and managing rows.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.jarektoro.responsivelayout for responsive layout classes.
+ - Depends on com.vaadin for Vaadin framework classes and interfaces.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.sizing for content sizing.
This package provides classes and interfaces for defining view names and page modes within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
+ Key classes and interfaces:
+ - AdminViews: Contains constants for admin view names.
+ - ApplicationPageMode: Enum representing different application page modes.
+ - ChartIndicators: Enum representing different chart indicators.
+ - CommitteePageMode: Enum representing different committee page modes.
+ - CommonsViews: Contains constants for common view names.
+ - DataSummaryPageMode: Enum representing different data summary page modes.
+ - DocumentPageMode: Enum representing different document page modes.
+ - GovernmentBodyPageMode: Enum representing different government body page modes.
+ - MinistryPageMode: Enum representing different ministry page modes.
+ - PageMode: Enum representing different page modes.
+ - PartyPageMode: Enum representing different party page modes.
+ - PoliticianPageMode: Enum representing different politician page modes.
+ - RiskIndicators: Enum representing different risk indicators.
+ - UserHomePageMode: Enum representing different user home page modes.
+ - UserViews: Contains constants for user view names.
+ Dependencies and relationships:
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common for common view classes.
+ - Depends on com.hack23.cia.web.impl.ui.application.views.common.pagemode for page mode content factories.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the agent operations view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing the page modes within the data summary view of the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
This package provides classes and interfaces for managing various system-related functionalities within the Citizen Intelligence Agency web application.
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